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Practical-Oriented Training

for new Researchers

in Thailand, 2021

Online Self-Study

March 22 May 17 May October 18

to to to to
April 9 May 20 August October 22

Online Self-Study Remote Seminar I Trainer Guided On-Site Seminar II

Phase Section 2 E-Learning Section 4
Section 1 Section 3
DIES ProGRANT Proposal Writing Course for Research Projects:
Welcome Package for the DIES ProGRANT Thailand
Online Self-Study Phase
Dear participant,

Welcome to the DIES ProGRANT Online Self-Study Phase. We’ve been running the DIES ProGRANT program for
seven consecutive years, and we invite you all to join us in this exciting pilot project of kicking-off with an online
self-study phase. This very first part of the training will take place from March 22 to April 9, 2021. The whole team
has been working hard on this new concept, so we hope that this first phase will run smoothly and that everyone
will benefit from the experience. We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by filling out our
Invitation Form (
This small package will guide you through the first steps you need to take in order to begin the self-study. This
phase aims at providing you with the basic knowledge and basic technical skills of grant proposal writing and is
designed in a linear way. That means, that you cannot freely select the lessons, but have to complete them one by
one. Each lesson is finished after passing the respective exercise successfully.
The main idea is that you are able to submit a revised and extended 3-page proposal at the end of this phase.
Further details on deadline and submission will be displayed in the final lesson. The 30 participants with the most
convincing proposals will move to section 2 of the ProGRANT Course.
The username and password you need in order to access the ILIAS platform will be sent to you via email.
We wish you a productive and fruitful self-study and are looking forward to meeting you in section 2.


My name is Jens Funk, I will be guiding you through your ILIAS
experience for the next weeks. Should you have any questions
regarding how the system works, how you access folders,
change your password, login, etc., or questions related to the
content, don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. I’m happy to
help you and answer all your questions!

You can reach me via e-mail directly at

I look forward to being in touch!

Steps for Logging-in
1) Go to: You will see the following screen. On the top right corner, click on the
dropdown Sprache and select English.

2) Thereafter, click on Login. (Anmelden if you’re yet to switch to English) The following screen will appear:

3) Enter your user name in the Username field and your password in the Password field.
4) Click Login. You should now be logged in. For most of you the following screen will appear (if it does not go
directly to the next section)

5) The user agreement information will usually appear in German. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and
check the Nutzungsregeln akzeptieren/Accept user agreement box and click abschicken/submit. You will now
be logged in.
6) Troubleshooting: If the user agreement does not appear and you receive an error message instead, please do
not go back to the previous page. From there, click on Sprache in the top-right corner and change the language
to Deutsch (German). The user agreement should appear and you can continue with step 5. Once you have
successfully logged in, you can change the language back to English.

Changing your Password
Since a generic password was assigned to your account it is important for you to change it in order to protect
your privacy. The following instructions will show you how.

1) Click on the icon with your initials.

2) A Drop-down menu will appear. Click on Settings

3) Once in settings click on the Password tab, enter the current password and change it to your desired password.
Click Save.

B — ProGRANT Course
Access to your Online Self-Study
1) After successful registration, you will be redirected to your ILIAS main panel. Please select DIES ProGRANT
Proposal Writing for Research Grants Thailand – Online Self-Study Phase 2021.

2) By selecting your ProGRANT Course, the following panel will appear.

3) Scroll down to find the content part of the Online Self-Study Phase. Please make sure to open and explore the
folder Toolbox before starting with the lessons. This part gives you an introductive insight on the “e-learning”

4) Navigation: There are two ways, in which you can navigate through the contents of the Online Self-Study Phase.
The first way is to navigate vertically (course directory) by clicking through the left column. This option will
allow you to open different chapters of one lesson. The second option is to use the bar in the main column. This
is the easiest way to go to previous levels of the folder you are currently in (e.g. different lessons, main panel).

5) Please note, that this self-study is designed in a linear way, i.e. participants cannot freely select the order of the
lessons but have to complete them one by one. Thus, please start with Lesson 1. Each lesson consists of the
corresponding learning material and the exercise. After successfully passing the exercise for one lesson, the next
lesson will be unlocked in its assigned section.

6) When taking an exercise, the following panel will appear. To start it, please click on Start the Test in your upper
left corner. After saving and sending your results, the button Finish the Test will appear in the same place.

7) There are 4 types of exercise: Single choice, where only one answer is correct. Multiple choice, where more
than one answer is correct. Drag and Drop, where you need to connect corresponding answers by clicking and
dragging one of the responses on the right side to the supposed corresponding part on the left side (such an
example is provided in the image below).

8) The last type is the Gap Test, where you need to fill in the blanks with the correct answers. Please make sure that
your answers do not include undesired empty spaces before, between or after the provided responses.

9) If you gave a wrong answer, which resulted in failing the test, don’t worry. You can repeat the exercise as many
times as you want until you have the right answers. However, if the exercise seems too difficult to complete,
there is also an option to see the right answers. To do so, please click on Detailed Results after finishing the

10) To retake a test please click on Info and then Start New Test.

C — Proposal
Submission of your Proposal
1) The main goal of this very first training phase is to upload a revised and extended 3-page exposé by April 9th,
2021, based on the acquired skills of the lessons 1 to 13. Further details on submission, upload, etc. can be found
in lesson 14 – the last session of this phase. The 30 most successful participants will be notified by us until the
end of April. These participants will move on to section 2 of the ProGRANT Course.
2) Please note that successful participants are obliged to pay a participation fee of 300 Euros for the remaining
elements of the Course (Remote Seminar I, E-Learning Phase, Seminar II).


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