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Second Semester SY 2021-2022

Midterm Examination in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principle

Name:______________________ Score:_____________
Course:_____________________ Date:______________

Multiple Choices: Analyze each question and choose the correct answer on the given choices.

1) Shella believes that Nikki and Kenn will show extensive change from birth to adolescence, little or no change in
adulthood and decline in late old age, Shellas’ approached to development is_____________.

a. Development is Plastic
b. Development is Lifelong
c. Traditional
d. Life-span
2) Which of the following principles reflect what happens with growth and development?
a. Progressive attainment of skills is known as developmental achievements
b. Growth and development proceeds from head to toe
c. Developmental milestones are times when certain behaviors and events occur.
d. Gross motor skills develop before fine motor skills.
3) A statement “The buds don’t blossom suddenly” is an analogy of what principle of human development?
a. Development as a process is complex
b. Development takes place gradually
c. Development is plastic
d. Development is relatively orderly.
4) What is development?
a. the process by which an organism (human or animal) grows and changes through its lifespan b. the first five
years of life
b. the process of growth from infancy through to adolescence
c. all of the above
5) What pattern of development that proceed from head downward or top to bottom.
a. cephalo-caudal
b. Proximodistal
c. Contextual
d. Traditional
6) Which of the following is not included in the prenatal period?
a. Germinal
b. conception
c. embryonic
d. fetal

7) The following are the goals of Life-span approach except

a. Growth
b. Maintenance
c. regulation
d. gradually

8) One of the characteristic of Life-span approach is “development is multidimensional” it consists the following
dimension except
a. biological
b. cognitive
c. socio-emotional
d. Spiritual
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01A
Issue Status 04
Revision No. 03
Republic of the Philippines Date Effective : 14 February 2022
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato  

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

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9) Developmental task on this stage is establishing relations with one’s own age group.
a. Middle Adulthood
b. Early Adulthood
c. Later Maturity
d. Adolescence
10) The following Characteristic best describes an adolescence except one.
a. Acquiring values and an ethical system to guide behavior
b. Helping teen-age children to become happy and responsible adults
c. Accepting one’s physique
d. Preparing for an economic career
11) In what stage of development wherein teachers help their students develop readiness for school and not to be too
academic in teaching approach.
a. Middle childhood
b. Early Childhood
c. Late Childhood
d. Adolescence

12) This stage of development is prone to have a traumatic life stage for child and parents.
a. a. Middle childhood
b. c. infancy
c. Adolescence
d. d. early adulthood

13) All of the following are periods of prenatal development except:

a. germinal
b. embryonic
c. fetal
d. postpartum
14) What frequently happens between adolescents and parents?
a. They compete for family resources
b. They violate one another's expectations
c. They reject one another's personal space
d. They get along well because they share similar levels of cognitive development
15) Babies creep, crawl, and stand before they walk. Which principle of development explain this?
a. Each phase of development occurs at a definite age of an individual
b. Each phase of development is different in every person
c. Development follows a definite and predictable pattern
d. Behaviors will not take place without stimulation
16) In which development tasks stage do people adjust to retirement and reduced income?
a. Adolescence
b. Middle adulthood
c. Early Adulthood
d. Later Maturity

17) The passing of genetic traits from the offspring is:

a. Fertilization
b. Heredity
c. Conception
d. Birth
18) Cain and Avel brothers who were separated when they were toddlers. They live with different families of different
socioeconomic status. It was observed that they differ in several aspects of development. What could account for the
a. Differences in relationships
b. Differences in nature
c. Differences in nurturing
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01A
Issue Status 04
Revision No. 03
Republic of the Philippines Date Effective : 14 February 2022
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato  

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

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d. Differences in feelings
19) It is a development where people change gradually.
a. a. Nature c. continuity
b. b. nurture d. discontinuity
20) What issue of development which one’s behavior is determined by the environment?
a. Change
b. Nurture
c. Nature
d. Continuity
21) _________________is defines as a progressive and continuous change in an individual from conception and
continuous up to death
a. Human Birth
b. Human Development
c. Human Action
d. Humanism
22) Which of these factors would contribute towards the nurture side of the nature-nurture debate?
a. Education
b. Nutrition
c. Upbringing
d. All of these
23) Which of the following points reflect discontinuous change?
a. Development is gradual and cumulative
b. The underlying processes are the same across the lifespan
c. Development occurs in distinct, abrupt stages
d. Knowledge is gradually acquired built upon
24) The following are the steps of scientific method except.
a. Identify and define the problem
b. formulate conclusions
c. observation
d. determine the hypothesis

25) Who is the proponent of scientific method?

a. Sigmund Freud
b. John Dewey
c. Piaget
d. Erickson
26) This type of research design determines association of variables
a. a. Case study c. longitudinal
b. b. correlational d. cross-sectional

27) _________________is the Law that protects the fundamental human rights of privacy of communication while
ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and Growth.
a. Republic Act 10532
b. Republic Act 10173
c. Republic Act 2067
d. Republic Act 10354
28) A research strategy in which the same individuals are studied over a period of time, usually several years or more.
a. cross-sectional
b. case study
c. sequential
d. longitudinal
29) Freud proposed a series of psychosexual stages. Which of the following follows the correct sequence?
a. Oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital
b. Oral, anal, phallic, genital, latent
c. Oral, anal, genital, phallic, latent
d. Oral, anal, latent, phallic, genital
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01A
Issue Status 04
Revision No. 03
Republic of the Philippines Date Effective : 14 February 2022
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato  

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

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30) According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, which component(s) of personality is (are) concerned with the sense of
right and wrong?
a. Ego
b. Super-Ego
c. ID
d. both A and B
31) Which of the following statements is true of the Ego, according to Freud?
a. It exists prior to the Id
b. It follows the ‘pleasure principle’
c. it follows reality principle
d. it your conscience
32) Which of the following statements is false according to Freud’s genetic model?
a. The oral stage roughly corresponds to infancy
b. The latency stage lasts from the end of the Oedipus complex until puberty
c. The erogenous zone of phallic stage is genitals
d. all of the stages of psychosexual development have erogenous zone

33) “A baby is hungry. The baby wants milk or food”. What personality best describe with this statement.
a. ID
b. Ego
c. Super-Ego
d. Both a and c
34) In what stage does a child if she was fixated and become messy and disorganized as he/she grows an adult.
a. Phallic Stage
b. Anal stage
c. Oral stage
d. Latency Stage

35) A stage of psychosexual development that there are no fixations occur as the child’s energy are focused on peer
activities and personal mastery of learning and physical skills
a. Phallic Stage
b. Anal stage
c. Oral stage
d. Latency Stage
36) What is the correct order of Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development?
a. Sensorimotor, concrete operational, pre-operational, formal operational
b. Pre-operational, sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational
c. Sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational
d. Pre-operational, sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational
37) Which of the following structure of personality do the situation presented? “Nana stuck in traffic. He just wanted his
vehicle to move! Enraged at the situation, Nana pulled his car onto the shoulder and sped forward, not caring that he
was clipping people's side mirrors as he tried to get ahead of the cars in front of him”.
a. id
b. ego
c. superego
d. id and ego

38) In psychoanalysis, what are the three basic structures of personality?

a. Id, ego and superego.
b. Oral, anal and phallic.
c. Regression, repression and denial.
d. Dreams, thoughts and urges.
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01A
Issue Status 04
Revision No. 03
Republic of the Philippines Date Effective : 14 February 2022
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato  

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

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39) Which of the following statements BEST describes the FREUDIAN model?
a. superego must be powerful than Id
b. ego, id and superego should maintain balance
c. ego should be always conforming standard
d. ego should be always in line with goodness

40) The ability to think abstractly and systematically solve problems emerges during the:
a. Sensorimotor
b. Concrete operational
c. Pre-operational,
d. Formal operational
41) Jane’s mother has to crackers, both of equal size. She breaks one of the crackers up into four pieces. Jane says she
wants the one with the most and immediately chooses the four pieces, even though the two amounts are equal. Jane’s
choice illustrates Piaget’s concept of:
a. Accommodation
b. Egocentrism
c. False belief
d. Conservation
42) During what stage of development can a child take a pile of rocks and place them in order from largest to smallest?
a. Pre-operational thought
b. concrete operations
c. formal operations
d. intuitive reasoning

43) During which stage of cognitive development do children struggle with the concept of object permanence?
a. formal operations
b. concrete operations
c. sensorimotor
d. concrete operations
44) Which does an infant learn when caregivers are neglectful or even abusive?
I. Learns mistrust
II. Learns trust
III. Learns that the world is hostile
a. I and III
b. I only
c. II and IIII
d. I, II, and III

45) According to Erikson, what conflict is experienced during young adulthood?

a. Autonomy vs. Shame
b. Intimacy vs. Isolation
c. Identity vs. role confusion
d. Trust vs. mistrust
46) Erikson’s Psychosocial theory differed from Freud Psychoanalytic theory by_________________.
a. Focusing in the Psychosexual components of development
b. Recognizing the role of the environment in development
c. Ignoring early childhood
d. Diminishing the role of the Id but, emphasizing the role of the super- ego.
47) Erik Erikson saw psychological development as
a. Four Periods: Childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age
b. Three crises: puberty, attachment, and bereavement
c. Eight turning points, each with two possible outcomes
d. Five stages, each focusing on an aspect of sexual identity
48) Industry vs Inferiority stage and development of competence is associated with what level?
a. Preschool
b. Elementary school
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01A
Issue Status 04
Revision No. 03
Republic of the Philippines Date Effective : 14 February 2022
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato  

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

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c. Secondary school
d. Both A and B
49) Identity Crisis is typically associated with
a. Early childhood
b. Middle childhood
c. Late childhood
d. Adolescence
50) According to Erikson, age two of a child is describe as “terrible 2” because a child at that age tends to
a. Curious and Daring
b. Playful and Friendly
c. Quarrelsome and stubborn
d. Passive and sickly
51) According to Kohlberg, the early stages of normal development involve a desire to obtain rewards and avoid
punishment. Kohlberg describes this type of orientation as
a. Preconventional morality
b. Conventional morality
c. Past-conventional morality
d. Moral autonomy
52) Which of the following statements best reflects the essence of Kohlberg’s conventional morality?
a. “Don’t run stop sign, it is against the law.”
b. “Don’t run stop sign, you might dent a car.”
c. “Don’t run stop sign we might get a ticket.”
d. “Don’t run stop sign, we agree that it might hurt somebody.”
53) “Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”, is reasoning typical of?
a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 4
54) What stage of moral development shown in the situation, “ Karen decides to return the wallet she found in the canteen
so that people will praise her honesty and think she’s such a nice girl”?
a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 4

55) What stage of moral development shown in the situation, “Little Riel behaves so well to get a star stamp from her
a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 4
56) According to Vygotsky, what are the two functions that would appear in a child’s cultural development?
a. first, on the cultural level and later on the group level
b. first, on the social-individual level and later on the familiar level
c. first, on the SOCIAL level between people (inter-psychological) and later on the INDIVIDUAL level,
inside the child (into psychological)
d. first, on the INDIVIDUAL level between people (inter-psychological) and later on the SOCIAL level, inside the
child (into psychological)
57) Which kind of interaction in cognitive development did Piaget and Vygotsky emphasize as important?
a. Political
b. Scientific
c. Cultural
d. Social
58) Both Piaget and Vygotsky emphasized the importance of social interactions in cognitive development, but Piaget
saw a different role for interaction.
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01A
Issue Status 04
Revision No. 03
Republic of the Philippines Date Effective : 14 February 2022
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato  

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

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Piaget believed that the most helpful interactions were those between peers, because peers are on an equal basis and can
challenge each other’s thinking. Vygotsky, on the other hand...
a. Vygotsky believed that children’s cognitive development is fostered by interactions with other children with the
same problem.
b. Vygotsky suggested that children’s cognitive development is fostered by interactions with people who are
more capable or advanced in their thinking—people such as parents and teachers 
c. Vygotsky suggested that children’s cognitive development is fostered by interactions with their grandparents
d. Vygotsky suggested that children’s cognitive development is fostered by interactions with his/her family who
are no capable or advanced in their thinking—people such as parents, grandparents, brothers or sisters.

59) What is the Zone of Proximal Development?

a. ZPD is the area where the child could not achieve with adult guidance or by working with “a more fully
developed child
b. ZPD is the area where the child could achieve with adult guidance or by working with “a more fully developed
c. ZPD is the area between the child’s current performance and the level of performance that the child could not
achieve with adult guidance or by working with “a more fully developed child” 
d. ZPD is the area between the child’s current performance (the problems the child can solve independently
without any support) and the level of performance that the child could achieve with adult guidance or by
working with “a more fully developed child” 

60) _____________is Vygotsky’s term for the appropriate assistance given by the teacher to assist the learner accomplish a
a. Motivation
b. Assimilation
c. Integration
d. Scaffolding
61) Who proposed the bio-ecological systems theory?
a. Tudge
b. Hahn
c. Elliott
d. Bronfenbrenner

62) Identify how many systems did Brofenbrenner,s ecological model of development?
a. 7
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

63) What is the outermost system in the ecological model?

a. Macro system
b. Exosystem
c. Microsystem
d. Chronosystem
64) Outermost layer parts of cell which becomes the nervous system, sensory
a. Mesoderm
b. Ectoderm
c. Placenta
d. Umbilical cord

65) Which of the following stage do child suck their own finger most of the time?
a. Pre-natal development
b. Infancy and toddlerhood
c. Early Childhood
d. Middle Childhood
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01A
Issue Status 04
Revision No. 03
Republic of the Philippines Date Effective : 14 February 2022
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato  

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

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66) Gross motor skill

a. Is the large muscles of the body
b. Is the major bone in the body
c. Is the minor muscle in the body
d. All of the above

67) Which of the following do infancy and toddler most likely to do?
a. Jumps and turn
b. Child’s ask a series of “why” questions
c. Mimic simple action
d. Groups object by shape

68) Toddlers are popular for

a. Language
b. Reading
c. Climbing
d. Singing

69) What is physical development?

a. a. physical development is the process of acquiring an understanding of concept
b. physical development supports your child's ability to communicate, and express and understand feelings
c. Physical development is the process that starts in human infancy and continues into late adolescent
concentrating on gross and fine motor skills
d. Physical development is not important
70) Which of the following activities do 13-18 months’ child can do in physically?
a. a. Startles to loud sound
b. Reacts with pleasure when he/she smells something nice
c. Sustain physical activity for at least 3-5 minutes
d. Plays without tiring easily, able to keep pace with playmates

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