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Hello, so I’m very pleased to be in front of you today, my name is x and I’m….years old.

from ..,
I’m one of preparatory classes’ students and I should say that these 2 years have developed
lot of things in my personality and my way of thinking. Actually, I’m able now to work in
different groups even if they were heterogeneous due to presentations that we were
supposed to give many times. Besides, I can keep my concentration on the top for long hours
of studies without feeling bored. One may say that para schools activities don’t seem to be
there in preparatory classes, but it wasn’t the case for me because I had lot of chances to
organize some events especially sport ones.
I wouldn’t let this occasion go without talking about my personality which contains some
positive aspects that I have been trying to sharpen and some negative ones that I hope I’ll be
able to overcome as soon as possible. Concerning my qualities I’m a sociable person but I’m
always able to say no when the satisfaction of others comes at the cost of mine. I also like
the fact that I’m getting smoothly adapted with different situations, you might say that I
have a sort of social intelligence. Furthermore, I think I’m a person you can rely on, I had lot
of chances to assume responsibilities and I did it in a satisfactory way. Undoubtedly, No one
is perfect, I admit that I have some defects, as a case in point, I’m not that organized but this
doesn’t mean I’m sort of messy young man, I can easily find what I’m searching for, that’s
why I may say that sometimes this disorder is somehow inspiring.
Now, I’m so excited to tell you about my professional project, so when my dream will come
true and I will have the opportunity to succeed your prestigious school, I will certainly
choose a branch which has a direct relation with management because this will make me
comfortable. Particularly, I will opt for the Marketing where we are always supposed to be
concerned of the customer satisfaction and we should be consistently aware of the needs of
consumers so that we can increase sales, win the loyalty of customers, and continuously
search for new ones. This, I guess, is the most efficient way to improve the profitability and
to boost the business.
I’m attracted by this particular branch because we are always supposed to provide new ideas
to achieve a high degree of the satisfaction of customers, so there is a good margin for
creativity. I strongly believe I’ll be able to succeed my career because I have a good
imagination, I have the ability to persuade people, and I’m open minded and curious person.
And I’ll say once a gay that I’m good in making relations with others...

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