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                                    Aviation Meteorology Test 

Instructor : Ayush Gupta                                                                  Name :

Results:                                                                                                 Time :
1. What is the approximate speed of a 40 knot wind, expressed in m/sec?
A. 25 m/s
B. 15 m/s
C. 20 m/s
2. Fohn winds are…………on the Leeward side of a mountain
A. Dry &Warm
B. Cold & Humid
C. Dry & Moist
3. In S-Hemisphere if you experience Port drift , altimeter will read
A. Over
B. Under
C. Constatnt
4. What is the Bora?
A. Warm anabatic wind blowing to the Mediterranean
B. An anabatic wind in the Rockies
C. Cold katabatic wind over the Adriatic
5. Changes of RVR are reported for increments of:
A. 25 m up to 250 m
B. 25 m up to 200 m
C. 50 m between 300 m and 800 m
6. ………forms when moist air……….. over a surface which is ……… than the dew point of the air. Fill
in the missing words from the list given below:
A. Radiation fog, passes, warmer
B. Advection fog, settles, cooler
C. Advection fog, passes, cooler
7. Over flat dry land what would cause cloud?
A. Orographic uplift
B. Convective uplift during the day
C. Advection
8. From which of the following clouds are you least likely to get precipitation in summer?
9. Bishop's ring is due to the diffraction of light by fine particles of
A. Water
B. Ice
C. Dust
10. The saturated air is said to be unstable if
11. Which one is favourable condition for Radiation fog formation
A. Low or Col
B. High or Col
C. Clear sky and Low RH
12. In case of a layer of fog when viewed from above , the…… visibility may be good but……..
visibility is poor
A. Slant / Vertical
B. Vertical/ Slant
C. Horizontal/Slant
13. To dissipate cloud requires:
A. Subsidence
B. a decrease in temperature
C. convection
14. Why does air cool as it rises?
A. It expands
B. It contracts
C. The air is colder at higher latitudes
15. When the upper part of a layer of warm air is advected:
A. Stability increases within the layer
B. Stability decreases within the layer
C. Wind speed will always decrease with increase in height in the Northern Hemisphere
16. A layer of air can be:
A. conditional; unstable when unsaturated and stable when saturated
B. conditional; unstable when saturated and stable when unsaturated
C. all of the above
17. What happens to the temperature of a saturated air mass when forced to descend?
A. It heats up more than dry because of expansion
B. It heats up less than dry because of evaporation
C. It heats up less than dry because of latent heat released during condensation
18. Inferior Mirage occurs when there is
A. Lapse rate
B. Inversion
C. Isothermal
19. When the temperature and dew point are less than one degree apart the weather conditions
are most likely to be :
A. unlimited visibility
B. clear and cool
C. fog or low cloud
20. A cumulus congestus is:
A. a cumulus with little vertical development
B. a cumulus that is of great vertical extent
C. a cumulus that only occurs in association with the ITCZ
21. What is the main composition of clouds classified as high level clouds?
A. Super cooled water droplets
B. Ice crystals
C. Water droplets
22. An air mass is unstable when:
A. temperature increases with height
B. pressure shows a marked variation over a given horizontal area
C. an ascending parcel of air continues to rise to a considerable height
23. Geostrophic wind:
A. is perpendicular to the horizontal pressure gradient force
B. always increases with increasing height
C. is directly proportional to the density of the air
24. The geostrophic wind depends on:
A. density, earth’s rotation, geographic latitude
B. earth’s rotation, geographic latitude, centripetal force
C. centripetal force, height, pressure gradient
25. Trade winds blows
A. NW in N Hemisphere and SW in S Hemisphere
B. NE in N Hemisphere and SW in S Hemisphere
C. NE in N Hemisphere and SE in S Hemisphere
26. DALR is approximately
A. 5 ° C /km
B. 10 ° C /km
C. 9° C /km
27. Sea breeze sets in by……… and dies off at
A. Night/Day
B. Day/Night
C. Both Day and Night
28. The radiation fog activity increases after the passage of a………
B. Deperession
C. Col
29. Dark gray cloud giving continuous rain is called
30. If you observe drizzle falling, the cloud above you is most likely to be:
31. Clouds formed by convection will always:
A. be layer clouds
B. have a rising cloud base and may develop into CB as the day progresses
C. be CU, CB or NS
32. The type of cloud from which continuous moderate or heavy rain is likely to fall is:
A. large cumulus
B. cumulonimbus
C. nimbostratus
33. The term “shower” implies that:
A. precipitation is in the form of rain and is continuous
B. precipitation is from cumulonimbus cloud and lasts for short periods
C. precipitation is continuous for long periods from cumuloform cloud
34. Frontal fog is most likely to:
A. form ahead of a vigorous fast moving cold front
B. form ahead of a warm front
C. form on a vigorous cold front and last for many hours
35. The instrument used for measuring the humidity of air is a:
A. Hydrometer
B. Hygroscope
C. Hygrometer
36. The geostrophic wind speed is directly proportional to the:
A. density of the air
B. horizontal pressure gradient
C. sine of latitude
37. With balanced flow, which of the following statements is untrue?
A. The geostrophic force decreases near the poles
B. The geostrophic force is non-existent at the equator
C. The geostrophic force varies in direct proportion to the wind speed
38. Corona are formed due to the of light
A. Refraction
B. Diffraction
C. Scattering
39. Halo occur in the cloud
40. Cloud ceiling is the height of clouds of cloud layer
A. 6/8 or more
B. 4/8 or more
C. 5/8 or more
41. The type of precipitation in which visibility is likely to be most reduced is:
A. Drizzle
B. Sleet
C. Snow
42. What causes the geostrophic wind to be stronger than the gradient wind around a low?
A. Centrifugal force adds to the gradient force
B. Centrifugal force opposes the gradient force
C. Coriolis force adds to the gradient force
43. A large pressure gradient is shown by:
A. closely spaced isobars - low temperature
B. close spaced isobars - strong winds
C. close spaced isobars - light winds
44. When visibility reduces between 5000m and 1000m and RH is almost 100% , it is
A. Haze
B. Mist
C. Fog
45. Aurora Borealis is called ……. Lights
A. Northern
B. Southern
C. Temperate
46. A secondary rainbow has …….. colour on outside
A. Violet
B. Red
C. Indigo
47. What is calves?
A. CB with distinct anvil
B. CB with no cirrus at the top
C. CU clouds which have strong sprouting
48. Roaring forties are
A. The Wly wind which blows in both hemisphere between 35deg and 60 deg lat
B. The Wly wind which blows in both hemisphere between 30deg and 60 deg lat
C. The Wly wind which blows in both hemisphere between 40deg and 60 deg lat
49. Wind at altitude is usually given as …….. in ……..
A. true, m/s
B. magnetic, kt
C. true, kt
50. If you fly with left drift in the Northern Hemisphere, what is happening to surface pressure?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. No effect

1 C 26 B
2 A 27 B
3 A 28 A
4 C 29 B
5 B 30 C
6 C 31 B
7 B 32 C
8 B 33 B
9 C 34 B
10 B 35 C
11 B 36 B
12 B 37 A
13 A 38 B
14 A 39 C
15 A 40 C
16 B 41 C
17 B 42 B
18 A 43 B
19 C 44 B
20 B 45 C
21 B 46 A
22 C 47 B
23 A 48 A
24 A 49 C
25 C 50 A

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