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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Zack Hubbard Program: Secondary Education Course: Modern

World History
Lesson Topic / Title: Absolutism Europe 1500s-1700s Lesson #5

Lesson Date: 2/3/22 Lesson Length: 60Min Grade/Age: 9th – 12th

Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals
based on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Students will collaborate to form comprehension of Both collaboration as well as

Characteristics of Absolute Monarchs. notetaking skills are something that I’m
trying to get students more
Students will develop / utilize notetaking stills. comfortable with. Collaboration is
helpful to hear other opinions or
statements or feelings that another
student may have over various subject
matters, and having other perspectives
helps foster learning as well as Social
Emotional Learning and understanding
our peers. The idea about notetaking
skills comes about in the sense of High
School being preparation for life
outside of school / secondary education
like college… Just a helpful skill to have
hand and developing.

Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

History 1, (D4): Making a decision related to the

classroom, school, community, civic Most of this class will be research /
note base class in which students are
organization, Maine, United States, or asked to fill out a comprehensive notes
international entity by applying appropriate and sheet. In doing so, they have to delegate
relevant social studies knowledge and skills, what’s important and what isn’t
including research skills, ethical reasoning skills, important given the research they are
and other relevant information. * shown. Notes are to be relevant to the
topic of Absolutism / Life in 1500s

Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Revised 07/19/2018
- Brainstorming helps to set up
Characteristics of Absolute Monarchs Brainstorm collaboration within
(Formative) classroom, and lets for the
teacher to not only monitor,
Life in the 1500s Slideshow Follow-Along (Formative) but for students to use
technology to actually help
Historical Figure Analysis Sheet (Formative) form a brainstorm about what
they discussed in class to help
Historical Figure Analysis Appointment Worksheet their fellow classmates who
(Formative) missed class for the day.

Absolutism Vocabulary Sheet (Formative) _ Historical Figure Analysis

Appointment Worksheet:
Life in the 1500s WebQuest (Formative) Students are able to form their
opinions over various rulers of
1500s Europe, and do so with
information they discussed
with a peer. Formative in that
it had any and all information a
student will need to formulate
answers and opinions about

- Absolutism Vocabulary Sheet:

Formative in the sense that
students can keep it and use it
to formulate questions that
encourage critical thinking
about terms that they
encountered during the unit, as
well as terms they may see
across the whole semester.

Life in the 1500s WebQuest: Formative

in that the particular activity is
structured to present to students some
important information that as a class,
we will revisit through the in-class
slideshow. Helpful to have as it give
more context to 1500s Europe that I,
the teacher, may not get to.
Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner
Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Teacher Resources: Pen / Pencil – For any in-class paper

based work we may / may not do.
Pen / Pencil
Smart TV – Essential for any sort of
Smart TV presentation, but mostly use it to post
on the screen the activities that are

Revised 07/19/2018
Laptops / Google Classroom being worked on in class.

Laptops / Google Classroom to Access:

Student Resources: This one is MAJOR. Just about daily,
items or agenda for the class day are
Pen / Pencil posted onto Google Classroom 
Makes it so any student who isn’t
Laptops / Google Classroom to access: present who has access to assignments
are able to keep up / do the work at

Historical Figure Analysis Sheet (Formative)

Historical Figure Analysis Appointment Worksheet


Absolutism Vocabulary Sheet (Formative)

Life in the 1500s WebQuest (Formative)

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks
by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning
accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

1) Brainstorm Characteristics of Absolute Rulers

Using Guided Worksheet. - Time to discuss and interpret
2) Finish up Life in the 1500s Slideshow & Guided characteristics, but to also have
Notes. them noted for future
3) Worktime to Catch up on: Historical Figure references. That and it puts
Analysis Sheet, Historical Figure Analysis emphasis on group based
Appointment Worksheet, Absolutism Vocabulary learning and conversation in
Sheet, Life in the 1500s WebQuest the classroom.
- Other chunk of class is
finishing yesterday’s lesson
and having time leftover to
finish work and keep pace with
the direction of the unit to limit
outside of class work.

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

modifications, accommodations) \
A meeting with the student is done just
- Pre-existing work that student has already had about daily should it be needed. That or
either accommodation for / discussed with me. scaled readings are provided for the

Revised 07/19/2018
student if the initial ones are too
tough / harder to understand. This is
done daily when applicable.

Field Courses Only – Post lesson


This lesson from what I’ve gathered is helpful in some instances. For example, the notetaking is
helpful and makes sure students are actually engaged with the slideshow. However, on the same
aspect, being posted to Google Classroom and having all the information they need, it can do the
opposite and entice students to just gloss over the provided information and just write it all down.
It’s hard to gauge the impacts directly, but perhaps having students creating and displaying the
slideshow would be a better idea? Not too sure, but regardless students seemed engaged. The initial
conversation about characteristics of absolute monarchs got students engaged and ready to share
and seemed to get lots of responses amongst the class simply because they had time to prepare to
share from prior classes. Moving forward, I want to try to ditch the teacher-centric slideshows but
keep class discussions strong as many students showed engagement through discussion questions.
Overall, a decent lesson that does convey information well, but could be more interesting on the
slideshow aspect of this lesson.

Teaching Standards and Rationale

3 (g) Promotes responsible learner use of interactive technologies to extend the

possibilities for learning locally and globally.

Rationale: Students are given the tools and means to take notes using their laptops
and Google Classroom, which encourages their learning any way that it can given
the resources’ modality. Given that in this class, students have an interactive
slideshow that gives them information that they need in order to learn about
Absolutism and Life in 1500s Europe. Revised 07/19/2018

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