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Outdoor Activities

Playing outdoor games helps participants develop a happier, healthier, and stronger way of
living. It connects with nature and lessens obesity rates.

Reflect upon the statement above. What are your outdoor activities? If you have none, what will
you choose to do? Why?

Key Words: Outdoor recreation

✔ Camping
✔ Biking
✔ Leave No Trace
✔ Hiking
Outdoor activities relax the body and mind, and develop physical health and character. It
also encourages appreciation of the environment and helps in preserving natural resources.
It also inspires participants to develop skills such as leadership, management, and
communication which are key qualities for a successful career in the future.
Furthermore, it is also vital to attain such characteristics at a young age to be more
equipped and competitive. Autolescents will be trained to surpass the challenges of the outdoor
activities and be more informed about the importance of discipline and readiness in dealing with
life problems.

Have you tried hiking with your friends or family?
do you think are the different considerations in doing
outdoor activity?
Hiking is an outdoor activity that involves
and exploring scenic places such as mountains,
or long distance terrains. It can be a day hike, which
refers to a single day completion of the activity, or an
overnight camp that requires backpacking.
It is a form of exercise because it requires special skills and proper training Hikers should also
possess enough knowledge of the direction to lead a successful hike. Aside from the physical
benefits, hiking also promotes the development of mental health for it is an opportunity to take a
break and enjoy the beauty of nature that relaxes the mind.
Hiking can be a peaceful walk in the park, or a heart-pounding workout. Hiking tones your
lower body, and upper body if you use poles. It’s great cardio to keep your heart healthy, and
boosts bone density as a weight-bearing exercise.

Feeling stuck? Hiking can improve creative thinking and problem solving. As you make
your way down the trail, you’ll hear nature sounds like birds and rushing water. These
sounds are proven to have a calming effect.

Essential Gears in Hiking

A. Clothing
It is important to consider the climate of the area where
to hike.
Being comfortable in terms of clothes to wear is an essential
key for a
successful hike it should match the preferences of the hiker and
at the
same time the demand of the environment.
Shoes: Must have thick soles and not be tight so that you can walk
freely. Wear socks to avoid blisters, especially during long walks.
Clothes: Must allow you to move your arms and legs easily. During
summer, it is best to wear short sleeves and long sleeves if the weather
is cold. A spare shirt is important for change. Bring a raincoat in case
of unexpected rain and a hat during sunny months to avoid too much
exposure to the sun.

B. Packs
Hikers should consider pack, that will not give any discomfort and must be carried properly
during walks, it is recommended to reduce pack weight to make the hiking experience easier.
Types of Packs
1. Knapsack is a large bag with shoulder straps that covers the back. It should not be too long for
the body and must be adjusted easily.
Packing Tips:
✔ Place the towel, clothes, and blankets next to your back. Place the
hard objects away from you to avoid distress.
✔ Make sure the weight of your materials is well-distributed.
(Example: seldom-used things should be at the bottom, and
frequently used things like flashlight, first aid kit, drinking
etc. are at the top)
✔ Food, toiletries, and shoes should be
packed in small bags.
2. Pack frame, called pock boards, is best to be
when you do not want your load to touch your back. It
can be made or bought,
Packing Tips:
Place a big piece of cloth on the ground, and arrange your things to ensure
the frequently used items are within reach such as aid kit.
Fold the arranged materials and tighten them well.
Belt the bundle to the frame.

3. Pack basket is made from local materials such a s rattan and

It also comes in different styles with shoulder straps.
Packing Tip:
Make sure to pack dry items
inside, or provide a separate
bag for wet items to avoid leakage.

4. Improvised packs
During emergency cases, be creative in making an improvised
pack from sacks, pillow cases, blankets, and cloth.
A day hiker is required to carry at least food, water, map, and rain protection gear. Here are
the other necessary equipment to bring:
⮚ Food sunglasses
⮚ Water insect repellent
⮚ Knife rain gear and clothes
⮚ Backpack fire starter and matches
⮚ Flashlight compass and map
⮚ Sunscreen first aid kit

Hikers believe in the philosophy of "Leave No Trace which deals with food waste, food
packaging. and other impact on the environment. Hiking as an outdoor activity teaches the value of
taking care our natural environment. Sadly, it is often damaged especially when hikers are in large
numbers. Rules and regulations must be strictly followed to protect the environment.
One of the major concerns of hikers is the disposal of human waste. If excrete is not
properly disposed, it results in a great negative impact on our environment. it can contaminate the
watershed and may also affect the hikers because of exposure to bacteria,
The simplest method of disposing human excreta during hiking is the cathole. Dig 10-15 cm
deep into the soil, and cover the excrete with soil. The cathole should be located away from any
body of water to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination.

Things to Remember during Hiking

A. Do not keep your hiking a secret, and make sure to be with a group. Ask for your parent's
consent. A disciplined hiker knows how to follow rules and regulations for a safer and
enjoyable hiking experience.
B. Always practice proper etiquette. Some appropriate manners to be observed are as follows:
✔ Give the right-of-way to group of hikers that is moving up when two groups meet on a steep
✔ Let the slowest hiker lead the group to ensure that no one is left behind.
✔ Avoid loud sounds or loud conversation during hike.
C. If you are lost, it is better to stay where you are until someone arrives. If no one finds you,
create a signal to catch attention such as signaling flashlight, blowing of whistle, or calling
for help.
D. Observe the group well, and do not be separated from them. A buddy system is
recommended for appropriate monitoring. Concerns of hikers will be addressed right away
by the leader if this method will be used.
E. See to it that all materials are properly packed. Make a checklist to ensure the items are all
1. Pick a buddy or a partner, or group of friends. Get an experienced hiker to guide you in the
2. Research on your destination by reading books, websites, or magazines. Talk with your friends
who have gone to the place. Knowing your destination and distance will help you plan, pack, and
budget for the trip.
3. Be physically ready for long walks and practice carrying bags to build your
strength. 4. Choose your gear and backpack.
⮚ Pack as light as possible.
⮚ Use a climbing checklist.
⮚ Check your backpack's carrying capacity.
⮚ Pack the heaviest gear closest your back and near your shoulders.
5.Wear dry-fit clothing, comfortable trekking pants and shorts, proper footwear (hiking shoes not
sandals or sneakers), hat, jacket, and other essentials.
6. Plan your meals. Bring some trail meals (e.g., mixed nuts and chocolates) to keep your energy
7. Keep your communication lines open.
⮚ Know your contact person before you leave for the trip.
⮚ Give your emergency details including your itinerary.
⮚ Inform your contact persons about your whereabouts all the time.
8. Practice the "Leave No Trace" principle by picking up trash and bringing them
home 9. Modulate your voice.
10. Respect other people and wildlife.

This is a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails or footpaths, on the countryside. Walking is used for
shorter, particularly urban walks
A. Health Benefits of Hiking
Enhances physical fitness
Improves blood pressure and blood sugar levels
Boosts bone density
Controls weight
Strengthens muscles
Improves balance
Combats stress and anxiety
B. Preparation for Hiking
These are the ten essentials for safety, survival, and
comfort 1. Navigation
Map with protective case
Compass GPS
2. Sun protection
Sunscreen and lip balm
3. Insulation
Rain jacket
Blanket (extra layers for cold condition)
4. Illumination
Headlamp or flashlight
Extra batteries
5. First-aid supplies or first-aid kit
6. Fire
Matches or lighter Waterproof container
Fire starter
7. Repair kit and tools Knife or multitool
Kits for stove, mattress, duct tape
8. Extra food supply for a day
9. Hydration
Water bottles
Water filter or other treatment system
10. Emergency shelter
Tent tarp



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