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Digestive System (celery)

Oral cavity Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine

Mechanical: The teeth chew Mechanical: The piece of celery Mechanical: Celery is
and break down the celery into travels down the esophagus churned in the stomach Mechanical: Celery is further
smaller pieces through peristalsis broken down into smaller
Chemical: The proteins and pieces
Chemical: Salivary Amylase sugars in the celery are
breaks down the Chemical: NONE broken down by the stomach Chemical: Starches from the
carbohydrates in the piece of acid celery are broken down by
celery pancreatic amylase

Rectum/Anus Large Intestine

Mechanical: Muscles Mechanical: Cellulose is

push out waste out of the excreted with the waste
Chemical: Absorbs any
Chemical: Chyme leaves water left inside the waste
the body through the Anus

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