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ANS 1= David Thorn was sent to Mexico by his company to negotiate a contract that would
help them producing chips in Mexico and would save them a million dollars if the contract
was made. He reached at the dinner party before time to make a good impression but when he
reached there, the hosts were still dressing and were not ready to receive guests. In this case,
the hosts must be ready before time and must give a fixed time for the start time of the party
so that it would make it easy for the guests to be there on the given time. But in Mexico, to be
on time is considered rude so the hosts were following their culture that the guests would be
late and would be there after 8pm. He tried to make a good impression by reaching there but
was not welcomed as he expected as he was not aware of their behaviour and their rules
which lead to a confusion between both the parties as no one was aware about each other’s
culture and time schedule.

ANS 2= When I got low marks in my examination, I went to discuss the matter with my
professor but then I saw that the appeal for re-evaluation of my test score was not well
received. The non-verbal clues sent by the professor could be his facial expressions, less eye
contact, lack of interest in the discussion and his body posture. Due to these non-verbal clues
led me to conclude that it was the best to terminate the discussion at that point.

ANS 3= In my opinion, Nonverbal communication is not universal. It varies from region to

region and depends according to the place. For example, 👍🏻is considered as positive
conations in the US but is rude in Australia and West Africa. 👌is considered as’ okay’ in the
west countries but in Japan and Korea it is referred as ‘money’. In Arab countries it is
referred as hostility and in Tunisian it is referred as ‘ I’ll kill you’ . Finger pointing in the
western countries is taken as no negative conations but in China, Arab and some parts of Asia
pointing a finger to someone is considered rude. So the nonverbal communications depends
from place to place

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