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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region

Name: Roneline C. Lizada Grade/Section: STEM 12 FERMION

Activity 1:

1. Space
2. Technology Art
3. Appropriation
4. Hybridity
5. Performance


1. A
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. C


The pandemic made a vast impact on education and the economy. It is hitting two birds with one stone.
Classes were suspended, and countries were placed under lockdown. But, we are slowly getting with it, and classes
were reopened. Likewise, some workers get back to their posts. However, families from the lowest class of
students got no choice but to shift to distance learning. Similarly, people got no choice but to work from home. In
this situation, technology art proved its vitality to human life.

Since there are fewer resources during the pandemic and students often spend their time on gadgets,
even schoolwork was created digitally. I can relate to the situation since I fabricate my artworks using technology.
When the classes opened during the pandemic, I made countless posters, infographics, slogans, etc. But I did
those without expensive stationery and art materials like oil pastels, paintbrushes, and colored pencils. It was all
thanks to technology that made it possible for me to craft my arts. A student would not need thousands of worth
of equipment. All that is essential is to have a gadget and a creative mind.

Moreover, during the 21st century, technology art has been widely cultivated. Vector arts, 3D prints, and
computer-generated art became famous, and new artists often get paid by doing commissions. Even presentations
by engineers and architects were constructed in the digital world. Blueprints that were once handwritten are
designed and printed digitally. In the same manner, people love animations and drawn novels. Anime, Manga, and
Manhwa were influential and were crafted using technology. They are earning money needed for their daily life
through technology and art.

Technology art is convenient yet inexpensive except for premium apps and high-tech gadgets. However,
unlike some elements, it is not limited and can be created with just a smartphone. Then, learn the basic knowledge
of using. The secret ingredient is employing imagination. Despite the effects of the pandemic, people are standing
again with the guidance and contribution of technology art. Aside from our brave doctors and nurses, technology
art can be considered a pandemic hero.
Summative Test No.5

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. C

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