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Delhi Public School Siddharth Vihar

Holiday Homework Grade V

We learn more by looking for the answer to a

question than we do from learning the answer
itself.’ Lloyd Alexander This is an important time
to make connections and reflect; on self, family,
friends, new or familiar information, and the
world beyond. The spirit of investigation propels
the ‘project-based learning’ in a transdisciplinary
framework. Within this framework, we delve into
urging concerns by asking and refining questions,
debating ideas, making predictions, designing
plans, collecting and analysing data, drawing
conclusions and communicating our ideas and
findings to others. With Collaboration and
Interpersonal Skills having taken centre stage, it is
imperative that we work together to solve and
create solutions of real-world problems in the
world that we exist in today. Happy Exploring
Children!!!!! Seize the opportunity and project
your learning……
Information for Parents and students:


Academic Integrity refers to a set of values and skills that promote

personal integrity and good practice in teaching, learning and assessment.
Therefore, it is expected thatthe assignments submitted by the students
must be prepared using the student’s own original ideas, language and
expression. Whenever the students use information from different sources
like Internet, books and magazines, they are required to cite these sources.
Citing the sources means to acknowledge, thank or give credit to, the
person who created the content that the students use in their assignments.
Sources cited can appear in the form of bibliography references.

Points to remember for cyber safety


• Take permission from your parents before downloading any

game or app.They might be viruses.

• Do not share your personal information like mobile number, address, email
etc. withanyone

• Never share your passwords even if someone claims to be your best friend and make
sure to include symbols and numbers when making apassword so that it will be harder to

• If you see something online that makes you uncomfortable, tell

your parentsimmediately.

• Use the internet responsibly and respect others privacy.

• Use the internet to keep in contact with friends and family

• Look up information on the internet as part of school work and for leisure

• Tell someone if you are being bullied online

• Be careful when downloading programs from the internet in case theycarry viruses,
always scan the program first.

• Use anti-virus software and make sure to renew

Don’t: Please never

• Give out personal information online.

• Respond to any communication sent from someone you don’t know, if someone is
trying to contact, please let your guardians know.
• Give your password to anyone and never use the same password continuously.
• Don't open or download any attachments from an unknown sourceas they may
contain viruses.
• Fill out any surveys online that ask for your personal details or bank details.
• Don't let web browsers remember your username and password as thiscould leave
you open to being hacked.

For Parents:

• Do not allow kids to browse alone.

• Teach kids about protecting their privacy.
• Instruct your child never to click on pop-ups or subscribe to e-newsletters.
• Use a strong password.
• Set a time rule.
• Monitor what your kids post online

Do not allow kids to shop online unsupervised.

Sustainable Goal 14 – Life Below Water
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गतितिति-1- महासागर तििस पर पोस्टर बनाना ररररररर रर रररररर
रर रररररर ररररर
8 जून विश्व महासागर वििस के रूप में मनाया जाता है । विश्व रररर रररररररर
महासागर वििस को िर्ाा ते हुए एक पोस्टर बनाइए और उस रररर रर रररररररर
पर एक स्लोगन विखिए (ए-3 र्ीट में) । रर ररररररर
• ररररर रररररर रर
पररयोजना कायय ररररररररर ररर
सागरोों और महासागरोों में जीि जोंतुओों की कई प्रजावतयााँ पाई रररर रररर ररर
रररररर रर रररर
जाती हैं। परों तु इनमें से कई प्रजावतयााँ या तो वििुप्त हो गई है ररर ररररररर
या वििुप्त होने की कगार पर है ? ऐसी ही प्रजावतयोों का पता ररररररर रर
िगाकर उनका नाम विखिए और उनके वििुप्त होने के रररररर र
कारणोों को विखिए। • ररररर ररररररररर
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• रररर
• रररररररररररर
• रररर ररररर
• ररररररर
• Communication – Uses andmanages
information in summarising the story
in their own words.
• Critical Thinking – The learner will
Students will Research about marine pollution be able to inferthe story and justify
and make a Power Point Presentation on the what would have happened if
following topics as per their roll no- marine pollution increases.
• Roll no. 1-5: Ways to Reduce marine
pollution. Rubrics
• Roll no. 6-10: Ways to protect and restore • Phonics
ecosystems. • Vocabulary
• Roll no. 11-15: How to Reduce ocean • Fluency
acidification? • Sentence Construction & Cohesion
• Roll no. 16-20: Conserve coastal and marine • Reading Comprehension
areas. • Reasoning & Background Knowledge
• Roll no. 21-25: Increase the economic • Working Memory & Attention
benefits from sustainable use of marine
resources. Suggested Reading
• Roll no. 26-30: How to Support small scale
fishers- buy local and certified fish?
Fun time
Watch Seaspiracy (the fascinating Netflix
documentary), the dramatic investigation into
the environmental impact of the global fishing
industry and the threat it poses to our precious
oceans, has become a must-see.
Write a Story and Prepare a role-play of the
same in the class (The script should be dialogue
based). Reference Links
Learning Objectives: The learner will be able to: How to create a Story :
1. Begin story with an introduction. *
2. Name the main characters
3. Include information about setting (time *
or place)
Role Play :
4. Refers to the main goal or problem.
5. Include important events that highlight
the beginning, middle, and end of story.
6. Keeps the ideas in sequence.
7. Name the solution to the problem or the
attainment of the goal.
8. Provide a conclusion related to the story.
Assignment will be assessed on the basis of
Power- point Presentation and Role play in class.
Learners will understand the our
marine ecosystem, threats to its well-
being and our connection to the sea
and the life it holds.
Learners will be able to analyse the
The underwater world is an amazing place full of need for sustainable fishing practices
mysterious creatures. From a big whale to a small fish
everything is amazing. No where on the planet can
you enjoy the diversity of marine life as you can
Creative Thinking
The world’s oceans – their temperature,
chemistry, currents and life – drive global To corelate the geometrical shapes to
systems that makethe Earth habitable for the aquatic animals.
humankind. However, today pollution, global Problem solving-
warming, unsustainable fishing and degradation of
Make judgements and decision
natural habitats arethreatening marine and coastal effectively interpret data and draws
biodiversity. conclusions based on the best analysis

To experience marine life,

• Make a list of 10 longest living marine animals Aids and Tools competency
and write their life span. To understand the use of tools and aids
• Round off their life span to nearest 100. needed for the activity carefully
• How can the marine life be protected?
• Make a beautiful collage of marine life. Rubrics
• Explore marine animals or plants having any • Content creativity and
mathematical shape or pattern. Eg accuracy
• Overall Presentation
• Use of mathematical
• Understanding of symmetry
• Visual representation

Eye of a Puffer Star fish Fabonacci sequence Reference Links :

fish is a perfect in sea shell

• Paste pictures of the animals/ plants on an A4

size sheet and write 2-3 lines about related
shape or pattern.

(Compile all the information in MS Word)

Critical Thinking
To analyze the marine
The ocean remains one of the most expansive, mysterious and diverse pollution and how does it
places on Earth. Unfortunately, it is being threatened by pollution affect the marine life .
from people on land and from natural causes. Marine life is dying and,
as a result, the whole oceanic ecosystem is threatened simply by
various sources of pollution. If we are to preserve our oceans and Creative Thinking
their natural beauty, drastic measures have to be taken to combat this
pollution and keep what we hold most dear. Students will creatively think
and design their thoughts into
Some Surprising Facts About Ocean Pollution a poster
Plastic is the most common element that is found in the ocean. It is
harmful for the environment as it doesn’t break down easily and is
often considered as food by marine animals. Rubrics

ARE YOU A PLASTIC HERO’’ ? and accuracy
• Overall
(3 Points) (2 Points)(1 (0 Points)
Points) • Ontime Submission
How often do Never Sometimes Quite a All the time Reference Links
you play with lot
things with
glitter in? 4
How often do
you forget to
bring a reusable
water bottle out JHA
with you?
Do you have
plastic plates or o
cups at your
How would you
wrap a sandwich
for lunch?
How would your
family have to
buy a plastic bag
because you
forgot to bring
your own?
• Award your self the points in accordance to the block ticked.
Eg: you have plastic plates or cups at your birthday parties?
3 Points will be awarded if the answer is Never
2 Points will be awarded if the answer is Sometimes
1 Points will be awarded if the answer is Quite a lot
0 Points will be awarded if the answer is All the time
• Calculate the score
• If your score is 18 or more , You are A Plastic Hero


ACTIVITY 2: Design a poster on Ways to save our marine life

Be prepared to present and talk about your poster.

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