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Medical Staff

a. Vocabulary

Term English Indonesia

Admitting The one responsible for checking Yang bertanggung jawab untuk
officer in/admitting patients on arrival and memeriksa / menerima pasien pada
(Petugas checking out them as they leaving saat kedatangan dan memeriksa
penerima) the hospital. mereka ketika mereka
meninggalkan rumah sakit.

Dentist A person whose work is to cures Seseorang yang pekerjaannya

(Dokter gigi) and treats a person suffering from menyembuhkan dan mengobati
toothache. orang yang menderita sakit gigi.

Gynecology The science of the female Ilmu sistem reproduksi wanita.

reproductive system.

Obstetrics A branch of surgery connected with Cabang ilmu bedah yang

(Kebidanan) childbirth. berhubungan dengan persalinan.

Orthopedics A branch of surgery dealing with Cabang ilmu bedah yang

bone deformities or diseases. menangani kelainan atau penyakit

Otolaryngolog Science that has something to do Ilmu yang ada hubungannya

y (THT) with the diagnosis and treatment of dengan diagnosis dan pengobatan
disorders of the ear, nose, and gangguan pada telinga, hidung, dan
throat. tenggorokan

Pediatrics Science dealing with curing the Ilmu yang berhubungan dengan
diseases of children. penyembuhan penyakit anak.

Psychologist An expert in the study of mind and Seorang ahli dalam studi pikiran
(Psikolog) its process. dan prosesnya.

Surgeon A doctor who performs operations. Seorang dokter yang melakukan


b. Exercise
1. He wants to be a specialist in ear, nose, and throat. So he has to study...
c. Otolaryngology
2. He suffers from serious toothache, so it is wise for him to be taken to a/an…
d. Dentist
3. He is a surgeon operating a woman who has a trouble in giving birth normally. He
studied in German 7 years ago. He is a/an…
c. Gynaecologist
4. If you are supposed to be operated next two days, consult the…to see whether
there is
any room empty or not
b. Admitting officer
5. Mr.Nurhadi is the…who is going to operate on you tomorrow morning.
a. Surgeon

2. Nurshing Departement

a. Vocabulary

Term English Indonesia

Blood transfusion Injection of bottled human Suntikan darah manusia dalam botol
(Transfusi darah) blood into a patient. ke pasien.

Diagnose Say exactly what an illness or Katakan dengan tepat apa penyakit
the cause of a problem is. atau penyebab suatu masalah.

Dressing A bandage that usually covers Perban yang biasanya menutupi

the stitches after a surgery jahitan setelah prosedur operasi.

I.V Short for intravenous. Singkatan dari intravena.

Licensed A nurse who has completed a Seorang perawat yang telah

practical course in nursing school. menyelesaikan kursus di sekolah
nurse keperawatan.

Nurse (perawat) A person whose job is to take Seseorang yang tugasnya merawat
care of sick or injured people. orang sakit atau terluka.

Nurse’s aid A person without a nursing Seseorang tanpa gelar keperawatan

(pembantu degree who assist the nursing yang membantu staf perawat
perawat) staff.

Nurse’s station Central area on the floor Area tengah di lantai tempat perawat
where nurses are based. berada.

Nursing durector A nurse responsible for the Seorang perawat yang bertanggung
(Direktur nursing staffs in a hospital. jawab atas staf keperawatan di rumah
perawat) sakit.

On duty Term used to refer to the time Istilah yang digunakan untuk merujuk
when an employee is to work. pada waktu ketika seorang karyawan
akan bekerja.

Medical orderly A person who assist with Seseorang yang membantu dengan
various routine nursing duties. berbagai tugas keperawatan rutin.

Registered A nurse who has completed a Seorang perawat yang telah

professional two four year course at an menyelesaikan kursus dua empat
nurse approved nursing school and tahun di sekolah perawat yang
has been licensed to practice disetujui dan telah memiliki lisensi
after passing an official untuk praktik setelah lulus ujian resmi
Shift Period of duty. Masa tugas

To duty To prepare a patient, for Untuk mempersiapkan pasien,

example, operation. misalnya, operasi.

Vital signs Indications of life in a patient. Indikasi kehidupan pada pasien.

Ward A room with many beds. Kamar dengan banyak tempat tidur.

Well-being Good bodily health. Kesehatan tubuh yang baik

b. Exercise
1. Nursing director (f)
2. Registered professional nurse (i)
3. Licensed practical nurse (b)
4. Orderly (g)
5. Diagnose (d)
6. Well-being (j)
7. Ward (c)
8. On duty (h)
9. Shift (a)
10. Dressing (e)

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