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Nama : Tiara Sukmawati

NPM : 2120035

Prodi : D-III Kebidanan Tingkat 2

1. Rangkuman :

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh hipotermia dini terhadap penanganan
pendidikan dengan booklet tingkat pengetahuan pendaki gunung prau. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian pra eksperimen, desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah One Group Desain
Pretest-Posttest. Responden yang digunakan adalah pendaki Gunung Prau dengan sampel sebanyak 34
responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Instrumen
dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner tentang hipotermia. Data Analisis menggunakan Paired
Sample T-Test. Nilai rata-rata pengetahuan responden sebelum diberikan pendidikan dengan buklet
12,74 + 1,746 dan setelah 15,74 + 1,189 dengan perbedaan rata-rata-3,000 + 1,128 dan diperoleh nilai
signifikansi 0,001 (p-value < 0,005). Berikan edukasi tentang manajemen dini hipotermia dengan booklet
memiliki pengaruh dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan para pendaki gunung Prau. Kesimpulan
menunjukkan pemberian edukasi penanganan awal hipotermia dengan booklet memberikan pengaruh
dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan pada pendaki gunung prau.

2. Rangkuman

The newborn mortality rate in Indonesia is still higher than other developing countries. Hypothermia is a
major cause of newborn death in developing countries. Maintaining body temperature within normal
limits is very important for the life and growth of a new baby. WHO has developed heat preservation
care in the care of the newborn, but persistent hypothermia is common in neonates, which is unknown,
undocumented and poorly managed. The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of
measuring the baby's temperature regularly to reduce the incidence of hypothermia in newborns. The
research method used quantitative descriptive methods on 183 newborns who were treated on May 18,
2016 – July 30, 2016 at RSIA Budi Kemuliaan Jakarta. Inclusion criteria were babies born by cesarean
section. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria were babies with low birth weight. The results of the research
in May of a total of 40 newborns there were 19 non-hypothermic babies and 21 hypothermic babies. In
June of 35 newborns there were 19 non-hypothermic babies and 16 hypothermic babies. In July of 108
newborns there were 99 non-hypothermic babies and 9 hypothermic babies. The conclusion is that
periodic temperature measurements of newborns greatly affect the decrease in the incidence of
hypothermia so that it can reduce mortality and mortality in newborns.

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