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Course : inglés IV

Theacher : Karina Feria Llerena

Name activity : Someone that I admire
Week : Week 7
Code class : 21798

Name student (1): Chahua Ñahui Ruth Name student (2): Yauri Sulla Pamela
Vici Code (2): U18310239
Code (1): U19301388

Name student (2): Sulla Ccahuana Lisseth

Code (2): : U18215265
1. Introduction

- In this work will to presented a text about people we admire, because shows our

idols and where we want to go in a future.

2. Body

- My name is Ruth Chahua, I’m studying psychology. I admire him for his ability to love

us no matter how much we sin or how much we forget. That great capacity to love, bear

our sins and bear our guilt. I also admire him for the love he has for all people, for his

humility and the affection he has for us.

I also admire him, because he makes me feel at peace in the middle of a storm and by

scrutinizing his word, he inspires me with love.

- Hello, my name is Lisseth and I will tell you about the famous Peruvian chef Gaston

Acurio, he won a Lifetime Achievement Award, one of the prizes awarded among the

best restaurants in the world, he was born in Lima and studied law at the Complutense

University of Madrid but he wanted study hospitality at Cordon Bleu in Paris to follow his

dream of being a chef, he is a chef and also an entrepreneur, his most important

achievement was expanding Peruvian food abroad and being recognized, and it was

done through practice and he focused more on the culinary

- My name is Pamela Yauri, I’m studying administration and marketing.

I have about person I admire and is Mario Vargas Llosa. Because I love literature, and I

like much read. He has born in Arequipa the 28 in March in 1936. He speaks Spanish,

French and English. He has studied at San Marcos university and Complutense of

Madrid. He has studied literature and journalism.

He has jobbed is teacher the literature Hispanic American at Quee Mary College. Mario

Vargas Llosa has received the Nobel prize in literature in 2010. He has participated in

politics, where he has was candidate for the presidency in 1990.

3. Conclusion

- - In conclusion the people we admire will always be present in we.

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