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9. sentence 3,4 use the present simple (vì nó diễn tả hành động xảy ra thường
xuyên, lặp đi lặp lại) 
11. 1-b, 2-c, 5-a 
2, Are you reading any good books at the moment? 
3, Where are you planning to go this year? 
4, Do you speak any other languages?
1. the woman is in a room has a big picture in a forest. She can see many
plants in there. 
2. 1a, 2c, 3b 
1, most people think that nature is good for us; it’s good for our bodies and
good for our brains. 
2, humans are spending more time inside and less time outside. 
3, the number of visitors to Canada’s national parks is getting lower every
4, after the maths tests, some people looked at nature in a 3D-virtual-reality
room for fifteen minutes. 
5, in Toronto, healthier people lived near parks. 
6, in Dubai, they are goingto build a new shopping mall with a large garden. 
7, in Switzeland, children can study in the forests. 
8, in South Korea, there are around 13 million people visit the new forests
every year. 
1-feel better 
2-feel like 
3-feel about 
1, reading books or listening to music and eating dinner. Sometime I go out
with my friends. 
2, I think nature is very good for us. Because it’s very fresh and it can make
people feel relax after a day a work. 
3, after a difficult day, reading books with a cup of tea makes me feel better in
the evening. 
b – sentence has main idea 
a, c – sentences give examples 
Paragraph 2: 
- main idea: As a result, some doctors are studying the connection between
nature and health. 
- examples: 
 One example of this work of Dr Matilda van den Bosch in Sweden. 
 Another good example of how nature is good for health comes from
Paragraph 3: 
- main idea: Because of studies like these, some countries and cities want
nature to be a part of people’s everyday life. 
- examples: 
 In Dubai, for example, there are plans for a new shopping mall with a
large garden so shoppers can relax outside with trees, plants and water. 
 In some countries such as Switzerland, “forest schools” are popular;
schoolchildren study their subjects in the forests and do lots of exercise
 And South Korea is another good example: it has new forests near its
cities and around 13 million people visit these forests every year. 
 9. 
1, I relax in my free time in different ways. For example, I usually read a
book with a cup of tea in the afternoon. And before sleeping, I listen some
ballad songs to help me fall asleep. 
2, my home town has some places with trees and nature, such as a small local
park, a lake in the middle of the village. 
3, there are some beautiful national parks in my country. A good example is
Cuc Phuong National Park. Cuc Phuong National Park is located in Ninh
Binh province. Cuc Phuong was Vietnam's first national park and is the
country's largest nature reserve. The park is one of the most important sites
for biodiversity in Vietnam. 
- an ecological lake with variety of plants around the lakeside and walking
11, 12. 
- I think walking is a good idea. Walking gives us many benefits. For
example, It’s a good form exercise for both old and young people. Because
when you walk, your blood circulates better and helps relieve numbness in
your limbs. Moreover, walking also helps protect the environment. 
1-b, 2-c, 3-g, 4-a, 5-h, 6-f, 7-d, 8-e 
1 - a 
2 - c, f, g, h 
3 - b, d, e 
- one syllable: ache, ear, throat, cough 
- two syllable: ‘headache, ‘earache, ‘stomach 
4. (listen) 
5. (listen) 
1-g, 2-a, 3-e, 4-f, 5-b, 6-c, 7-h, 8-i, 9-d 
A: I don’t feelvery well. 
B: how do you feel? 
A: I’ve got a sore throat. 
B: let’s me check your throat. You should take this medicine. Try drinking
hot water with honet and lemon. If you still ill, then come back and see me
A: thank you so much. 
1, I sometimes fill in personal information form. 
2, I wrote: full name, birthday, gender, address,nationality, phone number… 
- form A is for medical examination or treatment 
- form B is for visa application 
 1, marital status 
 2, current medications 
 3, no. of dependents 
 4, country of origin, nationality 
 5, place of birth 
 6,  
 7, middle initial 
DOB = date of birth 
No. = number 
ETC = et cetera 
e.g = exampli gratia 
Mr refers to a man 
Mrs refers to a married woman 
Ms refers to both unmarried and married woman 
Dr. refers to doctor 
3, form B doesn’t want me to write in lower-case letters. 
4, 5. 
Title: Miss 
First name: Hoa 
Last name: Nguyen 
DOB: 28/08/2003 
Gender: female 
Phone number: 0399192203 
Place of birth: Ha Noi 
Nationality: Viet Nam 
Address: Dan Phuong district, Ha Noi city 
Highest degree: 12/12 

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