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Problems I may encounter when researching How I plan to resolve these problems
and planning
My main problem that I anticipate is finding suitable actors and getting people who will work with
my schedule, so I plan to find actors very early to ensure that they are correct for the role and will
not bail at the last second. I may have to do some crowdfunding to source some money to pay
these actors not only for their wages but expenses etc.

Finding locations will also be another issue as I have a specific idea in my head as how I want
locations to look, and it will be a struggle to find something that fits that. Along with this the song
chosen will have certain story elements that I have to accommodate for so finding locations for
these lyrics will be just as important

Not being able to get props may be an issue as the song tells the story Tyler’s life and as a rapper,
he obviously lives a rather extravagant life me mentions in one lyric about how he has a “Rolls
Royce” and subtly brags about his houses. It will be tricky to find these vehicles and any other
props that may be needed. I will try my best to create an accurate representation of the lyrics in
the video but will cover up anything that will cause a continuity error between the lyrics and the
video, but for houses I will actually try and find some pretty big houses either through family or
friends as it is much more essential to the story


Problems I may encounter when researching How I plan to resolve these problems
and planning
A common problem I have experienced when working on projects before has been my camera
batteries dying, as I expect to have long shooting days, I will make sure to purchase more
batteries for my camera to ensure they will be able to last a whole days filming.

Another problem that could happen on set is any props or equipment getting damaged, I will
make sure the responsibility of the equipment is on me especially for more expensive pieces of
equipment but for smaller pieces I will keep backups on hand to make sure I can continue filming.
But I will mainly be making sure that the expensive pieces of equipment do not get damaged in
the first place.

I will also be making too sure to keep my scripts and storyboards organized and have multiple
copies of them either on my phone or physical copies as they can easily be damaged and
therefore slow down the filming process so having multiple copies will be essential particularly if
filming outside where things can get muddy, wet, and just generally damaged.
I have not had many problems in terms of work during my research but on my half term holiday to
Finland I sustained quite bad damage to my right arm which suspended my work for about a week
but as I had gotten ahead with work the previous week I did not fall far behind my arm is still not
100% healed and it cannot be moved completely straight but by the time I got to filming my test
shoots it was working well enough to man a camera. The only other big issue I faced was again to
do with my health as I got very ill about a week after filming my test shoots and that drained all
my energy, and I was unable to do my work for a few days but as that got better, I started to get
more and more work done. I didn’t experience any real problems to do with my actual research
and I managed to crack on quite well and get it all done around about when I planned to get it all
done by. I did find it a little tricky doing research on love triangles as I could not find much useful
information about them online but with some help from my teacher, I was able to find some
articles online that gave good explanations on the emotions and effects that a love triangle can
have on someone’s mental health. Now I am moving onto my planning and production stage I feel
confident that I will be able to get everything done for the set deadlines.


As I have now fully filmed and edited my music video it ended up being a success, but this is not to
say that I didn’t experience problems that were not expected during my planning, filming and
editing. I was very aware that finding actors and locations would be tricky and because of this I
started looking for them quite early and had a good idea of who my cast would be a few weeks
before starting to film. My largest worry with casting people from the internet is just not having
that trust that they would show up so I called them all frequently and updated them on the
project and had a day to run them through the project before filming to see if they were serious
about it, I thought that I may have to pay them but luckily for me they were all working for free!
The locations ended up being easier than I originally thought they would be and the hardest part
about getting them was just finding somewhere that would be suitable. The props were an issue
as I thought they would be but, in the end, it was not a huge problem as all the ones I ended up
using were realistic enough to be used. Those were the only big problems during planning but
when it came around to production, I experienced quite a few unexpected problems.
Dust on my camera sensor, that was the biggest problem that I faced by far as it was completely
unexpected and it ended up costing me quite a lot of money as I had to pay for extra train tickets
for my actors and also a camera cleaning kit which added up to around £50 in the end up luckily I
did not cause any larger problems to the camera as that would’ve costed me in the hundreds. The
dust was very unexpected, and I think it was such a large problem as I was using a mirrorless
camera where I usually use a standard DSLR, so it was not something that previously crossed my
My second and final main problem was my actors being incredibly late very often. Fortunately, it
did not cause any major problems such as rescheduling days rather it was just incredibly
frustrating, and it meant that I was sitting around waiting for hours at a time. It was not
something that I could really change so I just had to deal with it.
During my editing I had a lot going on and was generally very busy so it was hard to get it all done
but I did manage in the end but another problem I faced was a black out on a day I was planning
to do a lot of editing if I had more time this would have been a problem but as I was so busy it
really set me back. All in all I did experience problems during my FMP but I was able to sort them
all out quicky and efficiently allowing me to have all my deadlines met on time.

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