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Session 1
A. Presented our writings for entrance
B. Given the title of “Seekers”
C. Hearth
1. Build by Gond worshippers
2. Larger dimensions than would be expected
D. House of the Binder
1. Reproduces text copies
2. Must reproduce the entire text
3. About 100gp for non-magical books
E. Annual specialty books
1. Old are valuable
2. Issued by the Avowed?
3. Current topic is the Tears of Selune
F. Pillars of Pedagogy
1. Ask for material, the Avowed will retrieve it for you
G. Emerald Door
1. Avowed are allowed through.
2. Lita is allowed through
H. Orders of Accordance
1. No fighting
2. Cordial debate
3. No stealing
4. No copying
5. No marking or modifying works
I. V'ziir-Ag (Great Reader)
1. Great Reader is expert in field
J. Khe'ril Hammerbind (dwarf)
1. Temple of Oghma caretaker is named Kei Tigersteel
K. Kai Tigersteel
L. Ma' boi KT
M. Books
1. Book on Masks and Masquerades (Fashion Book)
2. Artifacts
a) Stupid antiquetes
3. Artifacts
a) Unorganized book on artifacts
4. Book on Rich People
N. Matreous
1. Bookworm is the First Reader
a) Strange Dragonborn
2. Wants access to the main library
3. Meet in Pillars
a) Book of Extra Dimensional Spaces
O. Keeper of Tomes
1. Janussi died, replaced by his chosen pick named Nadox (Leader/governor)
II. Session II
A. Book of extra dimensional spaces
1. Written by Mordenkainen
B. Looking for someone. Stadia?
1. Word Scepter opens the gate to Stadia’s Mansion
2. Imp Statue
a) Poisons, antidotes, and how to find them
b) A bright minds inquiry into curses
c) Letters of Saint Cuthbert
C. Find books of T (Treatise on Astronomy), I (Memoir), Y
2. Liberty
III. Sessions III
A. Tadpole of a SLAAD.
1. Eats meat
B. Found Imp Statue and one book. Guy stabbed us in the back
C. Met Bookworm at the Hearth
1. Dragonborn (Green)
2. Skoda Valanaster is Bookworms real name.
3. Kazryn Nyantani went on a pilgrimage to find her bro Belak at a place
called the sunless citadel.
a) Kaz was here weeks ago. Went to twilight grove to see the outcast.
b) Outcast grows food for goblins. Is dangerous
c) Also a group of three adventurers who had scrolls of sending
(1) Possibly died fighting goblins
4. Got five sending scrolls
a) Message if find Kazryn, other adventurers, or grave danger
IV. Session IV
A. Strange words
1. There be dragons
a) Injured dragon that left
b) Was meant to be worshipped
c) A BIG red dragon; disappeared 1k years ago
3. Symbol of a dragon fish. Serpentine
B. Meepo the Kobold
1. Leader is Yusdrayl
2. Dragon needs to be rescued; Calcryx is dragon and was stolen.
a) Possibly a pet? White dragon; small
C. Got silver key
V. Session V
A. Baravar Cloakshadow
B. Met a gnome with a connection to the above god
C. Three humans, a fourth died, Caracis died. Belek wanted them.
D. Goblins mentioned a twilight grove below.
1. Belek is a spellcaster who harvests fruit from the Gulthias Tree.
VI. Session VI
A. Restrained the dragon; got 3 spell scrolls: mage armor, spider climb, knock; 3
potions; tree token (Quaal’s feather token)
VII. Session VII
B. "Let the sorcerous power illuminate my spirit."
VIII. Session VIII
A. Found Belek and Kazryn
B. Warped nature with the Ghelris tree
C. White Gulthias fruit
1. FORMED FROM a staked vampire
D. Killed everybody
IX. Session IX
A. Left Kazryn with Kobolds
B. Creepy scar tunnel gave me agoraphobia
C. Creepy statue of a deer or elk, with humanoid face. Changes to that of a dragon
D. Found second statue of a dragon. White dragon, with red blood stains. Might be
calcryx mom
E. "A dragonpriest entombed alive for transgressions of the Law still retains the
honor of his position."
F. Found a dragonpriest adorned with jewelry.
1. Two silver rings (15gp a piece)
2. Silver amulet (15gp)
3. Command, cure wounds (lvl2), guiding bolt (lvl2), inflict wounds (lvl2)
X. Session X
A. Cahir
1. I’m a sage
a) Gives me access to lower library
B. Other Sages
1. Kazryn Nyantani, a human master sage.
2. Sylvira Savikas, a tiefling archmage.
3. Fheminor Scrivenbark, a lightfoot halfling master sage
C. Great Readers live in exaltation.
1. Very beautiful place
D. Alcharist is bronze dragonborn. Very talkative
E. Master Reader: Sir Toots
F. Naadox, Keeper of Tomes
1. Struck a deal with the modrons
2. Recommended: Gone with the Wind
G. Eight total great readers
H. Master readers are below.
I. Prime reader is bookworm (governor)
J. The Ruby: A posh inn
XI. Session XI
A. Kenku royalty are no more. In the past two spent a lot of time in the feywild.
1. Part of the Kara-tur line
2. Prince Acham
3. Princess Cephes
4. Corvus Nighfeather - assassin and spy. Was a Jester undercover. Killed the
above. Founded a Circus of Wonders.
B. Aarakokra are fond of the elemental plane of air.
C. Rumored that in the feywild, there are many sects of intelligent birds with a royal
D. Strange empty space under candlekeep. Hard to tell what exactly it is.
E. Sunless citadel used to be above ground. During eruption of mount Hotenow
things caved in about 41 years ago. No one seems to recall the eruption though…
F. Cult of the dragon, some lived in the sunless citadel. Ashardalon has many
mentions. Cult did not see or summon Ash but they did have visions.
1. Many people were sacrificed. Contacted demons who flooded through.
Ash wanted something, but what is hard to find.
2. Had to have a bigger summons, like sacrificing a city.
3. eRUPTION may have been a myth. Really do to something else entirely.
a) Seismic activity came from something unnatural below the earth.
4. Strange patterns at the sunless citadel. Been there sometime
G. Mithil is a protective ward. The avowed can manipulate it
H. Glimpse into the Abyss - Written by Savras
1. Writes about Demons and portals that are demons
I. I go to mystical sections of the archives
1. Planar travel. Don’t find a lot on Ash.
2. Consensus is that Ash escaped to the Astral Plane.
a) Big deal to Astral
3. Big is unreliable but compelling
4. Took weird methods to extend his life. Looks different from most other
dragons. Has a scar on his chest.
5. Astral plane journey was kickstarted by a mortal world he sustained.
a) Only possible by having multiple echoes.
J. Rise of the Dark Sun - book
1. History of the Mad God Cyric
2. Written by one of his followers. Later passages are written by others
K. Rise and fall of elvin kingdom
1. Leather and old. Not very well made
2. Mazfroth's Mighty Digressions
3. About divinity and nature of magic
4. Malar is associated with lycanthropy.
a) But Mazroth disagrees. Werebears are kind
XII. From Bat book
A. All magic depends on the Weave, an interface between casters and raw magic that
is governed by Mystra, god of magic. Arcane spellcasters access the Weave
directly, while divine spellcasters are granted access to it by their deities and
ideals. Damage to the Weave can cause unimaginable destruction, as evidenced by
the Spellplague in 1385 DR, the Year of Blue Fire.
B. Some scholars believe that Malar, god of the hunt, is responsible for
lycanthropy. Mazfroth disagrees with this theory on the basis that not all
lycanthropes are evil as Malar is. Werebears are an example of lycanthropes that
are usually good.
C. The Abyss is ruled by demon lords—Baphomet, Demogorgon, Graz'zt, Juiblex,
Orcus, Yeenoghu, Zuggtmoy, and many others. Mazfroth ties the origins of
several monsters to these demon lords (saying Juiblex created all oozes, for
XIII. Other books have been brought, used for entrance exam, in which later turned into
animals and attacked. Valor brought one book (court of air). Yelarian, an acolyte, brought
another (house of the binder). Fallen Tethyamar was another book brought by someone.
A. Gingwatsim is name of cursed books/
B. People of interest:
1. Valor, the tiefling--Court of Air
a) Used to be a purple knight in Cormyr. Is now a bounty hunter
2. Yalerion, human acolyte--House of the Binder
C. Vooshadi Moonriver is at Nautilus
D. bOUGHT BOOK FROM WIDE in baldurs gate. Dune was in the stalls name
XIV. Baldur’s Gate : Rivington
A. Village of anglers and water wheels
XV. Session 5-25
A. Gate with inscription: Brantifax. Graves: Brorn, Heluthe, Sylphene
1. Graves
a) Let no man stand above the other
b) Faithful hound
c) Taken too soon
d) May she find peace at last
2. No grave dates
B. Were-ravens: Madrina and Rennick
1. Members of the scarlet sash
2. Seek to destroy evil artifacts
3. Way to the shadowfell is buried in the graveyard

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