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Universidad Nacional Experimental

“Francisco de Miranda”
Programas Municipalizado UNEFM – Carirubana
Desarrollo Empresarial
II Semestre
U.C: Ingles Empresarial II

Apellido y Nombre: Jesús López C.I: 30.462.697 Fecha: 30/06/2021


I PART. Answer The Following Questions (10 pts)

A) En Inglés
B) En Español
1. Do the organizations can live without human talent?
A No. Humans being are the ones that allows an organization to work out. Without them, would
be impossible. They depend of human talent to exist and keep going with their activities.
B No. Las personas son quienes permiten el funcionamiento de una organización. Sin ellos,
esto no sería posible, pues de su talento depende su existencia y la continuidad de sus
2. Did the leader fix the objectives?
A Yes, he did it, cause it´s was actually his duty.
B Sí, lo hizo porque era su deber.
3. Does the consultant show ability to manage the analytic tradition?
A Yes, hand down he´s perfectly qualify to do it.
B Si, sin duda, está calificado.
4. Will organizations improve their organizational climate?
A They should, but it´s anyone´s call.
B Deberían, sin embargo, es incierto.
5. Do most of the workers eat at the canteen?
A Some of them do it and they all should as their right as employees.
B Algunos lo hacen, aunque todos deberían pues es un derecho del empleado o trabajador.

Life is creative. It explores itself through play, intent on discovering what’s
possible. Can we bring this creative play of the world into our lives in
Like often feel like a series of tests presented to us by hostile teachers, but
this isn’t true. Life isn’t concealing solutions to problems; we’re not being
tested to see if we get the right answer. Instead, life is exploring to see what
works, to experience the pleasure of the unexpected and the unique.
When did opportunities begin to feel so limited? How did we come to believe
in “window opportunity,” rare openings that suddenly snap shut? When did
we become so unforgiving and so punishing of one another’s explorations?
Experimentation doesn’t use up possibilities; it creates more. More
information, more experiences, more insights. We have limited the world, but
it remains wide open to us.

II PART. Answer in English the questions according to the information given in the text (8 pts)
1. How do the authors see the organization?
According to them, it´s such a creative way that allow us to achieve goals and gain

2. How do you think is your life in your organization? Why?

I consider that it´s quite important cause due to it it´s possible to improve, innovate, offert
and create opportunities, meanwhile I can bring to the table more insights.
3. What does mean a “window opportunity?
In other words, a window opportunity can be considered as a moment of time when it´s
possible to take an action that can become in a goal or accomplishment. It´s an open
time to try to make something, so if the “window it´s closed” means that now it won´t be

4. Have we limited the world we live in our organizations? Why?

Yes, we have been doing it, cause somehow we contain ourselves taking negative
attitudes even holding other back instead of taking risks and moving forward looking for
new experiences, trying to get more knowledge and information. We do limit the world
thinking that a problem it´s bigger than us.

III PART Explain briefly the text with your own words in Spanish (2 pts)
La vida está llena de creatividad, es amplia y llena de oportunidades, donde todo
puede ser posible, pese a que ocasionalmente la vemos como si fuese solo un montón de
pruebas y problemas, viendo solo el lado negativo, sin pensar en el hecho de que
precisamente eso es lo que la vuelve interesante y única. Esa particularidad de no ser lineal,
es la que nos permite intentar para descifrar que funciona y que no. Debemos pensar que
gracias a los errores o problemas es que obtenemos experiencia y que son los que nos
permiten ampliar “horizontes”, conocer más, saber más; tener otras perspectivas.

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