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Research Methodology

The research procedure is described in detail in this chapter. It contains information on the
research technique utilized as well as a justification for that approach's usage. The chapter also
goes through the many steps of the study, such as participant selection, data collecting, and
data analysis. In regard to reflexivity, the researcher's function in qualitative research is also
discussed in this chapter. The chapter concludes with a review of qualitative research validity
and reliability, as well as how these two conditions were accomplished in the current study.
Research Method.
According to Denzin and Lincoln (2005) a research methodology or strategy is determined by
the nature of the research question and the subject being investigated. Research design was
the framework that had been created to seek answer to research questions. It was a detailed
outline of how an investigation will take place. The study design should include the numerous
ways to tackling the research problem, as well as the sources and information connected to the
topic, as well as the time frame and budget. It ensured the evidence obtained researchers to
effectively address the research problem clearly and justify its selection, particularly in relation
to any valid alternative designs that researchers could have been used. Descriptive and other
relevant data tools needed for the study have to be collected and learned. The researcher had
identified and selected materials which were useful in gathering data to answer the general and
specific problems. The validity of the information gathered should be tested before using them.
This research study used structured questionnaire and survey including interviews on
respondents in determining the customer service enhancement in selected milk tea store in
Iriga City.

The Respondents
Since the study focused in the customer service enhancement in one Milk tea Store in Iriga City,
only the customers who patronize and visit the Milk tea Store were utilized in this study. The
researchers used quota sampling in determining the number of respondents. Quota sampling is
a method of gathering representative data from a group. As opposed to random sampling,
quota sampling requires that representative individuals are chosen out a specific subgroup. A
total of 100 respondents were involved in the study. The distribution of questionnaires was
done after the customers had paid in the counter.

The main instrument used in collecting data was the questionnaire. It used a checklist
containing closed-ended questions. The questionnaire was applied to take in all questions
designed from the statement of the problem. This instrument is used in gathering data from the
target respondents. This instrument is more convenient than an interview because you can
save time. As it was made up, it was sub-divided into two categories. The first part contained
general background of the respondent which included: gender, marital status, age, monthly
income and frequency of visiting this Milk tea Store in Iriga City. The second part assessed the
level of customer satisfaction on the quality service of this Department Store in terms of:
employee ‘s professional appearance, customer relation, customer service and facilities. The
questionnaire was distributed to customers of this Milk tea Store after they have paid on the
Preparation of the Questionnaire.
The researchers examined a variety of books, journals, and theses, as well as surfing the
internet, to gather sufficient material to guide the questionnaire's creation. The researchers
were able to construct the final draft and after several revisions, the finalized questionnaire was
reproduced. With the refinements done and with the approval of the advisers, the
questionnaire was prepared. The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents to complete
the statistical procedure. The data were collected and treated for statistical treatment which
was done by statistician. Data were analyzed and presented using tables.

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