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Past simple - exercises Conditionals -

Zero conditional First and second

First conditional 01.- If my mum knew that,

Second conditional she would be angry with me.

Third conditional
02.- I will walk the dog
Mixed conditionals
if I have time.
03.- If you smile a little bit more,

you will be more attractive.

Preparar Cambridge en verano 04.- The plant wouldn't die

Cursos intensivos | 8,88€ p/hr
if you watered it more.
Preparación de los exámenes de PET, First &
Advanced | Presencial & Online disponibles
05.- If they trained harder,
they would play better.

OPEN 06.- If Pam goes to the beach,

she will swim in the sea.

07.- You will feel much better

if you do more sport.

08.- I would give her a present

if she loved me.

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