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Rethinking Curriculum in Art

By Marilyn G. Stewart and Sydney R. Walker Page 1 of 2

Wk 1

Rethinking Curriculum in Art, Chapter 1: Introduction

Read the first section on pages 1.

1. Why should teacher rethink curriculum?

Curriculum documents tend to be static, but our day to day course of action shifts dynamically as we
make choices about content instruction and assessments and as we reflect upon what seems to be
working without students and what needs to be rethought.

Read the next section on pages 2-3.

2. What is TETAC?

TETAC (Transforming education the-fought the arts challenge)- five year project completed in 2002
and funded by the Anneberge Foundation AND the J. Paul Gutty Trust.
3. Why should you read this book?

The primary audience for this book is in-service, or practicing, teachers and preservice teachers
individuals studying in teacher preparation programs. Because Of its relevance to interdisciplinary
teaching and learning, it will also be useful for non-art teach- ers interested in ways to include the
visual arts in substantive interdisciplinary curricula. In addition, we hope that the book will be useful
for arts cur- riculum supervisors, museum educators, and arts administrators.

Upload your answers in Moodle (25 points). I recommend that you save your work to your workspace
before you submit it on Moodle. Sometime Moodle can have issues.

Due: January 22 by midnight.

Grading Rubric:

Completeness (5 points)
Do your responses directly answer each part of the assignment questions?
Excellent 5 Very Good 4-3 Good 2 Need Improvement 0 -1

Knowledge (10 points)

Do your response clearly show you have read and understand the content?
Excellent 10-9 Very Good 8-7 Good 7-6 Need Improvement 0-5

Analysis (5 points)
Have you clearly stated analysis and given examples to back them up? Do your responses provide
analysis to the larger concepts?
EDUC 415 General Instructional Methods
“To raise new questions, new problems, to regard old problems from a new angle
requires creative imagination and makes real advances.” ~ Albert Einstein
Rethinking Curriculum in Art
By Marilyn G. Stewart and Sydney R. Walker Page 2 of 2

Excellent 5 Very Good 4-3 Good 2 Need Improvement 0-1

Writing Skills (5 points)

Do you write clearly, in complete sentences, with minimal errors in grammar and spelling? Did you use
the APA format?
Excellent 5 Very Good 4-3 Good 2 Need Improvement 0-1

EDUC 415 General Instructional Methods

“To raise new questions, new problems, to regard old problems from a new angle
requires creative imagination and makes real advances.” ~ Albert Einstein

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