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Iker rivera
P6 Write an autobiography that describes important and decisive moments that you went through
in each stage of your life cycle until the stage in which you are currently.

 having fractured at 14 and now I am insecure in the physical activities I doWhen I was born
 Being careless with school affected me in such a way that now I try to improve.

Explain Erickson´s theory of psychosocial development.

 the theory explains to us the way in which we grow and develop as people in a society.

Why facing every stage of your life cycle can be something positive?

 it can be positive because you learn from mistakes and learn to overcome difficulties


analyze the movie

 -It is a film based on the life of Christopher Garden, and it shows us that we have our own
battles and that we have to survive in everything to achieve what we want.

What factors participate in the learning process of a person according to the author Philip

 emotions and skills in learning everything.


Describe how learning stimulates self-knowledge

 When we learn, we are trying to understand and know what is happening, for what we are
learning that thing, why is that important.

Name the three phases of Zimmerman´s self-regulated learning cycle. -Forethought phase;

 Performance phase; self reflection


Define strategic learning

 Is the way we learn in our way of thinking.

According to Psychologist Goleman, what skills conform emotional intelligence?

 -Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill.

What are management skills?

 Are skills that we have to develop in our life.

What is a personal improvement plan?

 It is when we have an objective of improvement, when we decide how too do that object.

Describe the reflection stage of the pip

 That moment that we think and realize what we have done, what we had not doned.


Action Date for completion Succes criteria: Resources needed:

I need time,the
Graduate from info In 2 years Feel good and enrich clases,tecnology .
myself with new
Action Date for completion: Succes criteria: Resources needed:
Get my family undefined Be happy of The indicated person.
Action: Date for completion: Succes criteria: Resources needed:
I would have the Money
Get my own house. In many years satisfaction doing
what i want.

1.Define”services learning”

When we learn theories and volunteers whit agency.

2. Explain why service learning works in two ways?

Working as a volunteer we learn diferents thing; like tecniques etc..

3. What does life cycle mean?

-A cycle of improvement and learning where we all grow.

4. What branch of psychology studies the life cycle?

-Developmental psychology.

Give an example of facing a challenge when going from one stage of development to another
according to Erikson’s psychology theory.
-for example when we end a relationship it hurts us but at the same time it teaches us many

Analyze the next paragraph: “Obtaining the first job does not mark the end of the training process
because the process demands continuity: we have to be flexible to adapt to the variable labor
market and reinforce and increase our capacity to be employed.” why does obtaining our first job
does not mark the end of our learning?

-Our first job is our first work experience. In my experience, I have had my first job. That teaches
us to overcome many difficulties.

In the forethought phase of Zimmermann's self regulation learning model, goals are established
and a strategic plan is made when analyzing the task to be performed. The phase is affected by
motivational factors. Explain in what way do you think that your learning process, in this phase,
can be affected by these factors: your perception of self-efficacy, your expectative about the
results, your type of orientation in relation to the goal or to your interest for the task.

-Our perception about a problem can make us to make all bad, because here we have to analyze it
and think what will be our next step if we doesn’t have it already thought.

The phase of performance of Zimmermann's model includes self-control and self-observation.

Make a table listing and describing briefly practical ways to protect your attention during your
study time and consequently achieve an adequate “self-control” (include the ones you already use
and the ones that you think you should use)

-Stablish our plan and what we don’t have to do first, stop and be away of everything that we
don’t have to do and we don’t want to do to, erase what we don’t need and know the final

What do you understand by learning through serving?

is a way of winning experience and manage better our thinking.

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