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 To understand how to enter and reorganize information within SPSS.
 To be able to use SPSS output to produce scientifically sound research reports.

CO – 1: Recall the basic workings of SPSS, and perform basic statistical analyses.
CO – 2: Familiarize the statistical concepts and techniques of Quantitative data analysis
in Social Sciences.
CO – 3: Duplicate the procedure to enter and reorganize information within SPSS.
CO – 4: Elaborate the basic inferential statistics for comparisons and correlations.
CO – 5: Critically apprise the effectiveness of summarized research findings using SPSS.
CO – 6: Perform a wide range of data management tasks in SPSS application.
CO – 7: Visualize the data using different plots.
CO – 8: Outline and reproduce descriptive and exploratory data analysis techniques.
CO – 9: Manipulate data using parametric and non-parametric tests
CO – 10: Use SPSS output to produce scientifically sound research reports.

UNIT I Introduction to Statistics 12

Introduction to Statistics-Types of Data. Introduction to SPSS-opening a data file and
viewing its contents-Creating new variables and entering data

UNIT II Manipulating data 12

Manipulating data - Creating grouped variable from a continuous Variable - Selecting
Case - Weighting . Tests for normality.
UNIT III Descriptive analysis 12
Descriptive analysis Univariate (one variable at a time) - Describing a continuous
variable: measures of central tendency and dispersion; histogram - Describing a
categorical (ordinal) variable: frequency table; bar chart

UNIT IV Bivariate contingency tables 12

Bivariate (exploring relationships between pairs of variables) - Contingency tables:
Describing the association between two categorical variables - Correlation
coefficients: Describing the association between two continuous variables - Drawing a
scatter plot: Visualizing the association between two continuous variables - Box plots,
stem-and-leaf plots: Visualizing the association between a continuous and a
categorical variable; or comparing the distribution of a continuous variable between
two groups

UNIT V Inferential statistical analyse 12

Inferential statistical analyses with a continuous responses or dependent variable
independent samples t‐test: Comparing the means of two groups (continuous response
variable, binary explanatory variable), ANOVA (One way and two-way analysis).
Simple linear regression: Testing the linear association between two continuous
variables (continuous response variable, continuous explanatory variable). Multiple
linear regression: Testing the linear association between a continuous response
variable and more than one explanatory variable
Section A
Unit – I
1. What are (broadly speaking) the five stages of the research process?
2. What is the fundamental difference between experimental and correlational
3. Write the applications of SPSS in research.
4. How will you get started with SPSS?
5. What is statistical data editor in SPSS?
6. What is the purpose of variable view in sheet?
7. Explain the difference between data view sheet and variable view sheet.

8. Say I own 857 CDs. My friend has written a computer program that uses a
webcam to scan the shelves in my house where I keep my CDs and measure how
many I have. His program says that I have 863 CDs. Define measurement error.
What is the measurement error in my friend’s CD-counting device?
9. Sketch the shape of a normal distribution, a positively skewed distribution, and a
negatively skewed distribution.
10. Explain the terms 1. Independent variable 2. Dependent variable 3. Predictor
variable 4. Outcome variable
11. Illustrate the various levels of measurement of variables.
12. Differentiate between metric and non-metric measurement.
13. Classify the categorical variables
14. Classify the continuous variable.
15. Explain the various types of validity
16. Is reliability very important for statistical research?
17. Illustrate the importance of two types of variation in research.
18. Explain broadly the two types of research.
19. List and explain the types of experimental research designs.
20. Explain the different types of data used in research?
21. Is normal distribution in statistics important. Explain.
22. Explain the terms a. Skewness b. Kurtosis
23. Calculate the median for the following data 22, 40, 53, 57, 93, 98, 103, 108, 116,
121, 252
24. Calculate mean for the following data22 + 40 + 53 + 57 + 93 + 98 + 103 + 108 +
116 + 121 + 252
25. Twenty-one heavy smokers were put on a treadmill at the fastest setting. The time
in seconds was measured until they fell off from exhaustion: 18, 16, 18, 24, 23,
22, 22, 23, 26, 29, 32, 34, 34, 36, 36, 43, 42, 49, 46, 46, 57 Compute the mode,
median, mean, upper and lower quartiles, range and interquartile range.
26. Elaborate the importance of theory and hypothesis testing.
27. Elucidate the importance of Z scores.
28. Illustrate the importance of randomisation in experiments.
29. Find the range, inter quartiles for the following data 22, 40, 53, 57, 93, 98, 103,
108, 116, 121, 252.
30. What are the types of variables?
31. Why do we use samples?
32. What is mean and how do we tell if it’s representative of our data?
33. What’s the difference between the standard deviation and the standard error?
34. For the following data (18, 16, 18, 24, 23, 22, 22, 23, 26, 29, 32, 34, 34, 36, 36,
43, 42, 49, 46, 46, 57) calculate the sums of squares, variance, standard deviation,
standard error, and 95% confidence interval of these data.
35. What do the sum of squares, variance, and standard deviation represent? How do
they differ?
36. What is a test statistic and what does it tell us?
37. What are Type I and Type II errors?
38. What is an effect size and how is it measured?
39. What is statistical power?
40. Explain the importance of samples in research.
41. List and explain the importance of samples.
42. Write the formulas for the following a. sum of square of deviance b. sum of
squared errors c. standard deviation d. variance
43. Data about the number of friends that 11 people had on Facebook (22, 40, 53, 57,
93, 98, 103, 108, 116, 121, 252). We calculated the mean for these data as 96.64.
Now calculate the sums of squares, variance, and standard deviation.
44. Explain the importance of sampling distribution.
45. Why do we use .05% as significant value?
46. The following is the data about the number of friends that 11 people had on
Facebook. We calculated the mean for these data as 96.64 and standard deviation
as 61.27. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for this mean.
47. List the importance of one and two tailed tests.
48. Explain the two types of error in statistics.
49. Explain the importance of statistical error?
50. Elucidate the importance of degrees of freedom?
51. List the various types of sampling method?
52. Elaborate on null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis?
53. Explain the two tailed and single tailed test from the figure given below?

54. What version of SPSS is found in our MBA, VISTAS computer lab?
55. List the advantages and disadvantages of using SPSS for statistical analysis?
56. Give a short note on descriptive analysis.
57. State the types of bar charts.
58. Differentiate between histogram and bar chart.
59. What is histogram? How to construct the histogram in SPSS?
60. Explain the procedure for constructing bar chart in SPSS.
61. These data show the score (out of 20) for 20 different students, some of whom are
male and some female, and some of whom were taught using positive
reinforcement (being nice) and others who were taught using punishment (electric
shock). Just to make it hard, the data should not be entered in the same way that
they are laid out below:

62. Explain the importance of graphs and how do draw the graph using SPSS?
63. Elaborate the importance of histogram?
64. Briefly explain about outliers?
65. List the types of bar charts available in SPSS.
66. Explain the term scatter plot and its importance.
67. Describe the importance of regression line in the scatter plot.
68. Differentiate the dependent and independent variables
69. Explain the pointers in the picture

70. How do you create values for label based on the figure given below.
71. Explain the details in this SPSS environment.

72. Identify the type of chart and explain the type

73. Identify the type of graph

74. Identify and explain the plot.

75. Illustrate the importance of assumptions of normality.


76. Explain the columns available in the variable view sheet.

77. What are the types of measures available in SPSS variable view sheet?
78. How to create the variable GENDER with option male and female in the variable
view sheet?
79. How to create the variable MARITAL STATUS with possible reply married and
80. Sketch the shape of a normal distribution, a positively skewed
distribution and a negatively skewed distribution
81. Calculate the mean, median, sum of squares, variance and
standard deviation of these data. 5, 13, 7, 14, 11, 9, 17.
82. Sports scientists sometimes talk of a ‘red zone’, which is a period
during which players in a team are more likely to pick up injuries
because they are fatigued. When a player hits the red zone it is a
good idea to rest them for a game or two. At a prominent London
football club that I support, they measured how many
consecutive games the 11 first team players could manage
before hitting the red zone: 10, 16, 8, 9, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 5.
Calculate the mean, standard deviation, median, range and
interquartile range.

83. Explain weight cases option used in SPSS.

84. Explain the steps of test for normality in SPSS.
85. What are the functions available in the menu ANALYZE in SPSS.

86. Interpret the table

87. How do you test normality of the data?

88. How to calculate mean for the variable marks of 10 students?
89. Narrate the steps involved in finding median for the variable wages of 8
90. Write the algorithm of calculating mode of the variable salary of 10 staffs in

Rahul Note: Q90 MAY BE changed to “Write the steps involved in calculating mode
in Excel”.

91. Explain the procedures for computing standard deviation in SPSS with suitable
92. What is Likert scale? Explain how to create the variable LEVEL OF
SATISFACTION with 5 point Likert scale.
93. What is histogram? How to construct the histogram in SPSS?
94. Explain the procedure for constructing bar chart in SPSS.
95. Describe the usage of compute function in SPSS.
96. Calculate the correlation coefficient for the given data.

97. Explain the significance of the correlation coefficient.

98. Explain the steps involved in calculating the correlation coefficient in SPSS

99. Explain the process in the dialog box.

100. Explain the contents of the figure given below.
101. Elaborate on the importance of the spearmen’s correlation.
102. How do you report correlation coefficient for the following results
 r = .87, p < .05. (r is the correlation coefficient between adverts watched and
number of packets)
 r = –.37, p < .001. (r is the correlation coefficient between creativity and worlds
biggest liar)

103. Interpret the results in the table.

104. Explain the regression line and its importance.

105. Describe the procedure for computing correlation coefficient in SPSS.
106. What is statistical power?

107. List out the steps involved in construction of scatter diagram in SPSS.
108. Illustrate the importance of various methods in regression.
109. What’s the difference between the standard deviation and the
standard error?
110. What is contingency (cross tab) table?
111. Define: Correlation.
112. What is scatter diagram?
113. List out the applications of chi-square test.
114. What are the types of correlations?
115. What is box plot?
116. What is stem and leaf plot?
117. What is level of significance? Give example.
118. What is small sample?
119. What is large sample?
120. What are the types of ANOVA? Explain.
121. Define: Regression.
122. List out the applications of regression.
123. Distinguish between correlation and regression.
124. Differentiate t test and ANOVA.
125. Give a short note on multiple regression



1. What is the level of measurement of the following variables?

a. The number of downloads of different bands’ songs on iTunes
b. The names of the bands that were downloaded.
c. The position in the iTunes download chart.
d. The money earned by the bands from the downloads.
e. The weight of drugs bought by the bands with their royalties.
f. The type of drugs bought by the bands with their royalties.
g. The phone numbers that the bands obtained because of their fame.
h. The gender of the people giving the bands their phone numbers.
i. The instruments played by the band members.
j. The time they had spent learning to play their instruments.
2. We looked at the length in days of nine celebrity marriages. Here
are the length in days of nine marriages, one being mine and the
other eight being those of some of my friends and family (in all
but one case up to the day I’m writing this, which is 8 March 2012,
but in the 91-day case it was the entire duration – this isn’t my
marriage, in case you’re wondering: 210, 91, 3901, 1339, 662, 453,
16672, 21963, 222. Calculate the mean, standard deviation and
confidence interval for these data.
3. Thinking back to Labcoat Leni’s Real Research 3.1, Oxoby also
measured the minimum acceptable offer; these MAOs (in dollars)
are below (again, these are approximations based on the graphs
in the paper). Enter these data into the SPSS data editor and save
this file as Oxoby (2008) MAO.sav. * Bon Scott group: 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 * Brian Johnson group: 0, 1, 2, 2, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1
4. What is a coding variable?
5. Represent the following sales data of a company by simple bar diagram.
Year: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Sales (Rs in thousands): 120 140 160 135 100

6. Calculate arithmetic mean from the following data using SPSS.

Daily wages (Rs): 75 100 125 150 200
No of labours: 5 12 20 14 9

7. Interpret the results given in the table below.

8. Predict Y (Rating of Deed) from the values given below.

9. Interpret the ANOVA results from the table given below.

10. Using SPSS, write the procedure of calculating correlation coefficient for the following
Advertisement: 39 65 62 90 82 75 25 98 36 78
Sales: 47 53 58 86 62 68 60 91 51 84

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