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PE Jump Rope

Names: Kristina Sligh, Doha Rabah

Topic: Jump Rope
Grade: 1st
Date: 4 May 2022

Objective: Students will be able to jump using a jump rope.

- Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety
of physical activities. (Standard 1)
- Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts,
principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
(Standard 3)

Introductory Activity: Students will be reminded of some of the techniques we used to the prior
day of covering this lesson. →Students will practice balancing on both feet after making a full
hop, this will remind and encourage students to have a good balancing technique. First, students
will be instructed to jump in their own space. Then, students will hop onto the next spot to
practice jumping while balancing.

Fitness Development activity: Before starting any activity, students will participate in some
stretching as a whole class. Stretching will give students easy mobility, and to loosen up some
tight muscles (super important to stretch before doing any type of activity).
- Arms up (10 seconds)
- Cross arm to chest, both arms
- Side reach, both sides
- Calf, both legs (hold on leg to balance)

Lesson focus activity (game activity): In groups of three students will take turns using the jump
rope, as each student takes their turn to jump rope the remaining students will count to ten and
then switch with the next student. *Grab a handle in each hand and start with the rope behind
you, so it's right at your heels. As the rope swings up overhead, bend your knees slightly. Once
you're at a comfortable speed, your wrists can do all the work. As you hop, be sure to stay on the
balls of your feet.* Steps to jump rope: “READY, DOWN, RAINBOW”
- Let’s pretend there are eyes on the jump rope (the two holes on both ends of the rope)
READY= Both ends should be looking at you and thumbs on top.
DOWN= Swing both arms back
RAINBOW= Brings arms back to front, making a rainbow.
- Students will practice this with a group of three.
- As students start to progress, we can step it up with a challenge: 10 consecutive jumps in
a row with no mistake.
3 Different stations for better use of time:
- Station 1: students who are able to jump rope (will jump rope with 1 or 2 people)
- Station 2: helicopter game (can jump, intermediate)
- Station 3: snake game (students who can’t jump)

Struggling students: Set up a station called snake:

- Practice jumping with the game “Snake”
- Tie a long rope to a bench/chair and have a student shake it back and forth while
the others try to jump over it – if you touch the snake or fall down you take a turn
shaking the snake.

Or Students can play “Helicopter”

- One player stands in the middle while the rest stay in their spots around the edges. This
central player holds the rope up high and swings it in a circle while saying: "Helicopter,
helicopter over my head, I choose a color and the color is... "
- Once the central player names a color, they rotate the rope along the ground. When the
other players hear the color name, anyone who is wearing that color steps forward and
tries to jump over the rope. If anyone steps on the rope, the central player starts over.

Closure: Have students demonstrate: “READY, DOWN, RAINBOW” while using the jump
rope. Ask about three students to come up to the front of the classroom and demonstrate together
(this will encourage students to build courage).

Brief explanation on why this lesson is appropriate for our grade level:
- As 1st graders, they are super active and love to move around no matter what time of the
day it is. Jump rope can be hard for some students but with practice, it can get easier and
easier by the day. Jump rope involves jumping and arm movement, so it gives students
the opportunity to get their energy out. This lesson is great for 1st grade students!

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