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5/1/22, 10:27 AM Week 1_Assessment in CLED 10

Week 1_Assessment in CLED 10

Good day!

Here is the quiz for the discussion we had about Introduction to Human Life.

As said by Scott Alexander, all good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and
mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy.

Best of luck everyone!

* Required

1. Email *



Mark only one oval.

Grade 10 - St. Ambrose

Grade 10 - St. Bernard

Grade 10 - St. Bonaventure

Grade 10 - St. Cyril

Grade 10 - St. Jerome

Grade 10 - St. Thomas 1/5
5/1/22, 10:27 AM Week 1_Assessment in CLED 10

4. SEX *
Check all that apply.


Read and analyze the given situations and write the appropriate action on how to show
respect for life. Specify which perspective your answers are based from the different
Instructions views discussed (Psychological, Philosophical, Moral, Theological).

5. During lunch break, the students go out to eat at the cafeteria. While * 4 points

waiting in line to get her lunch, Bernie sees her introverted classmate who
has a morena skin and bullies her.

6. Karen is a notorious gossiper in the neighborhood. She is always up to date * 4 points

about her neighbors' most recent and scandalous news. She constantly
berates and gossips about them. 2/5
5/1/22, 10:27 AM Week 1_Assessment in CLED 10

7. Marc is a frequent drinker and smoker. There is not a day that he will not * 4 points

drink or smoke. During his free time at home or at work, he would smoke.
He would even drink to have a good night sleep.

8. Jay spends time the whole day in video and mobile games. He would even * 4 points
stay up late at night to reach a high level in the games he plays. Sometimes,
he doesn't bother to clean his room because he is busy playing. When his
mom asked him to go out to do some physical work, he refused and just
stayed in his room.

9. Aira wanted to feel she belonged in a group. Her friends told her that she * 4 points
will be part of their group if she will take weeds. She accepted it right away
so that she can have “friends”. She then became addicted to weeds that
sometimes, she is no longer in her right mind and cannot function properly
that way she used to.

Skip to question 10 3/5
5/1/22, 10:27 AM Week 1_Assessment in CLED 10

Thank Thank you for honestly answering the test. You did well today so you "dasurv" to rest. May
you have a great day ahead and good luck on your Examination next week! God bless and
you, stay safe!
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5/1/22, 10:27 AM Week 1_Assessment in CLED 10

10. May we ask as to how you felt when taking this test? *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Very easy Very hard

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