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Senior Project Reflection

This project has been one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. I enjoyed

making sketches and designing the mural but actually painting the mural filled me with rage. I

accidentaly bought the wrong kind of paint and it was really frustrating to work with. If I was

able to go back and do it again, I would have bought completely different supplies and a large

brown canvas instead of several white ones and oil based paints rather than acrylics. I am glad

this project if finally over. I put in a lot more time into the project than required and if I could go

back and do it again I would have chesen something much simpler to paint. My mentor, Matt

Doherty, was very helpful throughout the entire project. When I has dealing with my concussions

he was very patient and understanding, and worked on my schedule rather than his. If it wasnt

for his generosity I would not have a completed project to present. The senior project has taught

me a lot about completing my work on time. I know my experience would have been a lot better

if I had pushed myself to get everything done as soon as possible. I am usually a perfectionist

when it comes to anything creative and that was a very big challenge for this painting. I repainted

entire canvases multiple times before I was finally happy with the way it looked. Now that Im

finally done with everything I feel a great sense of accomplishment. Ive come out of this having

more regrets than positive memories about the project and my execution. I do not feel like I did

my best work nor am I proud of what I made, but the project is over now, and I am relieved to be

able to spend my final days in highschool with my friends rather than worrying about a project.

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