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Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular Para La Defensa

Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica en las Fuerzas Armadas(UNEFA)

Núcleo Anzoátegui – Ingeniería en Telecomunicaciones

Sexta actividad – Guía de inglés l

Directed by Gabriel Bacallado 1st semester in

telecommunications engineering C.I. 30084923
JENNY: I think I Should call Francis
DAN: Is he your friend from school? I think I Might Know him.
JENNY: Yes, you do. You met him last month.
DAN: oh yes! I remember now. Will we ask him to go to the
concert with us?
JENNY: That´s a great idea. He loves rock music, so he is going to
enjoy the concert.
DAN: Jenny, if I were you, I May wear a cap for the concert
because it´s really sunny today.
JENNY: Ok. I´ll do that. Dan don´t take that selfie stick to the
DAN: Why not?
JENNY: According to the concert promoter, concertgoers Haven't
take to the concert any object that Will hurt attendants.
DAN: Should bring an umbrella then?
JENNY: I don´t think we can.
DAN: Alright. We would hurry because the concert stars in a
JENNY: Ok let´s go
DAN: I checked the weather app and it shall rain. What should
we do?
JENNY: We would buy rain capes at the entrance.
DAN: Alright. Let´s do that. Call Francis then

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