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Text 1

01. ‘The Amazing Amazon’ This is an example of:

 A synonym
 B anagram
 C simile
 D alliteration ( 1 mark )

02. ‘There are some fascinating places to find out about, starting with...’
Circle the word from the list below that could replace ‘fascinating’.

savage charming interesting bristling ( 1 mark )

03. ‘Also, ancient settlements exist deeper in the jungle.’ Give the word the writer has used to show
Amazon is prehistoric. ( 1 mark )



04. Read the 1st paragraph. Find a word which shows Amazon is considered valuable. ( 1 mark )


05. Name three things grown in Amazon. (3 marks )


06. What’s special about the size of some rainforest animals?’ Explain why the writer asks this



( 2 marks )
07. ‘The Goliath bird-eating spider is the size of a dinner plate, with a leg span of 28 centimeters!’
Why does the writer use an exclamation mark?
To show that it is:
 A excitement (1 mark)
 B unusual
 C surprise
 D fantastic

08. ‘It’s a tough competition.’

Why does the writer tell us this?
To show that many animals are: (1 mark)

 A desperate
 B dangerous
 C intelligent
 D devious

09. Which animal can devour a person fast? (1 mark)


10. Match each of the words below with its synonym.

One has been done for you. (3 marks)

venomous helpful

chopped poisonous

vanish cut

friendly disappear
Text 2

11. What time of the day did the even take place? How do you know? (2 marks)



12. ‘The aeroplane vibrated as it flew faster into the setting sun, following the swerve of the
Amazon River below...’
Underline the word the writer has used for shake. (1 mark)

13. ‘…just a strip of tarmac under the ferocious Brazilian sun.’

What does this tell us about the weather?
That it was: (1 mark)
 A dusty
 B rainy
 C sunny
 D cloudy

14. ‘…he felt like he was being gently cooked inside his own skin.’
What does this tell us about the character’s feelings? (2 marks)



15. Put these actions in number order 1–5 as they appear in the text.
The earliest (1) has been done for you. (4 marks)

Someone screamed behind the plane.

Plane lurched over the canopy.
The pilot began to belch. 1
The pilot slowed the engine.
The plane dipped downwards.

16. What genre is this extract? (1 mark)

 A historical
 B science fiction
 C adventure
 D fantasy
17. ‘And the sky, which had seconds before seemed so reliable, gave way.’
Why has the writer used commas in the sentence? (1 mark)


18. How has the writer used language to create tension in the story? Give evidence.
(2 marks)

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

19. Underline the words in the sentence below that are written in the past tense. (3 marks)

Fighting for breath, the pilot shook his head and reached over to the controls and cut
the engine. The roar ceased. The plane dipped downwards. The trees rose up...

20. Rewrite the above sentence in the present tense. (1 mark)

He tried to heave in breath to shout for help but his throat was too dry and ashy to yell.

21. Complete the table below by ticking the correct column.

The first one has been done for you. (3 marks)

apostrophe for contraction


22. Change the sentence below from the passive to the active voice. (1 mark)

He shook his head.

23. Draw a line to match each bold verb form to its correct tense. (3 marks)
One has been done for you.

He grabbed a rock from the ground. present progressive

He is grabbing a rock from the ground. past progressive
He grabs a rock from the ground. simple present
He was grabbing a rock from the ground. simple past

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