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Running head: Blended Learning Article Abstract 1

Emily Acord

Blended Learning Article Abstract

Professor Butterfield

TECH-Teaching with Technology

February 22nd, 2022

Blended Learning Article Abstract
Blended Learning Article Abstract

In the article titled, “3 Positive Outcomes of Blended Learning” by Sharon Duncan-

Hudspeth, the text portrays the beneficial outcomes of blended learning. The article is broken

into parts that discuss just exactly what happened in the classroom when a veteran teacher

changed her teaching style to blended learning. The three main points of the article are increased

engagement, accountability, and adaptability. The writer of the article also quotes critical

comments from students when this change took over a twelfth-grade English class. Overall, this

article elaborates on the benefits of blended learning, especially in the high-school atmosphere.

Although the content of this article may seem biased due to it being based around the

positive outcomes, it still holds its true meaning seeing as it is from a veteran teacher herself. In

the first main point of the article, “Increased Engagement”, the teacher discusses how she

witnessed students go more into depth with their learning and enjoy it because the students were

able to choose topics that appealed to them and online tools that worked best for them. In the

second main point of the article, “Increased Accountability”, the teacher discusses how students

are going to school full time and most also have jobs. Using an online-based learning system

allowed the students to have class time for learning and practice. This made the workload less

stressful on students, therefore making the class more enjoyable. Students also had no excuse for

not doing the work when they were absent from class and it gave them more control over the

pace of their learning. In the third main point of the article, “Increased Adaptability”, the text

discusses how students were able to use voice communication over the online platform and better

express their thinking rather than typing it all in an essay. This not only allowed the students to

express themselves but it gave them more practice before oral presentations. Of course, the

article circles back around to the idea of power outages and technology issues but the teacher
Blended Learning Article Abstract
comforts the idea by stating that they also practice in the classroom in small groups and

discussions. In my opinion, this article is an insight into what I view to be the future. I strongly

believe that there are many resources through technology that benefit learning within their limits

and I also believe that learning should not seem like a chore. I think that blended learning

provides the one-on-one interaction between the student and teacher that we crave in learning but

it also gives the student more control over their education. The ideas in this article are very

positive, yet they give room for discussion on the topic. Overall, these are some very critical

points that needed to be addressed when it came to blended learning and I think that the article

does a good job of describing and providing examples for these points.
Blended Learning Article Abstract
Work Cited

3 Positive Outcomes of Blended Learning | Edutopia

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