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2 Professional Learning Candidates develop and implement technology-based professional

learning that aligns with state and national professional learning standards, integrates technology

to support face-to-face and online components, models principles of adult learning, and promotes

best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment.

While developing new skills in the instructional technology program, I was required to

develop and implement technology-based professional learning that aligns with state and

national professional learning standards. While taking ITEC 7460, I was tasked with coaching a

colleague to help them build their instructional technology skills. I also helped guide them in

their lessons that integrate technology to support face-to-face and online components by

modeling principles of adult learning and promoting best practices in teaching, learning, and

assessment. The goal of this assessment was to guide a colleague through their path to

technology integration in the classroom using strategies discussed in the program. I completed

this assessment individually, as a Kennesaw State University student, but I collaborated with

colleague of mine on her coaching journey.

One component of my coaching journey was to keep a journal of my experiences. As we

moved through the lesson together, I kept a coaching journal and reflected in it every step of the

way. I recorded my time working one on one, what questions to ask when I met with my

colleague and write down my ideas about potential goals and next steps to discuss. I also used

the journal as a sounding board to express my feelings about coaching and goals for what I could

work on to be a better, more effective coach.

The point of the journal was to reflect on my experiences and learn from mistakes as I

moved through my first coaching session. I reflected on my experiences and as I reviewed what I
wrote, I can see where it will aid me later in my coaching journey. However, I would change one

major aspect of my journaling. While I did write down my experiences and concerns, I didn’t go

back and journal how I approached or solved the problems as they arose. In the future, while

journaling, I would like to go back and journal how I solved problems and why I believed it

worked. This way I know what to avoid and what to implement when new issues arise.

By having peers coaching each other and incorporating aspects of adult learning, teachers

can promote best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment. The impact of these areas can

be assessed through the increase in teachers collaborating and the increase of technology and

web 2.0 tools being utilized in the classrooms to promote more authentic learning.

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