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Telephone and email etiquette-

Communication through a telephone plays a significant role in any business organization.

The modernization and digitalization of businesses have to lead to various channels of
communication, such as automated answering machines, texting, emails, etc. However, some
people still prefer telephone communication. It always gives a personal touch, more clarity
and a positive impression when telephone communication takes place.
Importance of Telephone Etiquette
Telephone etiquette is essential when you communicate on the telephone. The customer
analyses you and your business according to your communication. Following point shows
how important it is to have telephone etiquette while talking on the telephone:

 Professionalism
Communicating with telephone manners always shows your professionalism. It makes the
customers believe that their work is in good and safe hands. Most likely they would repeat
the deal.

 Impression
The impression that you create on telephone communication has a lasting effect. The
telephone etiquette you follow makes the receiver feel respected.

 Loyalty and Trust

The telephone etiquette builds the trust of your potential customers on you. It makes them
loyal to you and purchases the products and services from you frequently.

 Customer Satisfaction
When the customers get satisfied with the telephone conversation, they are sure that their
needs and requirements will get satisfied in-person also. It gives them a consistent and well-
rounded experience.
Telephone Etiquette Elements
Every caller has their way of talking on the phone. However, there are some set of rules and
telephone etiquette guidelines that should be followed whenever you have telephone
communication. These are briefly discussed as follows:

 Friendly Greetings
The way you greet your caller must be warm and pleasant. The call should get a feel that you
are alert and attentive to his call. The cheerful and positive greeting will get back the same
enthusiasm. Start with a proper salutation, thank you for calling, a brief introduction of
yourself and the business and then enquire about the reason for calling.

 Body Language
Gestures, facial expressions, body language also have an impact while you communicate on
the telephone. While you talk on the phone, a cheerful voice and the bright tone gives the
feeling to the receiver that you are relaxed and at ease. Thus, body language has its
communication even when you talk on the phone. A professional body language gives a good

 The Tone of Voice

The attitude on the phone gives customers opinion about your business. Also, the attitude is
conveyed through the tone you adopt to talk. The tone of your voice should be confident as
well as respectful towards the caller. A pleasant pitch of voice gives a sweet note to the ears.

 Tact
Sometimes it becomes inadvertent to inform unpleasant, upsetting and sensitive information
on the phone. At such times, it becomes imperative to handle the situation tactfully. The
choice of words should be soft yet stern and should not at all offend the caller.

 Active Listening
An important point that office phone etiquette considers is active listening. You should
provide undivided attention to your caller with the least possible disturbances. It gives the
impression that you care about the customer and his needs.

 Appropriate Closing
While bidding goodbye, always thank your customer and ensure that all that he wants to
convey is completed. This ensures the customer that your business is a customer-driven one.
Also, try that the customer hangs up the call. This ensures there are no accidental hang-ups.
Business Phone Etiquette Tips
Let us discuss some of the business phone etiquette tips:

 Try answering the calls in the first two or three rings. This gives the feeling of being
 The call should start with giving identification of yourself and your business to avoid
any confusion
 A positive tone of voice always has a better response back and helps to build a good
 A friendly and cheerful body language is always preferred
 Always have minimum possible interruptions and distractions when you are on a
phone call
 Active listening and taking notes in parallel is beneficial for giving periodic
affirmation of understanding the customer
 Any customer always prefers a polite and sympathetic honest message
 Before placing the call on hold for any reason, seek permission from the caller
 Ensure all the requirements and queries of the caller are solved before you
appropriately close the call
Appropriate telephone etiquette is essential as usually, communication on the telephone is the
first contact point for your business. Thus, it becomes critical to leave a positive lasting
impression on all the customers to build up a distant relation.

Email Etiquette-
Email etiquette means the principles that guide our behavior when sending and receiving
emails. This code of conduct includes guidelines regarding appropriate language, spelling,
grammar, and manners. The proper etiquette depends on whom you are emailing. In the
workplace, it's always safer to err on the formal side of these conventions.

Basics format of writing


Recipient/s address - Email- id of the recipient should be accessible.

 If you need to send the mail to more than one recipient use Cc (carbon copy)
 Precise
 Phrase or sentence indicating the topic of discussion.
 Example: Application for……/ Request for…../ Information……/ Approval…../
Salutation- Respected (Formal)
 Dear Professor…../ Dr…/ Sir/ Madam/ Miss…/ Mr.……
 Hi/ Hello…….
Body- do not use the simple present. you may use the present continuous in an email but if
you are referring to the future, then use future tense.
Write a clear subject line

To adhere to email etiquette Aim for a clear and short subject line that describes what your
email is about in a couple of words or a concise sentence. Never send an email without a
subject line. It's a clear violation of proper email etiquette. Seeing the "No subject" almost
guarantees that the recipient will move your message straight to the trash as it seems

Start with a professional greeting

The best way to greet a person in an email always depends on your relationship with them
and the subject matter. The appropriate way to start an email professionally varies from
formal to casual

Don't forget to introduce yourself

You shouldn't ever assume that the recipient knows who you are. Especially if you contact
someone you don't know for the first time, it's part of email etiquette to start your email's
body with a brief introduction  –  a short line or two covering relevant information will do. 

Structure the email properly

A professional email should include a subject line, greeting, body, sign-off, and
signature. Aim to deliver your message so that the email body is no longer than three

Write like email is confidential

Keep away from discussing sensitive topics or confidential information over email as they
can get into the wrong hands notoriously easily. 
Use a professional sign-off‍
‍ he best way to sign off an email always depends on your relationship with the recipient and
your email's purpose. You should match the sign-off with the greeting and the rest of your
message to maintain a consistent tone. 

Include a signature- Less is more when it comes to email signatures. Professional signature

includes your full name, title, company name, company website, and phone number to reach

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