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Past Tnsta:@supsea
Pasliamen CArtides 72-122)

(Aotide 79)
t Indian Pasliament
Itconsist of3 paxts
counul o tates
2 Tbe
9)The houce of the people
In 1954, #he 0oundl of stotes and House E peop le
emained as

Reiya Sabha Lok seb ha

The counul of state e Raiya Sabha upper House
The House of the pnple oksabha towek House
Loksabha vepresents he people of India
Raiya Sabha repreyents the states and Ur ot ntia

be a pasltamen f r the
Artide 79 These shall
union wuid dha towsict Hhe preidea
2 Houses to be moOD espedAivey coundl o states
nd House people

Aptide e0Coopositi on df the Counal of states

Raiya Sabha

1 Reya
Rajya Sabha conzists f 2 da ef Mem bess:
7 Represetaive states C238)

2,Morminated by the resideut C12.

ütatu e , stnae t sotial
tn the fod of
has 4S seats
At_present kajya Sabha
the Indian congtIt utfon deols
The 4th schedule of Sabha
allocaHon d Seaks in the Raiya
with the
to state &U
of each state To Roiya Sabha
The repegentai ve he eledted MLAS thesth
ghalbe elered by

countils CmLC) of the state olo

NOTE Membes d Legislahve to -Hhe Rya Cabhe.
ot pastiupate to the

n accordance Wh, the

The eletion held represenkabion b4 tneans o sosle
sysrem popotbona
roanstotablé vote

The yeprecen tative athe UT shall be choosen o su

mannes as paslament mau be lao prezai be.

# Lok Sabha CAptide 81)

Astide 81 ompestio) of House of the. people

The toksabha eonsTsts

20 mumbexs membeAs Aorn

530 members
Fom UT Agto uod ian
f n state
Comrouwit appoited
residen un der trHle
Max sterth Lok Sabha 552

prsent strength of Lok Cabha
Uudes Artide é30 he Constthuion has prvid ed for
Ss and STs o the
¥epre sestRVa`ion OSeals for
LoK Sabha
in toksabha
NOTE A tota o f 1 9 seals a e resGvecl
84 sea 7sdhedule aste (SC)
Sde dule ibe ST)
Ay seals
afte each ensus
Avtide 82 Readjustment
Upon the coropleton eoch census
Hhe alarati00 df seak în 4he ok Sabha
to the states ad UT uwr be seuised.
Astide 83 Dusation Houses of Pasliamenh

The Rajyoßabha a nanant body and it ca

nweg 0be dfsolved

Tenune ofmombes Raiyasabhe membe byrs

The Lak sobha a tompokasy bod ond anbe dhcotved
Nomal 1nse of ksabha mem be 5yeaS
out Pt can be dlicsof ved
soone by the esideuur
0n the
Yecipnpendoio f Prime Mu teR
Avtide 84 Suali fication for Mernbeship o psliome

Must be citi2 0f India

25 for toksalbha, Rajya Sabhq
30 foa
Min ag
Must posse Svch othea qualiicakons
a may, be
presoi be d by paslianeu
Avticle 8sSsion o posiameuporogafion dkold
Z Sesion of pasliamenh
Budget soaion onFeb to May TRICK BAMW
-Monaoon sessio0 frorn July to sept
Winre session From N to Decembes

NOTE Max 9ap bl 2 sesion pasliorneud 6 mont

Tne presideut shal dom e to -imu SUmmen
House o passtameu to rueet.

27 Psoyoqaion
Achu o feaminafl. a
pasliomeay, ses
to &nd d seston
ProrogaHion Ts
done b presideu.
3 Disoluio
The presideuf has thne
poweR to disolve Lok Sabha
Dfolufio0 endshe Ufe of Lok Sabba Qnd a gu
eleuhD must be helod to elec a neo Lok Sabhad

Aotide 86 Rig o residut to addres and sed

to Houses
Artide 87 Spetia addre by the
Artide 89-98 (Officess of pasUaneu)
t hairma and Deruhy cuasman
Vice prsid en of India sha! be ex-offiio claiama
Uhcrman s not a mombe Ralya Sabha

Chaman is eleted om amongs Ahe mambKS O

Kaya Sabha
Salasfes end Atloo ances ofcuoirm an and Dy ca
Rayya Sabha a3 fixed by paslioment
law hd a e t expendi Huse ch anged uponthe
Consou daled Fund f ludla

t Remoal of Caiman

Vfce presid eus f 4tue X-otid0 Chamman R S

Chaiman of u Raiya Sabha con be vmoved Fom

his othc pul wh H vice president df udta

s ernoved

T o remove he hairman
a rsolution to the Rajya -
Sabha has to be pased by effeckive majoRihy of fe
Raiya Sobha and
by simple efective ok Sabha
NOTE hege s a vole a tksabha in the Tunoval of
Deputy hair man

Speokes and Depuby Speake

Speakes fs a menber t h e ok Sabha .

Speake fs a heod ook Cabha

Speaks maiatains e4 de and decokum o he house

Speakek eluus belony o yd pa

Depulh SpeakeR belbngs to
oppesion pah
Speake în the ultimate fnteR pret on of Constitution i)
the houe

The cpeakek (annof votefo he 1st inatance

only in the case He ve
kno uon as costiug
Dcastig vote. Suclh a vote ts

Speoker s dected amongs Au

Lok sabha U Menbe

Depuby speake also elecked fhom membegs

p Te dote dechon t
speake sdezidd
byAe presideuh
Speakes gives xsig natioo to Deputy speakea.

Depuhy speakea s dive y rupovsi ble to e tok

Sabha and he f's ot gubordi nafe 4o hs speakess.
Salas es ae
uanged foom Consoid afed fund of ndia
lu the obsense duttes, the
the duhies. 1f both ae abs euh
Speakea paformg
an membea of
pauals of chaurpeksors an peor tu f t
Reruoval o speakek
Temove a Speakes a res oluion of toksaLha has
to be pased
b effecive mjokih ot oksasha
PoDvided tha no Sucb resoluhon shall be moved
wnls ad teast 14 daus nottce has been qiven,

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