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1. Salmiah Hardianty (Moderator, Pemateri 1)

2. Neng Wulandari (Pemateri 2)
3. Nurhalisa Zarman (Pemateri 3)


1. Kelompok 1 : Nur Zamzam Yuniar F
Your paper contains a hypothesis statement and a statement of purpose. how is the difference
regarding the difference between a hypothesis statement and a statement of purpose?
Answer : Neng Wulandari
This research problem can be in the form of a statement of hypothesis or purpose. The
formulation of the hypothesis is used if the nature of the difference can be predicted by the
researcher before the data is collected. While the formulation of the statement of purpose is
used when the researcher cannot predict differences between groups of subjects compared in
certain variables.

2. Kelompok 2 : Ria Kusumawati

In survey research steps, there is a process of making a survey design before developing a
survey instrument. what do we do when we design a survey? what does the survey design
look like?
Answer : Nurhalisah Zarman
The survey design aims to provide direction and simplify the survey process in the field to
find data. When designing a survey, what is considered is the type of approach, such as a
quantitative approach and pays attention to the type of survey given after considering the
advantages and disadvantages of the type of survey with the suitability of the sample to be

(a survey design)

3. Kelompok 3 : Arisa Umrahyani

i would like to ask about one of the survey type. it is the first type called "note survey". The
presenter explained earlier that the this survey is also called the record survey which contain
non reaction information. could the presenter explain this part?
Answer : Neng Wulandari
Regarding the othe name of note survey which is called "survey of record", i think that this
name came up because In this research activity, there are many sources in the form of notes
or non-reaction information. the non record reaction contains usually does not involve a
direct answer from the subject of the person or subject being studied. That's why this survey
has the advantage that the objectivity of the information obtained is more objective.

4. Kelompok 5 : Resky Amalyah Rifai

Mention examples of survey activities using telephone.
Answer : Neng Wulandari
Telephone surveys are usually used for the first interview stage of a job interview. HR
representatives call applicants to get more information about them after they have passed the
first screening stage.

5. Kelompok 6 : Wulandari
In the survey tools section there is a Likert type scale, can the presenter explain what is a
Likert type scale and how it is used in survey research?
Answer : Nurhalisah Zarman
Likert scale or Likert scale is a research scale used to measure attitudes and opinions.
This scale is used to complete a questionnaire that requires respondents to indicate a level of
agreement with a series of questions. Usually the questions used for research are called
research variables and are specified specifically.
The name of the Likert scale is taken from the name of its creator, namely Rensis Likert
who is a social psychologist from the United States. The level of agreement in question is a
Likert scale of 1-5 choices, with gradations from Strongly Agree (SS) to Strongly Disagree
(STS), Another definition states that this scale is one of the scales used to collect data in
order to find out or measure data that is both qualitative and quantitative. This data is
obtained to find out opinions, perceptions and someone's perception of a phenomenon that is
currently happening or being studied.
This is in accordance with the statement said by Sugiyono, the Likert scale is used. to
measure attitudes, opinions and perceptions of individuals or groups related to the social
phenomenon that is being the object of research. In addition to the above forms, this scale
can also be displayed in other forms according to what the researcher wants to obtain.

6. Kelompok 7: Alfirah Fahriani

Explain the types of expo facto research?
Answer : Neng Wulandari
1) Causal research (correlation research) is a research that involves the act of collecting
data to determine whether there is a relationship and the degree of relationship
between two or more variables
2) Causal comparative research (causal comparative research) is a basic causal
comparative approach involving research activities that begin with identifying the
effect of one variable on another variable, then he tries to find the possible causes of
the variable.

7. Kelompok 8 : Riski Aprianti

Can the presenter explain what are the advantages of a telephone survey?
Answer : Nurhalisah Zarman
The advantages of telephone surveys are as follows:
1) Improve answer accuracy.
2) Ability to explain what is meant by the question.
3) Increased opportunity to record comments, suggestions and ideas.
4) The opportunity to use customer interactions to help reinforce the impression that the
business takes a personal interest in their customer experience.
5) If desired complaints and unresolved issues can be immediately forwarded to the
company's customer service department for follow-up and resolution.
6) Improved accuracy and a greater number of comments mean that management reports
are not only more accurate. You can turn comments into statistics and provide much
more detailed management information.

8. Kelompok 9: Amalia Haq

Regarding the weakness of survey research, In the point about "The questionnaire used can
use a sent questionnaire, it can also be by that there is no direct interaction from
both parties, the researcher cannot know the expressions of the respondents.You can see
someone's expression, for example, Google meet or zoom.then according to the presenter
whether with the development of technology this weakness should have been solved?
Answer : Neng Wulandari
In accordance with the times. Depending on the researcher, some researchers usually use the
kousiner via google form, but there are also some studies using google meet. So back again
based on the type of questionnaire.

9. Kelompok 10 : Kurnia
How do you develop an effective survey questionnaire?
Answer : Nurhalisah Zarman
1) Write a question that the respondent can understand
2) Make questions that respondents can answer with the information they have
3) Write the question so that the respondent can translate the answer into the required
4) Arrange questions that make respondents willing to answer them honestly and

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