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“Kind words are short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.”- Mother Teresa

In my twenty years of existence I encounter different kinds of people, different kinds of

ups and downs that could definitely wash the shore. I should say I am grateful and super blessed
that God give me a chance to live in this world.

I already watched the movie (Passion of Christ) twenty times or let’s just say fifty or
more but the movie or the clip never failed my eyes to shed a tear. It reminds me that if Jesus did
not give up on me why would I give up on my life? If God sent Jesus to save me why would I
bother myself busy to the things that can lock my soul? The crucifixion and the death of Jesus is
truly an inspiring one.

Every one of us has its own cross to be carried. As an ordinary maiden, I also carry my
own cross in life. I have this pain since I was a little kiddo. When this pain attacks my head, my
whole world turns into upside down.

Just this week or should I say last month I suffered this the same pain and the bad thing
is, the pain is getting worse. Every time I have this, I went to the comfort room and cry as much
as I can to relieve the pain. I don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse but one thing for sure is

Jesus did not give up on me. He never failed His mission so why would I fail my life.

I’m afraid to lose my vision, so I will treasure every moment of my life including the
good and bad memories.

I love to serve specially in helping people. Io guess, it is written in my heart that is why
even is those people who backstab me needs help, I help them. I don’t know what’s wrong with
me or maybe I am curse with this situation. Sometimes, I feel sorry for myself for being so weak
and so soft-hearted.

Through helping I found happiness but still there is something missing. I noticed that no
matter how I attained such things that can made me happy: position, trophies, medals and
certificate etc. I never stop desiring, that no matter what I’ve experience I always thirst for more.

Everything happens for a reason. God gave me the pain but despite of that he gave me
more blessings henceforth I should be contented of what I have and continue my advocacies in
life. Life is the most precious gift I’ve ever receive from Him. God will heal my pain and I have
faith in Him. I may suffer today due to my ill and due to the toxic people, who always brings
toxic problems to me but I know that in the end like Passion of Christ after the difficulties-
victory will come next. As what they have said, “There is always a rainbow after the rain.”

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