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Irish Grace S. Garcia
Grade 12 – Enthusiasm
1. A 6. B 11. B 16. A 21. F
2. A 7. A 12. B 17. C 22. H
3. C 8. D 13. B 18. D 23. E
4. B 9. C 14. E 19. B 24. I
5. C 10. B 15. C 20. G 25. D


Irish Grace S. Garcia

Grade 12 – Enthusiasm
1. A 6. B 11. B 16. A 21. F
2. A 7. A 12. B 17. C 22. H
3. C 8. D 13. B 18. D 23. E
4. B 9. C 14. E 19. B 24. I
5. C 10. B 15. C 20. G 25. D
Irish Grace S. Garcia
Grade 12 – Enthusiasm
1. Determine which technologies are most appropriate for which cell types.
1. Biolistics Plant cells
2. Electroporation Mammalian cells
3. Biolistics Plant cells
4. Plasmid insertion by Heat Shock Treatment Bacteria cells
5. Electroporation Mammalian cells
1. Research on the pros and cons of genetic engineering.
1. Fighting diseases 1. Religious and ethical concerns
2. Increase in life expectancy 2. Genetic issues
3. Increased variety of foods and drinks 3. Health issues
4. Nutritious food 4. Allergies
5. Decrease in the use of pesticides 5. Resistant insects and pests
6. Medical foods 6. Antibiotic resistance
7. Decrease in the use of resources 7. Reduction in genetic variety
8. Increase in growth rates of animals and plants 8. Effects on wildlife
9.Development of specific characteristics 9. Soil pollution
10. Displacement of natural species
11. Influence of certain industries and interest groups
2. What is your opinion on Genetic Engineering? Note: Support your opinion with facts and include the issue of biosafety.

Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct human manipulation of an organism’s genome using
modern DNA technology. It involves the introduction of foreign DNA or synthetic genes into the organism of interest. The
introduction of new DNA does not require the use of classical genetic methods; however traditional breeding method are typically
used for the propagation of recombinant organisms. An organism that is generated through the introduction of recombinant DNA is
considered to be a genetically modified organism.
Genetic Engineering is getting importance because of its use in different fields. In medicine, genetic engineering has been
used to mass-produce insulin, human growth hormones, follistim (for treating infertility), human albumin, monoclonal antibodies,
antihemophilic factors, vaccines and many other drugs. Genetic engineering is an important tool for natural scientists. Genes and
other genetic information from a wide range of organisms are transformed into bacteria for storage and modification, creating
genetically modified bacteria in the process. By engineering genes into bacterial plasmids, it is possible to create a biological factory
that can produce proteins and enzymes. One of the best-know and controversial applications of genetic engineering is the creating
of genetically modified food.
However, there are many risks involved in genetic engineering. The release of genetically altered organisms in the
environment can increase human suffering, decrease animal welfare, and lead to ecological disasters. The containment of
biotechnological material in laboratories and industrial plants contributes to the risk of accidental release, especially if the handling
and storage are inadequate. The purely political dangers include intensified economic inequality, the possibility of large-scale
eugenic programs, and totalitarian control over human lives. Biosafety issues refer to the procedures, policies, and principles to be
adopted to safeguard the environment and the human population. It refers to the containment principles, strategies, and practices
that are adopted to prevent exposure to pathogens and toxins. Its main objective is to keep a check on harmful biological agents,
toxins, chemicals, and radiation. With the advent of genetic engineering, biosafety measures have gained importance to ensure
public and environmental safety. Though modern research is a boon to human population yet can be dangerous is not used wisely.
Furthermore, biosecurity and bioterrorism are emerging issues nowadays that need to be checked upon in the interest of human
and environmental safety. Biosafety is therefore important to ensure the safe utilization of technology.
Irish Grace S. Garcia
Grade 12 – Enthusiasm
1. Precambrian – the earliest era of geologic history or the corresponding system of rocks that is characterized especially by the
appearance of single-celled organisms and is equivalent to the Archean and Proterozoic eons.
2. Paleozoic – the older division of geological time during which life is known to have existed, including the Silurian, Devonian, and
Carboniferous ages, and also to the life or rocks of those ages.
3. Mesozoic - means “middle animals”, and is the time during which the world fauna changed drastically from that which had been
seen in the Paleozoic.
4. Cenozoic - is Earth’s current geological era, representing the last 66 million years of Earth’s history. It is characterized by the
dominance of mammals, birds and flowering plants, a cooling and drying climate, and the current configuration of is
the latest of three geological eras since complex life evolved, preceded by the Mesozoic and Paleozoic.
5. Epoch – the smallest division of the geologic time scale characterized by distinctive organisms.
6. Cambrian – the earliest geologic period of the Paleozoic era or the corresponding system of rocks marked by fossils of nearly
every major invertebrate animal group.
7. Ordovician – the period between the Cambrian and the Silurian or the corresponding system of rocks.
8. Silurian – a period of the Paleozoic era between the Ordovician and Devonian or the corresponding system of rocks marked by
numerous eurypterid crustaceans and the appearance of the first land plants.
9. Devonian – the period of the Paleozoic era between the Silurian and the Mississippian or the corresponding system of rocks.
10. Carboniferous – the period of the Paleozoic era between the Devonian and the Permian or the corresponding system of rocks
that includes coal beds.
11. Permian – the last period of the Paleozoic era or the corresponding system of rocks.
12. Triassic – the earliest period of the Mesozoic era or the corresponding system of rocks marked by the first appearance of the
13. Jurassic – the period of the Mesozoic era between Triassic and the Cretaceous or the corresponding system of rocks marked by
the presence of dinosaurs and the first appearance of birds.
14. Cretaceous – the last period of the Mesozoic era characterized by continued dominance of reptiles, emergent dominance of
angiosperms, diversification of mammals, and the extinction of many types of organisms at the close of the period.
1. A 3. C 5. C 7. A 9. C
2. A 4. B 6. B 8. D 10. B
1. Natural Selection – occurs when individuals with certain genotypes are more likely than individuals with other genotypes to
survive and reproduce, and thus to pass on their alleles to the next generation.
2. Mitigation – steps taken to avoid or minimize negative environmental impacts.
3. Mutation – refers to any change in the nucleotide sequencer as a result of a failure of the system to revert the change. Thus, the
altered sequence is permanent and heritable.
4. Genotype – refers to the genetic makeup of an organisms; in other words, it describes an organism’s complete set of genes.
5. Genetic Equilibrium – is the condition of an allele or genotype in a gene pool where the frequency does not change from
generation to generation.
6. Genetic Variation – is the difference in DNA among individuals or the differences between populations.
7. DNA Sequence - is the process of determining the nucleic acid sequence – the order of nucleotides in DNA. It includes any
method or technology that is used to determine the order of the four bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.
8. Genetic Drift – is the change in the frequency of an existing gene variant in a population due to random change. Genetic drift
may cause gene variants to disappear completely and thereby reduce genetic variation. It can also cause initially rare alleles to
become much more frequent and even fixed.
1. Observe the two picture and recognize the similarities and the differences between individuals or animals belonging to the same
 The first picture is about a classification of people into different races that is
typically based on their observable physical features, with skin color being
the most prominent characteristic. The similarity between these individuals is
that they belong in the same species: Homo sapiens. And the differences
between them are their physical features such as their size and shape, their
skin tones and their distinct facial features.
 The second picture is about dog breeds. Domestic dog breeds similarities are that they are able to
interbred to give births to reproductively viable offspring. This is because their genomes remain
relatively unchanged, despite their differences in their physical characteristics.
1. Species - classification compromising related organisms that share common characteristics and are capable of interbreeding.
2. Classification – the establishment of a hierarchical system of categories on the basis of presumed natural relationships among
3. Interbreeding - the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids.
4. Isolating mechanisms – the reproductive characteristics which prevent species from fusing. Isolating mechanisms are
particularly important in the biological species concept, in which species of sexual organisms are defined by reproductive
isolation, i.e. a lack of gene mixture.
5. Zygote – fertilized egg cell that results from the union of a female gamete with a male gamete.
6. Allopatric – occurs when some members of a population become geographically separated from the other members thereby
preventing gene flow.
7. Sympatric - occurs when members of a population that initially occupy the same habitat within the same range diverge into two
or more different species. It involves abrupt genetic changes that quickly lead to the reproductive isolation of a group of
8. Parapatric – occurs when the groups that evolved to be separated species are geographic neighbors. Gene flow occurs but with
great distances is reduced. There is also abrupt change in the environment over a geographic border and strong disruptive
selection must also happen.

1. Research 5 similar species with different characteristics.
1. Meadowlarks with Western Meadowlarks have a complex, two-phrase “primary” song that begins with 1–6 pure whistles
different mating and descends to a series of 1–5 gurgling warbles.
songs. Eastern Meadowlark’s primary song consists of 3 to 5 (sometimes up to 8) pure and plaintive flutelike
whistles all slurred together and gradually dropping in pitch, up to 2 seconds long.
2. Trout that breed in Brown trout spawning season begins in October and goes into December.
different seasons. Rainbow trout, including steelhead forms, generally spawn in early to late spring.
3. Husky A husky is classed as a medium sized working dog.
German Shepherd A German shepherd is classed as a large herding dog.
4. Kit fox Adapted to desert environment; it has sandy coloration and large ears.
Arctic fox Adapted to cold climates; it has thick furs.
5. Polar bear Polar bears live in the cold Arctic region on waters covered with ice.
Giant panda Panda lives in temperate forests.

1. Taxonomy – the science of finding, describing, classifying, and naming organisms, including the studying of the relationships
between taxa and the principles underlying such a classification.
2. Kingdom - this is the highest taxon in Linnaean taxonomy, representing major divisions of organisms. Kingdoms of organisms
include the plant and animal kingdoms.
3. Phylum - this taxon is a division of a kingdom. Phyla in the animal kingdom include chordates (animals with an internal skeleton)
and arthropods (animals with an external skeleton).
4. Class – this taxon is a division of a phylum. Classes in the chordate phylum include mammals and birds.
5. Order – this taxon is a division of a class. Orders in the mammal class include rodents and primates.
6. Family – this taxon is a division of an order. Families in the primate order include hominids (apes and humans) and hylobatids
7. Genus – this taxon is a division of a family. Genera in the hominid family include Homo (humans) and Pan (chimpanzees)
8. Species – this taxon is below the genus and the lowest taxon in Linnaeus’ system. Species in the Pan genus include Pan
troglodytes (common chimpanzees) and Pan paniscus (pygmy chimpanzees).
9. Natural Selection - a process in nature though which living organisms adapt and change in response to an environmental
condition. And organisms that are better suited to their environment tend to survive longer and produce more offsprings.
10. Artificial Selection – describes the human selection of breeding pairs to produce favorable offspring. This applies to all organisms
– from virus to four-footer, and from pet to food source. Artificial selection aims to increase the productive or esthetic value of
an organism to our advantage.


1. true 4. true 7. false 10. false 13. true
2. false 5. false 8. true 11. false 14. true
3. false 6. true 9. false 12. true 15. true
Irish Grace S. Garcia
Grade 12 – Enthusiasm
1. Homologous - is defined as having similar or corresponding features and share a common evolutionary origin.
2. Analogous - is defined as having the same or corresponding roles (function) but do not share a common evolutionary origin.
3. Molecular Biology - is the branch of biology that studies the molecular basis of biological activity. Living things are made of
chemicals just as non-living things are, so a molecular biologist studies how molecules interact with one another in living
organisms to perform the functions of life.
4. Transcription - is the process of copying a segment of DNA into RNA. The segments of DNA transcribed into RNA molecules that
can encode proteins are said to produce messenger RNA. Other segments of DNA are copied into RNA molecules called non-
coding RNAs.
5. Translation - the process by which a cell makes proteins using the genetic information carried in messenger RNA (mRNA). The
mRNA is made by copying DNA, and the information it carries tells the cell how to link amino acids together to form proteins.
6. Genetic code - is a set of rules defining how the four-letter code of DNA is translated into the 20-letter code of amino acids,
which are the building blocks of proteins.
7. Biogeography - refers to the distribution of various species and ecosystems geographically and throughout geological time and
8. Fossils - are the preserved remains, or traces of remains, of ancient organisms. Fossils are not the remains of the organism itself.
They are rocks. A fossil can preserve an entire organism or just part of one.
9. Evolution - is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural
10. Modification - A nonhereditary change in an organism; for example, one that is acquired from its own activity or environment.
Identify the evidence shown by the picture and explain how it supports evolution.

Analogous features.
Analogous features show
that similar selective
pressures can produce
similar adaptations
(beneficial features). In other
words, analogous structures
show how different species
have evolved to become Embryology. Embryology provides evidence
more similar. for evolution since the embryonic forms of
divergent groups are extremely similar.
Also, it shows that related organisms have
similar structures in their earlier forms.
Homologous features. Fossil record. The fossil record, though incomple
Homologous features provide
evidence for common
ancestry. If two or more
species share a unique
physical feature, such as a
complex bone structure or a
body plan, they may all have
inherited this feature from a provides information about what species
common ancestor. Physical features shared due to evolutionary history (a existed at particular times of Earth’s history.
common ancestor) are said to be homologous.
1. Phylogeny - is a hypothetical relationship between groups of organisms being compares. A phylogeny is often depicted using a
phylogenetic tree.
2. Phylogenetic Tree – is a diagram used to reflect evolutionary relationships among organisms or groups of organisms.
3. Branch Point – represents where a single lineage evolved into a distinct new one.
4. Basal Taxon - a lineage that evolved early from the root and remains unbranched.
5. Sister Taxa – two lineages stem from the same branch point
6. Polytomy – a branch with more than two lineages and serves to illustrate where scientists have not definitively determined all
of the relationships.
7. Taxonomy - is the scientific study of naming, defining and classifying groups of biological organisms based on shared
8. Binomial Nomenclature - a system of nomenclature in which each species of animal or plant receives a name of two terms of
which the first identifies the genus to which it belongs and the second the species itself.
1. Illustrate the Phylogenic Tree of Human Ancestors
Irish Grace S. Garcia
Grade 12 – Enthusiasm
Why do biologists care about phylogenies?

A phylogenetic tree, also known as a phylogeny, is a diagram that depicts the lines of evolutionary descent of different
species, organisms, or genes from a common ancestor. Phylogenies are useful for organizing knowledge of biological diversity, for
structuring classifications, and for providing insight into events that occurred during evolution. Furthermore, because these trees
show descent from a common ancestor and because much of the strongest evidence for evolution comes in the form of common
ancestry, one must understand phylogenies in order to fully appreciate the overwhelming evidence supporting the theory of
Tree diagrams have been used in evolutionary biology since the time of Charles Darwin. Therefore, one might assume that,
by now, most scientists would be exceedingly comfortable with "tree thinking"—reading and interpreting phylogenies. However, it
turns out that the tree model of evolution is somewhat counterintuitive and easily misunderstood. This may be the reason why
biologists have only in the last few decades come to develop a rigorous understanding of phylogenetic trees. This understanding
allows present-day researchers to use phylogenies to visualize evolution, organize their knowledge of biodiversity, and structure and
guide ongoing evolutionary research.
show us the evolutionary relationships among species, allowing us to study how certain traits evolve. Scientists study how
traits change along branches in a phylogeny to understand how animals diversify and adapt to their environments over time.
Phylogenies also provide vital information for conservation. By understanding evolutionary relationships among species, we can try
to predict which lineages may be most vulnerable to human-caused environmental degradation like climate change or pollution.
Some conservation biologists also try to focus on conserving the greatest evolutionary diversity, ensuring that we protect species
that represent many different branches of the Tree of Life rather than protecting many closely related species.
Many biologists agree that a phylogenetic tree of relationships should be the central underpinning of research in many areas
of biology. Comparisons of plant species or gene sequences in a phylogenetic context can provide the most meaningful insights into
biology. To sum it all up, phylogenies enable biologists to compare organisms and make predictions and inferences based on
similarities and differences in traits. And a phylogenetic tree may portray the evolutionary history of all life forms.

1. Classification – method of grouping organisms; arranging entities into some type of order to provide a system for cataloguing
and expressing relationship between these entities.
2. Hierarchy – a system of organizing groups into ranks according to status; putting groups of various levels according to
importance or power.
3. Nomenclature – the formal naming of taxa according to some standardized system. For plants, fungi, and algae, rules of naming
are provided by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. For animals, rules on naming are based on the International
Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
4. Identification - is the process of associating an unknown taxon with a known one.
5. Description – is the assignment of features or attributes (characters) to a taxon.
6. Taxonomy – the theory and practice of classifying organisms.
7. Domain – is the highest taxonomic rank of all organisms taken together.
8. Eukarya - is one in the three-domain system of biological classification introduced by Carl Woese in 1990.
9. Species – is the lowest taxonomic rank and the most basic unit or category of biological classification.
10. Linnaean Taxonomy - a method of classifying living things.
11. Dichotomous key – is a tool that helps identify unknown organisms to some taxonomic level. The key is constructed in such a
way that a series of choices is made that leads the user to the correct identity of sample organism. “Dichotomous” means,
“divided into two parts.” Therefore, a dichotomous key always offers two choices for each step, each of which describes key
characteristics of a particular organism or group of organism.

1. Cladistics – studies relationships between taxa using shared derived characters.
2. Phylogeny – the evolutionary relationships among organisms.
3. Cladograms – a phylogenetic tree that shows relationship of taxa based on shared derived characters.
4. Character - any trait of an organism that can be described or measured.
5. Character State - describes the character. A particular character can have several character states.
6. Homologous Characters – characters having similar structures because these were derived from a common ancestor.
7. Analogous Characters – characters that have separate evolutionary origins, but are superficially similar because they perform
the same function. Analogous characters are the result of convergent evolution.
8. Clade – a group of taxa consisting of an ancestor and all of its descendant taxa.
9. Phylogenic Tree - is a diagram that depicts the lines of evolutionary descent of different species, organisms, or genes from a
common ancestor.
10. Echinoid - belonging or pertaining to the class Echinoidea, compromising mainly sea urchins and sand dollars.
11. Asteroid - a small, rocky object that orbits the Sun.
12. Crinoid - any marine invertebrate of the class Crinoidea usually possessing a somewhat cup-shaped body and five or more
flexible and active arms.
13. Holothuroid – a sea cucumber. Holothuroidea is a class of echinoderms including the sea cucumbers.
14. Ophiuroid – an echinoderm of the class Ophiuroidea, which compromises the brittlestars.

1. Do you remember the last time you had a family reunion? A summer vacation or a family barbecue and the latest family picture
taken together? Can you describe your family members? What makes you similar to them and what makes you unique?
- The members of our family look similar because of the same gene pool we belong to. We, siblings, look like combinations of
our parents, but not in a way that you can easily distinguish us being siblings if you saw our appearances firsthand. It is
because our physical features have clear distinct features that can differentiate us like having similar features as our
grandparents more than our parents. In addition, we share a few same habits and our personalities are somehow alike. And
what makes me unique is that I have a unique arrangement of genes. Also, what makes me unique is my personality, it’s
because my personality is shaped by my surroundings and by the choices I make.
List characters or features that served as evidences (e.g. morphological, genetic, etc.) that indeed they belong to the same
family. Note as many as they can think of.
Family Members Color of the eyes Hair texture/Color Shape of the face Skin Color
Olive (light brown to
Father Brown Black/Straight Round
moderate brown)
Mother Brown Oval Fair
Ate Angie (eldest Black
Brown Round Fair
sister) Curly
Ate Lyka (elder Black Medium (white to
Brown Oval
sister) Straight light brown)
Kuya Jude (older Black
Brown Round Fair
brother) Curly
Tintin (younger Black
Brown Oval Fair
sister) Curly
Faith (younger Black Medium (white to
Brown Round
sister) Straight light brown)
Justine (younger Black Olive (light brown to
Brown Oval
sister) Curly moderate brown)
Jasmine (younger Black Medium (white to
Brown Oval
sister) Straight light brown)
Ailla (younger Black Medium (white to
Brown Round
sister) Straight light brown)
Me Brown Round Fair

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