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Palawan State University

College of Business and Accountancy

School Year: 2021 - 2022

My Moral Development

I am a competitive person and I always compare myself to others. In my six-year of high

school life, four years for junior and two years for senior high school I became competitive
because I always wanted to be on top. I think the pressured add to my competitiveness because
since I was grade seven until grade 12 I was the top one in our class so everyone expect me to be
always excellent. I always compare myself to others because I saw them enjoying high school
life but I always study and faced my books. I’m jealous of how they enjoyed high school life.
One thing more is that my father is a single parent since I was a year old baby so I always
compare my family to others that has a complete family. I want to experience having a mother
who prepares our food, clothes, and bonding with her. Until I watch the interview of Tony
Gonzaga to Candy Pangilinan it was very touching, very enlightening, and very inspiring. I never
forget what Candy’s spiritual counselor said to her that “Do not compete, Do not conform, Do
not compare, so your life will be satisfied and content” this statement hit me so much. After I
heard that statement I suddenly realized that this is what I need to do so my life will be pleased. I
was inspired and uplift by that interview.

Lately, I feel I’m not true to myself, like pretending to be someone else, losing respect to
others, etc. but my father is the one who influences me to become a good person. He told me that
to receive respect, I have to treat others with respect first. I am deeply grateful to my father for
all he has done for me throughout my life. He inspired and motivated me to always be true to
myself, to excel at anything I had an interest in, and to be mindful of my heart and spirituality.

A single father who raised me from the time when his wife was gone, I likely would not
be who I am today— character, integrity, love of truth — if not for his loving guidance and
support throughout my life. Intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and physically — the
priorities I focus upon developing in my life have all been deeply influenced by him. I know true
love can exist because of him.

Throughout my life, and what I value most, is my father always being willing to
communicate with me. He did not judge me, condemn me, or ridicule the matters which were so
Palawan State University
College of Business and Accountancy
School Year: 2021 - 2022

important to me. He used all my experiences to help me understand the bigger life lessons which
stay with me now.

One thing that I am sure of is that my tatay is one who developed my moral being as I
grew up he taught me morals and values that I still keep in high standards today. No words can
describe how grateful I am to be his son. He is my living hero. I know being a single father is
extremely hard, but my tatay has done the best job just to give and support me throughout this
journey. He keeps on fighting despite all trials and obstacles that we encountered. He will be my
forever hero, role model, best friend, my mother, and most of all my beloved tatay.

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