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Mariana arrives to Marcela's house.

Mariana: Hello Sis! How's it going?

Marcela: Hey Mari! What's up? You end up in my house after all the problems that you had with your
medical appointments.
Mari: Yes, thanks to God, I had backed up all exams that the doctor needed.

Marcela: Goodness, you face up to the problem and come up with a great solution.

Mari: Yeah! So... Are we going to prepare Michelle's baby shower?

Marcela: Of course, now we have to focus on it. Because it will be on June 14th.

Mari: But it won't be in July, sorry, June (omg, I always mix up those months). Anyways, we must put
it off 'cause that day Michelle has an appointment, I think is an ecography that she has to do for
getting in a maternity course.

Marcela: Oh I didn't know. Actually, I'm gonna call Michelle later for asking If she require my help
and maybe tomorrow I will go to her house because I would like to care about her, you know 'cause
Peter has a job trip and he can't really get out of it.

Mari: I think is a good idea! Ok Sis, I come up that we can put the baby shower off on June 16th.

Marcela: Let me add up... Today is May 30th so we have 15 days for thinking the preparations
Mari: We have to prepare this quickly.
(Llamada por cellular)
Mari: Hi Sis, what time do we meet at Michelle’s house? (a que hora nos encontramos en la casa
de Michelle?)
Marce: Hello Mari, could be at 2 pm
Mari: Ok Sis, see you later
(se toca la Puerta)
Marce: Hi Michi, how are you sis? How have you felt these days?
Michelle: Mmm, it’s weird. Sometimes I feel dizzy and lately I have had difficulty sleeping.
Marce: Oh, really? But have you felt faint, or have you lost your appetite or your temper?
Michelle: No really, chill out sis, please don’t get in a panic and don’t go over and over that
something terrible will affect to me or to my baby.
Mari: Yeah, we don’t have to get worried ‘cause I know that Michelle has daily controls. Besides
that, how is the baby? Has it bothers much?
Michelle: The baby is very good and annoying normal, do you want to feel it?
Mari y Marce: Yeah, of course!
Marce: Oh Michi! Almost I forget this, Mari and I need that you come to this address on June 16th
because there will have an amazing event.
Michi: Wow! Great, I will be there.
-Mari y Marce se reunen para planear la fiesta con una organizadora de eventos-

Mari: Sis, we must start planning the celebration right now.

Marce: Yes, that's true, I want you to meet an event planner to help us with the organization.
Michelle (organizadora): (Good morning, my name is... and I'm going to help you with whatever you
need, so in my opinion, we should start making a list of what we need, to buy it and start organizing
the baby shower)
Mari: Okay, I agree

Marce: So, for decoration we need balloons, confetti, glitter, banners, gift wrap, 40 invitation cards. On
the other hand, we ought to prepare the reception and contract an entertainer and a culinary assistant. Also, we
are going to invite 40 guests.
Michelle (organizadora): All right, Miss Marcela, I’m making a note to go buying everything
Marce: Well, Is anything missing, Mari?
Mari: Yes, in the invitation cards we should clarify, the theme party, the venue and what kind of
costumes everybody must wear.
Marce: Yeah great, so, formal costumes; theme party obviously is a baby shower and about the venue, Karol
would you mind separating Nueva Monserrate venue? It’s huge and not expensive.
Michelle: Okay, perfect.

Mari: It would be great to make blue and pink badges for the guests so they can tell if they think
it's going to be a boy or a girl.
Marce: Yes, I love it. We also must think about what we are going to do to surprise the baby's gender.
Michelle: We should add cream inside the cake with the color of the baby's gender.
Mari: Or we could use a box and inside we keep a couple of balloons and candies related with the
baby's genre.
Marce: I like that idea and they would be marshmallows because Michi loves them.
Michelle (organizadora): Okay, ladies, I have already written all about what I need to buy and
prepare, so tomorrow I will begin to organize the surprise party.

(Michelle sale y entra como la mamá)

Mari and Marce : SURPRISEEEE !!!!

Michele : OMG !!! No way, I can’t believe it, how beautiful!!!! I love sisters and my baby too.


Michelle: And I have a big question, is the baby a boy or a girl?

Marce: Mari and I know, because we took an echography that you had in your house and we show it
to the doctor and ask him if the baby was a girl or a boy. Everything was planning, cause Mari said to
him that he can’t tell you about the gender.
Michelle: OMG
LUEGO… Cuenta regresiva para saber qué es…
Mari, Michele and Marce: She's a girl!!!!

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