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Canvas Sending Rules

When can a user enter a Canvas?

• A user must be in your Entry Audience at your scheduled entry time(s).
• If your entry time is Enter as soon as Canvas is launched or Once, then only users in your Entry Audience at the
specified entry time will enter. Users that qualify for your Entry Audience past that point will not enter.
• If your entry time is recurring (for instance, Daily or Action-Based), then users will be able to enter at multiple times.
• By default, a user can only enter once, unless you allow for re-entry in your Entry Settings.
• Once your user has passed through the entry step, they are automatically considered for the first step(s) in your
Canvas, even if they fall out of the Entry Audience after passing through your entry step. In other words, a user must
be in your Entry Audience at entry time, but once they have entered your Canvas, they are not required to stay in
your Entry Audience in order to receive steps.

What happens if you allow re-entry?

• Users will be able to re-enter your Canvas after the window of time that you’ve specified in your Entry Settings.
• Users will still need to meet the criteria in your entry step again in order to re-enter.
• Should the window of re-eligibility in your Entry Settings be less than the maximum duration of the Canvas, a user
will be allowed to re-enter and receive messages from multiple steps. In other words, it’s possible for this user to be
at multiple different steps within your Canvas at once. In the edge case where a user re-enters, and both the
current and previous entries are set to receive that same step next, then Braze will deduplicate that step’s
messages so that the user does not receive the same message twice in a row.

Window of re-eligibility in Entry Settings is less than the maximum duration of Canvas

• Re-eligibility for Canvas variants is tied to Canvas entry rather than message receipt. Users who enter a Canvas
and do not receive any messages (refer to “When can a user receive a first step?” on page 2) will not be able to
re-enter the Canvas unless re-eligibility is enabled.

When can a user receive a first step?
a. The user must pass through the entry step.
b. T
 he user must qualify for any Audience Options you’ve set for this step at your Step Schedule time.
c.  The user must be opted in to a channel in order to receive that message. For instance, if your step contains both
an email and a push, and your user is opted in to email but not push, then they will only receive the email. Keep in
mind that users not opted in to these channels can still enter your Canvas, unless you use segment filters in your
Entry Audience to target only users that are opted in to certain channels. If your Entry Audience includes users
that aren’t opted in to receive certain channels, your results may reflect a higher number of Canvas entries than
step recipients.

When can a user progress to a subsequent step?

• The user must have received a previous step that connects to this step. A user is considered having received a step
if they received at least one message from that step.
• The user must qualify for (b) and (c) under “When can a user receive a first step?”

What happens if multiple steps branch out from one step, and a user qualifies for more
than one branch?
• If a user qualifies for more than one branch at the same moment, Braze will randomly select one branch for the user
to receive.
• If a user qualifies for more than one branch, but the Step Schedule for one branch occurs sooner, then the user will
receive the sooner branch.
• Once a user receives a step in one branch, they cannot receive any of its parallel steps from another branch.

How does local time zone delivery schedule work for individual steps?
• For all Scheduled delivery options in your entry step, times of day will be in your dashboard’s time zone unless our
dashboard explicitly displays an option to send in the user’s local time zone. Canvas supports local time zone
delivery for entry steps, but not for any subsequent steps. You can view your dashboard’s time zone on your
Company Settings page.
• For any entry step sending using the user’s local time zone, keep in mind that:
 user must remain in the step’s audience for a full 24 hours to ensure they receive that step. This is because it
may take up to 24 hours after a user qualifies for your Entry Audience for their time zone to be reached. Ensure
your segment filters leave enough time for users to receive your step - for instance, do not create an audience
that last used your app less than 12 hours ago.
 -  If your entry step schedule allows users to enter Once at a specified time in their local time zone, and begins
allowing users to enter within less than 24 hours from when your Canvas launches, then it’s possible that users
in your Entry Audience at launch time will not enter the Canvas because the specified time in their time zone
has already passed.

One-time entry scheduled to occur in less than 24hours

 -  If your entry step schedule allows users to enter on a recurring basis in their local time zone, and begins allowing
users to enter within less than 24 hours from when your Canvas launches, then it’s possible that users in your
audience when the Canvas launches will not receive this Canvas during the first wave of entries.

Can I use Intelligent Delivery in Canvas?

• Intelligent Delivery is only available on the step level post-entry. You cannot set your entry conditions to use
Intelligent Delivery.
• On an individual step, Intelligent Delivery is available for the following types of schedules:
- Scheduled setups where you’re sending your message with a delay of days (with a minimum of 1 day) or weeks
(with a minimum of 1 week), in a certain number of days, or on the next day of the week. In these cases, you can
have your step deliver using Intelligent Delivery on that particular day.
- Action-Based setups where you’re sending your message with a delay of days (with minimum of 1 day) or weeks
(with minimum of 1 week) after the user completes the trigger action, in a certain number of days after the user
completes the trigger action, or on the next day of the week after the user completes the trigger action.

Intelligent Delivery use within an Action-Based sschedule

When are users evaluated for audience membership for a step with an “Action-Based”
delivery schedule?
• By default, for Action-Based steps, your users must be in your audience both when they trigger the step and the
moment when the message is sent. If you set your message to send after a delay, then users must still be in your
audience after the delay has elapsed in order to receive the message. This default setting is reflected within the
Audience Options of any step that uses Action-Based delivery with a delay.

By default, users must still be in your audience at the moment the message is sent

• You also have the option of requiring users to be in your audience only at the moment they trigger the step,
and not necessarily when the step gets sent. If you’d like all users to receive a step once they have triggered it,
regardless of whether they fall out of your audience after a delay, then in Audience Options, be sure to select
Check additional segments and filters when users trigger this msessage.

Audience membership checked only when users trigger this message

When can users fall out of a Canvas?
• Once a user enters your Canvas, they can fall out before receiving a first step if they do not qualify for any first step.
Please refer to “When can a user receive a first step?” on page 2.
• If a user receives a particular step in your Canvas, but does not qualify for any of the subsequent steps connected
to it at the times those steps are scheduled to send, or does not complete the necessary trigger actions within the
time window specified, then the user falls out of the Canvas.

How long and for whom are conversions tracked?

• The minimum conversion deadline that you can set for a Canvas is the length of time it takes to complete the
Canvas’s longest path.
• The maximum conversion deadline that you can set for a Canvas is the length of the longest path plus 30 days.
• Conversion events are tracked for all users that enter your Canvas. If a user enters your Canvas but does not receive
any messages (refer to “When can a user receive a first step?” on page 2), they are still eligible to complete a


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