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Crystal Mendez
Professor Dr. Montgomery
ECE 250
24 April 2022
Writing #3
In my classroom I will create a caring community of learners by providing a safe and
welcoming environment. So that every student can feel comfortable to express how they are
feeling, and if they do not want to say it in front of the entire class, at least they should be
comfortable enough to be able to share it with me. As teachers we need to foster positive
relationships with our students and their families. However, that can be difficult seeing that some
classes might consist of 20-30 students, but all we can do I try our best. In having a large
classroom, it is important to respect the diversity of the classroom. It is important to explore
other cultures and languages that is represented in class and in their community. This will
promote children’s positive self-identity, including cultural identity.
In establishing warm learning environment in the classroom is important a because it will
encourage exploration, positive peer interaction, and cognitive growth. In placing students in
assigned seating it will promote a productive environment that will encourage cognitive growth.
So, in knowing the physical layout of the classroom will help in seating students and arranging
where to have small group meetings. I believe that it is important to meet with students in small
groups or one on one because it gives them a chance to have a more in-depth lesson; if any
questions they do have they are more likely to feel more comfortable to ask it in a small group
setting. Once the lesson has ended, I will always ask students to reflect on their experiences.
Discussing student experiences, it will give me in insight on how they are comprehending the
information and what I can improve to become a better teacher for my students. Since seeing the
video on how to master the art of reflecting I have been trying to practice it daily, because I am
always trying to improve and become a better teacher for my future students.
I aim to have a positive impact on my student’s lives, just like Mr. Jensen had with his
students. Which is why it is important to have students feeling welcomed, safe, and listened to in
the classroom. Mr. Jensen saw that his student was having trouble staying still and found an
outlet to release that feeling of wanted to tap. If students they stay at their desk all day, they are
going to feel restless regardless of if they have specials. So, it is essential to schedule daily
activity or movement throughout the day. Just as like everything else there needs to be a balance
between activities and quiet time; otherwise, students can become over stimulated and overtired.
In planning a curriculum that is stimulating in areas of development such as physical, social,
emotional, cognitive, literacy, math, science, social studies, and creative arts are essential. These
are key factors to promote a stimulating and engaging classroom. It is all about balance and
doing what is best for the students.

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