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The term “animal testing” refers to procedures performed

on living animals for purposes of research into basic
biology and diseases, assessing the effectiveness of
new medicinal products, and testing the human health
and/or environmental safety of consumer and industry
products such as cosmetics, household cleaners, food
additives, pharmaceuticals and industrial/agro-
chemicals. All procedures, even those classified as
“mild,” have the potential to cause the animals physical as well as psychological distress and
suffering. Often the procedures can cause a great deal of suffering. Most animals are killed at
the end of an experiment, but some may be reused in subsequent experiments. Here is a
selection of common animal procedures:

- Forced chemical exposure in toxicity testing, which can include oral force-feeding, forced
inhalation, skin or injection into the abdomen, muscle, etc.
- Exposure to drugs, chemicals or infectious disease at levels that cause illness, pain and
distress, or death
- Genetic manipulation, e.g., addition or “knocking out” of one or more genes
- Ear-notching and tail-clipping for identification
- Short periods of physical restraint for observation or examination
- Prolonged periods of physical restraint
- Food and water deprivation=
- Surgical procedures followed by recovery
- Infliction of wounds, burns and other injuries to study healing
- Infliction of pain to study its physiology and treatment
- Behavioral experiments designed to cause distress, e.g., electric shock or forced
- Other manipulations to create “animal models” of human diseases ranging from cancer
to stroke to depression
- Killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation, neck-breaking, decapitation, or other means

1. First, lets look up some places or companies that are considered “licensed or non-profit
organizations” that can legally do animal testing. Here are some examples you can look
up below:
a. Camp Beagle
b. Victoria Secret
c. Burberry
d. Wallgreens
e. Airwick

Many more…… use this link to look at other companies →


2. Create a poster board using construction paper displaying 3-4 companies.

3. You must have the following information:

a. What is this company doing and who owns it?

b. Which animals are being tested?
c. Why are these animals being tested (clothing, perfumes…).
d. Has PETA or any other companies tried to reach out to ban this company from
experimenting on animals?
e. What are some alternatives or other methods on which this company can do instead of
testing on animals.
f. Add images and be both informative and persuasive in your project.
g. Answer the questions in both paragraph and bullet points based on the question.

This project will count for at least ⅓ of this marking period grade. Therefore do it, if NOT then
you will not pass the 3rd marking period.

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