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The Enemy Within

- New weapons

Item Cost Damage Weight Properties

Martial Ranged
Pistol 4 gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), loading
Ammunition (range 20/60), loading, two-
Blunderbuss 2 gp 1d12 piercing 10 lb.
Ammunition (range 100/300), loading, two-
Long Rifle 100 gp 2d12 piercing 10 lb.
handed, cannot explode
Bullets (10) 3 silver — 2 lb. —

Expense Price
Bowl of soup/Bread and cheese 3 brass pennies
Small pot of beef stew/Sizeable pie 6 brass
Full plate of daily roast, sausages, vegetables 1 silver shilling
Locally brewed mug of beer 2 brass
Imported bottle of wine 2-6 silver
Comfortable lodging 1 gold crown
Coach ride 4 silver
Doctor consultation 4 silver

Animal Price
Chicken 5 brass pennies
Sheep 3 silver shillings
Pig 4 silver
Dog 2 gold crowns
Donkey/Mule 5 gold
Pony 10 gold
Draught Horse 4 gold
Heavy Draught Horse 8 gold
Ox 15 gold
Riding Horse (Palfry) 15 gold
Light Warhorse (Hobby)* 70 gold
Heavy Warhorse (Destrier)* 230 gold
*Double or triple in times of war
Weapon Price
Dagger 16 silver shillings
Shield 2 gold crowns
Spear 15 silver
Lance 1 gold
Rapier 5 gold
Flail 2 gold
Halberd 2 gold
Pike 18 silver
Quarterstaff 3 silver
Greatsword 8 gold
Greataxe 4 gold
War Pick 9 silver
Warhammer 3 gold
Blunderbuss 2 gold
Pistol 4 gold
Hochland Long Rifle 100 gold
Shortbow 3 gold
Longbow 5 gold
Light Crossbow 5 gold
Hand Crossbow 6 gold
Heavy Crossbow 7 gold
Whip 5 silver
Sling 1 silver
Dart 2 silver
Javelin 10 silver
Handaxe 1 gold
Bullet 3 silver


Encounters should be a minimum of Medium difficulty, minimum of 2 sessions per level

Chapter 1-3 (level 1)

- Magnus Pflaster (bandit captain), 4 guards
- Chapter 2: 420 XP total
- Decoy Emperor (champion), surrounded by knights
- Thieves (commoners)
- Cultists (cultists)
- 2 nobles, 4 bodyguards (guards), Max Ernst (spy)
o 200 XP
- Chapter 3: 440 XP
- Seargeant Glucker (bandit captain), 4 wardens (guards)
The Affair of the Hidden Jewel (Level 2)
- Wolfgang Kellerman (thug), Bruno (thug)
- Count Amadeus von Drakensburg (noble), 12 guards
- Things that go BOOM in the Night
o PCs make a DC 10 perception check (disadvantage if sleeping) to hear Lauengram
o Anyone who hears Lauengram may make an athletics check (DC 15) to get to the bomb
before it goes off, and a DC 10 sleight of hand to defuse it
o If it explodes, the bomb does 3d6 fire damage (roll advantage damage for PC holding the
- Lauengram (bandit captain)
o Has 4 bombs, that he can throw up to 60 ft. Anyone within 5 ft of the bomb must make
a DC 12 dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage
o 450 XP
- Castle
3. Sleeves (commoner)
4. Carnivorous snapper (deinonychus)
5. –
6. 12 bandits, 900 XP
7. 12 bandits
8. 4 bandits
9. 2 bandits, Annalisa Kessler (bandit captain), 1000 XP
10. 2 bandits
- Completing adventure: 800 XP total
- The Blue Flame is worth 200 GC, but fencing it will get at most 65 GC

Chapter 4-8 (Level 3)

- Adolphos Kuftsos (bandit captain), 3 thugs
o 1,500 XP
- Chapter 4: 480 XP for completing chapter
- Chapter 5: 520 XP for completing chapter
o After Kuftsos’ death, Dorflinger (from the Companion) will pick up the trail sometime
after the party reaches Bogenhafen
- The Watch: 1 bandit captain, 3 guards
- Bigotry: 1d10+10 commoners
- Bodyguard: 1 noble, 1 bandit captain
- Brawl: warriors (bandits), burghers/peasants (commoners)
- Mercenaries: 1d10+1 thugs
- Thief: 1 spy
- Wrestling Ring: ‘Crusher’ Braugen (berserker)
- Jousting List: 1 knight
- Runaway Goblin: 1 goblin
- Chapter 6: 720 XP for completing chapter
- Sewer Encounters
o Amoeba (gelatinous cube)
o 5 giant bats
o Yellow or Brown mold
o 8 giant rats
o Thief (spy)
o 12 Ranaldan thugs
 Franz Baumann (bandit captain)
 Reinholdt and Reinhardt (spies)
- Herald of Tzeentch (mezzoloth), 1800 XP
- Chapter 7: 780 XP for completing chapter
- 9 thugs
o Albert Pförtner (from Companion)
- The Watch: 1 bandit captain, 3 guards
- Steinhäger Offices
o Franz Steinhäger (cult fanatic)
o Heinrich and Albrecht Steinhäger (nobles)
o Gerhard Schutz, the porter/doorkeeper (bandit captain)
o Bodyguards (spies)
o 1 mastiff
- Teugen House
o 3 mastiffs, 4 bodyguards (thugs)
o Johannes Teugen (cult fanatic)
 Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy, shocking grasp
 1st level (4 slots): inflict wounds, shield of faith, entangle, sleep
 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon, witch bolt
- Stevedores Guild
o Gurney Dumkopf (spy), 8 thugs
- Reiner Goertrin (veteran)
- Chapter 8: 880 XP total for completing chapter

Chapter 9 (Level 4)
- Gideon (mezzoloth)
o Shapechanger
o Wears a Ring of Mind Shielding
 Cursed: For every month worn by a mortal, they must make a Sanity save
against minor madness
o Cantrips (at will): light, shocking grasp, minor illusion, eldritch blast, fire bolt
o 1st level (4 slots): sleep, faerie fire
o 2nd level (3 slots): misty step, mind whip, invisibility
o 3rd level (2 slots): fireball, lightning bolt
- Mob (25 commoners)
- Warehouse 17: Big Georg (bandit captain), 2 mastiffs
- Warehouse 13
o Franz Steinhäger (cult fanatic), 2 labourers (thugs)
o Gideon (mezzoloth), Johannes Teugen (cult fanatic), 10 thugs (cultists), 7 cultists
 6062 XP
- Chaos Gate
o Gibbering mouthers, blue horrors (spined devils), pink horrors (bearded devils), Kairos
Fateweaver (lord of change)
 Pink horrors, when killed, split into 2 blue horrors
- Chapter 9: 1,520 XP

Death on the Reik, 1-2 (level 4)

- Knud (lizardfolk, CR 1), 1 tentacled mutant (choker), 1 flying mutant (harpy), 2 mongrelfolk
o 1400 XP
- 2 cult fanatics
- 3 spies, 1200 XP
- Chapter 1: 1280 XP for completing chapter
- River Patrol (captain (spy), 1d10 guards)
- Outside the Tower
o C: 1 zombie plague spreader, 1100 XP
o D: 1 zombie plague spreader, 1100 XP
o E: 3 Strahd zombies, 1200 XP
o Ghoul (shadowghast), 1800 XP
- Chapter 2: 1280 XP

Chapter 3 (Level 5)
- 2 dwarfs (veterans)
- Gorim Greathammer (gladiator)
- 10 goblins, 11 night goblins, 2 night goblin fanatics, 9 worgs, 4 dire wolves, 1 winter wolf,
Gutbag (warlock of the great old one)
- The Mine
1. 4 goblins, 4 worgs, 1 dire wolf
a. 2,000 XP
2. 3 goblins, 5 worgs, 1 dire wolf
a. 2,125 XP
3. 3 goblins, 2 dire wolves, 1 winter wolf
a. 2,500 XP
- Etelka’s Tower
1. 1 goblin
b. 50 XP
4. 3 night goblins (nilbogs), 1 night goblin fanatic (goblin boss, CR 2)
a. 2,100 XP
5. 3 night goblins (nilbogs), 1 night goblin fanatic (goblin boss, CR 2)
a. 2,100 XP
11. 5 night goblins (nilbogs)
a. 2,000 XP
12. Gutbag, goblin shaman (warlock of the great old one)
a. 2,300 XP
- Chapter 3 completed: 1,860 XP

4258 XP, 14000 needed

Chapter XP per session (each)

Enemy in Shadows: 1 50 XP
2 60 XP
3 70 XP
The Affair of the Hidden Jewel 80 XP
Enemy in Shadows: 4 90 XP
5 100 XP
6 120 XP
7 140 XP
8 160 XP
9 180 XP
Death on the Reik: 1 200 XP
Vengeance of the Gravelord 220 XP
Death on the Reik: 2 240 XP
XP per chapter is multiplied by number of party members

Player Level XP XP Needed

Pale Linde Schillinger 1 764 300
Hartwin Lindenbaum 1 764 300
Garr Dinor 1 764 300
Skrakkle Whip-Eater 1 764 300

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