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Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #1

‡U÷ 83

wm‡jevm : English Renaissance Period :

The Preparation Age, Elizabethan Age,
University Wits.

The Renaissance Period (1500-1660)

▌ Renaissance— GKwU divwm kã (French Word) hvi evsjv A_©— cybR©b¥ ev cybR©vMiY
(regeneration/ revival/ rebirth/ revival of Roman & Greek Learning). Bsj¨v‡Û
†i‡bmvu ïiæ nq— 1500 mv‡j|
▌ BZvjxq Kwe †cÎvK©‡K ejv nq— Ôfather of Renaissance/Humanism. ivRv ivg‡gvnb
ivq‡K— Father of the Bengal Renaissance ejv nq|
G Nationalism Individualism Free Thinking
hy‡Mi Humanism Divine Rights of King Growth of vernaculars
‣ewkó¨ Change Reality through Art/ Imitation of Art
Scientific inquiry & exploration

The Preperation Age (1500-1558)

Leonardo Da Vinci ররনন঴াাঁ যুনের রেষ্ঠ লিত্রকম ম The Last Supper, Mona Lisa, The
Madona and Child, La Giaconda, Virtuvian Man এবং প্রথম র঵ল঱কপ্টানরর লিত্র অঙ্কন কনরন।
Niccolo The Prince MÖ‡š’i iPwqZv †gwKqv‡fwj‡K ejv ÔFather of Modern
Machiavelli (1469- Political Science. wZwb ÿgZvq Av‡ivnY wKsev mvdj¨ jv‡fi mKj
1527) A‣ea cš’v‡K •eea g‡b Ki‡Zb| mvwn‡Z¨ Machiavellian Character
ej‡Z ÔSelfish Character‟ eySvq|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #2
Sir Thomas More mvwnZ¨Kg© Utopia; A_©- Kingdom of Nowhere (KíivR¨/‡Kv_vI bv)
Nicholas Udall Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i cÖ_g K‡gwW Ôralph Roister Doister‟ Gi iPwqZv|
GRb¨ Zvu‡K ÔÔFather of English Comedy‟ ejv nq|
Thomas Norton Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i cÖ_g Tragedy-Gorboduc iPbv K‡ib| †mKvi‡Y
(1532-1584) and G‡`i‡K Pioneers of English Tragedy ejv nq| GB bvU‡Ki Ab¨
Thomas Sackville bvg- Ferrex and Porrex| GwU Blank Verse- G †jLv cÖ_g bvUK hv
(1536-1608) 1562 mv‡j cÖ_g g¯’ n‡qwQj|

The Elizabethan Age

mgqKvj 1558-1603 bvgKiY Queen Elizabeth Gi bvgvbymv‡i|
Queen Elizabeth ewntkÎæi nvZ †_‡K Bsj¨vÛ‡K iÿv Ki‡Z d«vÝ I †¯ú‡bi ivRKzgv‡ii mv‡_
weevne܇b Ave× nIqvi Avk^vm †`b| Z‡e wZwb KvD‡KB weevn K‡ibwb, GRb¨ Zv‡K Virgin Queen
ejv nq| wZwb wUDWi es‡ki ivRv Henry VIII Ges ivYx Anne Boleyn Gi Kb¨v| AvovB eQi
eq‡m Zvui gv‡K wki‡ñ` K‡i GwjRv‡e_‡K A‣ea mšÍvb wn‡m‡e †NvlYv Kiv nq|
G hyM‡K Nest of Singing Birds Ges Golden Age/Glarious Period of English
Literature/Drama ejv nq| 1600 mv‡j ivYx GwjRv‡e_ I w`wjøi m¤ªvU AvKe‡ii Avg‡j 218 Rb
Bs‡iR ewY‡Ki cÖ‡Póvq weªwUk B÷ BwÛqv ‡Kv¤úvwb MwVZ nq|
G hy‡M hv‡`i Bacon KBE Bacon Francis Bacon E Edmund Spenser
m¤ú‡K© Avgiv (K‡e) MS K Thomas Kyd M Christopher
Rvbe Zv‡`i‡K K‡iwQ‡jb, †KD Marlowe
g‡b ivLyb Gfv‡e Rv‡bb? B Ben Johnson S Shakespeare
GQvovI Rvb‡Z n‡e University Wits Sir Philip Sidney Sir Walter Raleigh
Elizabethan Theatre Gi ˆewkó¨
bvix bvU¨Kvi wQj bv Uª¨v‡RwWi welq wQj- fvjevmv, cÖwZ‡kva (Love & Revenge)
‡g‡q‡`i Awfb‡qi AbygwZ wQj bv| †Q‡jivB bvix Pwi‡Î Awfbq KiZ|
George Chapman (1559-1634) Homer Gi Iliad Ges Odyssey-Gi 1g Bs‡iwR Abyev`K|
Sir Philip  K~U‣bwZK Ges •mwbK wQ‡jb| Rb¥ I g„Zz¨- 1554-1586.
Sidney  Zvu‡K Bs‡iwR †i‡bmvui AMÖ`~Z ev The Precursor of English Renaissance ejv nq|
mvwnZ¨Kg©  Arcadia (Pastoral romance; ইংনরজি উ঩নযান঴র ভ্রুণ/The Embyo of
English Literature ব঱া ঵য়)
 Astrophel and Stella; বােদত্তা Lady Penelope Devereux-রক উৎ঴েীকৃত
঴ননট ঴ংক঱ন।
 An Apology for poetry (1595); প্রথম ঴াল঵তয ঴মান঱ািনামূ঱ক গ্রন্থ, Stephen
Gosson-এর The School of Abuse ঩ুজিকার িবানব Defense of Poetry
ল঵ন঴নব র঱নেন। র঱ো ঵য় ১৫৭৯ ঴ান঱।
 The Lady of May.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #3
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
 রাণী Elizabeth তাাঁনকLittle Lord Keeper বন঱ ডাকনতন।
 wZwb bvBU Dcvwa‡Z f~wlZ nb| তার প্রবনের প্রধান ববললষ্ট্য ঵঱ ‘আত্মেত ভাব ও ভাবনা’।
 wZwb Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i cÖ_g cÖeÜ iPbv K‡ib| †mKvi‡Y Zvu‡K ÔFather of Modren Prose‟ ejv
nq| GQvovI Zvu‡K Ôfounder of English Prose‟, Ômaster of Terseness‟ (mswÿßZv),
Father of English Essay Ges Father of English Empiricism (AwfÁZvev`/cÖ‡qvMev`)
ejv nq|
mvwnZ¨Kg© ‡KŠk‡j g‡b ivLvi wbqg : Truth GSP
Truth Of Truth G Of Great Place S Of Studies P Of plantation
Ab¨vb¨ mvwnZ¨Kg©
▌ History of Life and Death ▌ Of Death ▌ Of Adversity
▌ On the Greatest Birth of Time ▌ Ladder of the Mind ▌ Of Revenge
▌ Of Marriage and Single Life ▌ Of Parents and Children ▌ Of Friendship
▌ Novum Orgamum ▌ Of Envy ▌ Of Love
Important Quotations (Francis Bacon)
Of Revenge Revenge is a kind of wild justice.
Wives are young men‟s mistresses, companions for middle age, and
old men‟s nurses.
Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants but not
always best subjects.
& Single
A bachelor‟s life is a fine breakfast, a flat lunch and a miserable
Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.
Of Love It is impossible to love and be wise.
Of A good friend is another himself.
Friendship Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust and
old author to read.
Suspicions among thoughts are like bats among birds.
The secret of success is the constancy of purpose.
Of Truth Opportunity makes a thief.
Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for
granted…..but to weigh and consider.
Of Truth Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.
In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.
Of History makes man wise.
Studies Reading Maketh a full man, conference a ready man; writing an
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #4
exact man.
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few
to be chewed and digested.
Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.
Of Adversity Prosperity is not without many fears and disasters; adversity not
without many comforts and hopes
Of Adversity Prosperity is the blessing of the Old Testament; adversity is the
blessing of the New.
Ladder of Wise men make more opportunities than they find.
the Mind Knowledge and human power are synonymous.
History of Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority.
Life and It is natural to die to death as to be born.
Death Men fear death as children fear to go in dark.

University Wits
‡lvok kZ‡Ki †k‡l GKwU bvU¨`‡ji D™¢e n‡qwQj hviv bvUK wjL‡Zb, Avevi †mB bvUK jÛ‡bi wewfbœ
g‡Â Zuviv wb‡RivB cvidg© Ki‡Zb, Zuv‡`i‡KB University Wits ejv n‡Zv|
g‡b ivLyb : Bsj¨v‡Ûi bvU¨g‡Â wµ‡÷vdvi gvi‡jvB †QvU †QvU MÖxb wKW wjwj wcwji mv‡_ bv‡P|
gvi‡jv Christopher Marlowe MÖxb Robert Greene wKW Thomas Kyd
wjwj John Lyly wcwj George Peele bv‡P Thomas Nashe
Cambridge ‡_‡K Christopher Oxford ‡_‡K 3 John Lyly
3 Rb Marlowe Rb
Robert Greene Thomas Lodge
Thomas Nashe George Peele
Another of the wits, though not university-trained, was Thomas Kyd.
They prepared the way for William Shakespeare.

Thomas Kyd
Spanish Tragedy bvUKwU iPbv K‡iwQ‡jb| G‡K Bloody Drama-I ejv nq| GwU First
Tragic Revenge Play| GRb¨ Zvu‡K Father of English Revenge Tragedy ejv nq (BZvwjq
bvU¨Kvi Seneca-‡K Father of Revenge Tragedy ejv nq| The Spanish Tragedy c‡o
Shakespeare Zvui Hamlet bvUKwU †jLvi Aby‡cªiYv †c‡qwQ‡jb|
PwiÎ ‡ewj‡¤úwiqv (‡K›`ªxq PwiÎ), A¨vw›`ªqv (‡ewj‡¤úwiqv cÖ_g †cÖwgK), e¨vj_vRvi (LjbvqK),
†nv‡iwkI (‡ewj‡¤úwiqvi 2q †cÖwgK)|
Kvwnbx bvU‡Ki cÖavb PwiÎ †ewj‡¤úwiqvi cÖYq wQj Wb A¨vw›`ªqv bvgK GK hye‡Ki mv‡_| Z‡e
ivRcyZ e¨vj_vRvi Rxebm½x wn‡m‡e Pvq †ewj‡¤úwiqv‡K| e¨vj_vRv‡ii Pµv‡šÍ A¨vw›`ªqv cÖvY
nviv‡j †nv‡iwkIi mv‡_ †ewj‡¤úwiqvi m¤úK© M‡o I‡V| j‡iÄvi mn‡hvwMZvq ivRcyZ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #5
e¨vj_vRvi ‡nv‡iwkI‡K nZ¨v K‡i| GKw`‡K †nv‡iwkIi evev wn‡ivwbgv cÖwZ‡kv‡ai Rb¨
cvMj n‡q I‡V, Ab¨w`‡K A¨vw›`ªqvi AZ…ß AvZ¥v †ewj‡¤úwiqv‡K cÖwZ‡kva †bqvi AvnŸvb
Rvbv‡Z _v‡K| e¨vj_vRv‡ii mv‡_ †ewj‡¤úwiqvi we‡qi Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡j GKwU bvUK g¯’
Kiv nq| bvU‡Ki Kvwnbx AZ¨šÍ my‡K․k‡j web¨¯Í Kiv nIqvq Awfbq PjvKvjxb Awf‡bZviv
wbnZ nq| bvUK †k‡l †ewj‡¤úwiqv I wn‡iv‡bgv AvZ¥nZ¨v K‡i|
Christopher Marlowe (26th February, 1564 to 30 May, 1593)
Bsj¨v‡Ûi Canterbury-‡Z Rb¥MÖnYKvix GB Bs‡iR bvU¨Kvi, Kwe I Abyev`K n‡”Qb †k·cxqv‡ii
mgmvgwqK GKRb bvU¨Kvi| Marlowe Gi mgeqmx Shakespeare Zvui †jLv‡jwL †`‡L cÖfvweZ nb|
Zvui inm¨gq g„Zz¨i Shakespeare GwjRv‡e_xq w_‡qUv‡i Zvui AvmbwU MÖnY K‡ib|
 wZwb bvU‡K Blank Verse (AwgÎvÿi Q›`) cÖeZ©b K‡ib|
 Dcvwa : Tennyson Zvu‡K The Morning Star Dcvwa †`b| GQvovI Zvu‡K Father of
English Drama/ Tragedy, Representative poet of the Renaissance Period, ‘True
Founder of English tragedy Ges „Pioneer of Blank Verses‟ ejv nq।
‡k·wcqv‡ii g‡ZvB gvi‡jvI Zvui bvU‡Ki Rb¨ weL¨vZ| Zvui weL¨vZ mvwnZ¨Kg©-
Dido, Queen of Carthage (1 Play)
Tamburlaine ( `¨ †MÖU ‣Zgyi js‡K wb‡q cÖ_g cÖKvwkZ Uª¨v‡RwU)
Doctor Faustus The Massacre at Paris
The Jew of Malta; ৩য় নাটক। এই নাটক ঩নশ Shakespeare তাাঁর „The Merchant of
Venice” ল঱নেলিন঱ন। মাল্টা এর ইহুদী একিন িশা ঴ুদনোর। Bûw`wUi bvg- Barabas.
Edward II- me©‡kl bvUK
Hero and Leander The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Doctor Faustus  2q bvUK; morality play. ট্র্যানিলড। evsjvq Abyev` K‡ib- wRqv nvq`vi|
 ঩ুনরা নাম- The Tragical History of the Life and Death of
Doctor Faustus.
 ‘Dr. Faustus‟ রক „Renaissance Hero‟ ejv nq|
 †m 24 eQ‡ii Rb¨ Zvui AvZ¥v‡K kqZv‡bi Kv‡Q wewµ K‡iwQj|
 bvUKwUi PwiÎ : Faustus, Cornelius, Good Angel, Evil Angel,
Quotation  Money can‟t buy love, but improves your bargaining position.
 There is no sin but ignorance.
 Come live with me & be me love, and we will all the pleasure
 Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss. The sentence has
been taken from the play____(Dr. Faustus)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #6
Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)
Dcvwa The Poet of Poets Zvui mgvwa‡Z †jLv Av‡Q- The Prince of poets in his time
The Second Father of English Poetry.
m‡bU Spenserian Sonnet cÖeZ©b K‡ib| Zvi m‡bU msKjb- The Amoretti.
 wZwb ÔThe Shepherds Calendar‟‟ bvgK Kve¨ iPbv K‡i weL¨vZ n‡q hvb|
 Zvui iwPZ gnvKve¨- ÔÔThe Faerie Queen‟.
Kvwnbx cix‡`i ‡`‡ki ivYx ‡Møvwiqvbv 12 w`be¨vcx GKUv Drm‡ei Av‡qvRb K‡i|
The cÖwZw`b GK`j DrcxwoZ gvbyl G‡m ‣`Z¨‡`i e¨vcv‡i Awf‡hvM K‡i Avi ivYx
Faerie cÖwZw`b GKRb exi‡K GB Drcxob e‡Üi Rb¨ cvwV‡q ‡`b| GB ev‡ivRb ex‡ii
Queen K_v ewY©Z nq GB gnvKv‡e¨|
PwiÎ Red Cross Knight (bvqK), Una (bvwqKv), The Dwarf, Arch Imago,
Mopheus, Fidessa.
Ab¨vb¨ mvwnZ¨Kg©
Astrophel; (Pastoral Elegy, Sir Philip Sidney- Gi g„Zy¨‡kv‡K)
Kve¨MÖš’ Amoretti-m‡bU msKjb Ice and Fire The Ruins of Time
The Shepherd‟s Calendar (1579); প্রথম রিনা, বিনরর ১২ মান঴র িনয ১২ টট কলবতা আনি।
cÖeÜ View of the State of the Ireland

William Shakespeare
Rb¥ I g„Zz¨ 23rd April, 1564-23rd April, 1616.
Rb¥¯’vb During the reign of Elizabeth I (Elizabethan Age)/ 16th century-এর
Dominant playwright William Shakespeare এর িন্ম Stratford of Avon
ল঵নর। এিনয তাাঁনক ‘Bard of Avon‟ ব঱া ঵য়।
cwiwPwZ তাাঁর ল঩তা John Shakespeare লিন঱ন ‘Stratford of Avon’ ল঵নরর র঩ৌর঴ভার রময়র
এবং মা লিন঱ন Mary Shakespeare। লতলন ৩ ভাই ও ৪ রবাননর মনধয তৃতীয় এবং রিযষ্ঠ ঩ুত্র।
কযাথল঱ক ঴ম্প্রদায়ভুক্ত লিন঱ন। িাত্রাবস্থায় লতলন নাটক রিনা এবং অলভনয় করনত শুরু কনরন।
cvwievwiK ১৫৮২ ঴ান঱র ২৮ ননভম্বর লতলন অযান ঵যাথাওনয়নক লববা঵ কনরন। স্ত্রী অযান ঵যাথাওনয় তাাঁর রিনয় ৮
Rxeb বিনরর বশ লিন঱ন। তানদর প্রথম কনযার নাম Susanna, যমি ঴ন্তানদ্বনয়র একিন Hamlet
অনযিন Zudith।
Rb¥¯’vb টমা঴ ঱ুল঴ নানম একিন ভূ -স্বামী তানক লমথযা মাম঱া লদনয় িন্মস্থান রথনক লবতালশত কনরন। লতক্ত
†_‡K cÖ¯’vb অলভজ্ঞতা লননয় লতলন ঱ন্ডন ল঵নর আন঴ন এবং একটট রঙ্গা঱নয় কাি ঩ান। ঱ন্ডননর এই রে ঵াউনির
অলভননতারা Ô঱ডম রিম্বারন঱ননর দ঱Õ নানম অলভল঵ত লি঱। তাাঁর েযালত লি঱ ‘play-pather’
ল঵ন঴নব। দীর্ ম ২৫ বির ধনর লতলন রঙ্গা঱নয় লিন঱ন।
‡k·wcqv‡ii Shakespeare মৃতুযর ঩র তাাঁর েযালত হ্রা঴ র঩নয়লি঱। উনলবংল লতাব্দীনত েযালতর লীন঳ ম ওনেন
DÌvb লতলন। Romantic যুনের কলব-঴াল঵লতযকরা তাাঁর গুণগ্রা঵ী লিন঱ন, Victorian-রা রীলতমনতা তাাঁনক
঩ূনিা করনতন। িিম বানাড ম ল এর মনত, এ ঩ূনিার নাম ‘bardolatry (PviYcyRv)Õ|
¯^xK…wZ নীরদ িন্দ্র রিৌধুরী তাাঁর ‘The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian ’ বইনত
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #7
বন঱নিন- Ôমানু঳ রযমন ভেবাননক ঩ূনিা কনর, বাঙ্গা঱ীরা রতমলন কনর রলক্স঩ীয়ারনক ঩ূনিা কনরÕ
Dcnvm University Wit রবাটম গ্রীন তাাঁনক ‘঴বিান্তা’ বন঱ উ঩঵া঴ করনতন।
w_‡qUvi লতলন Ôরলাব লথনয়টারÕ প্রলতষ্ঠা কনরন।
Dcvwa Lord Alfred Tennyson ত াঁকে The Dazzling Sun উ঩ ধি দেন। এছ ড় ও ত াঁকে National
Poet of England, King without crown, Father of English Drama, Poet
of Human Nature, The Greatist Dramatis, The Greatest Superstar of
the World বল হয়।
Ab¨vb¨  লতলন Iambic Pentameters প্রনয়ানে অলধকাংল নাটক রিনা কনরন।
 তিনি Shakespearian Sonnet প্রবতমন কনরন। তাাঁর ঴নননটর AšÍ¨wgj- abab cdcd
efef gg।
 লমলরীয় রাণী লিওন঩ট্র্ানক Serpent of the Nile (নী঱ ননদর ঴঩)ম ব঱া ঵য়।
Shakespeare Gi mvwnZ¨Kg©
mvwnZ¨Kg© bvUK—38wU (gZvšÍ‡i 37wU); Gi g‡a¨— 25wU Elizabethan hy‡M, evwK¸‡jv
Jacobean hy‡M| hvi g‡a¨— 15wU K‡gwW, Uª¨v‡RwW—12wU, HwZnvwmK—10wU|
m‡bU— 154wU Kve¨MÖš’—2wU Epitaph— 2wU
The Merchant of Venice : Ab¨Zg PwiÎ Shylock GKRb Bû`x (A Jew)
03wU All‟s Well That Ends Well
Measure for Measure : প্রধান িলরত্র- Vincentio, Angelo, Barnardine,
Ab¨vb¨ K‡gwW : g‡b ivLyb : MAN Mid-Summer G TC w`‡q ejj, As You Like It.
MAN Much Ado About Nothing : Zz”QZv wb‡q •n •P| cÖavb PwiÎ-
Benedick, Don John, Leonato, Don Pedro, Dogberry.
Mid- A midsummer Night‟s Dream : রপ্রম এবং স্বনে লবনভার মানু঳িন লননয়

Summer রলিত।
T The Tempest : রপ্রম ঴ংক্রান্ত ঵া঴যর঴। এটট Swan song (নাটযকানরর রল঳ কম)।ম
C The Comedy of Errors : দুই যমি মলনব ও দুই যমি ভৃ তযনক লননয়। প্রধান িলরত্র-
Solinus, Antipholus of Ephesus and Syracuse, Dromio of Ephesus
and Syracuse.
As You Like It
Henry IV Part 1 Henry IV Part 2 Henry VIII King John
HwZnvwmK iPbv [g‡b
ivLvi Dcvq : me¸‡jvB Henry V Richard-II Richard III
gvby‡li bv‡g|] Henry VI- Part-I (cÖ_g bvUK)
Henry VI- Part-II Henry VI-Part-III
Memory Clue : MOHAn (gnvb) King Timon TreaT w`j JsC cixÿvi Centre G (evg †_‡K Wv‡b †gjvb)
M- Macbeth O-Othello H-Hamlet A-Antony & Cleopatra
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #8
King Lear Timon of Athens (Amgvß) Troilus & Cressida Romeo & Juliet
Titus Julius Ceasar Coriolanus Cymbeline
‡k·wcqv‡ii wewfbœ bvU‡Ki PwiÎ
Hamlet (bvU‡Ki cÖavb PwiÎ I King Hamlet Gi †Q‡j), King Hamlet
(‡Wbgv‡K©I c~‡e©I ivRv), Gertrude (‡Wbgv‡K©i ivYx I n¨vg‡jUi gv), Claudius
(‡Wbgv‡K©i ivRv I n¨vg‡jU-Gi PvPv), Ophelia (bvU‡Ki bvwqKv I n¨vg‡jU-Gi
†cÖwgKv), Horatio (n¨vg‡jU Gi eÜz)|
Macbeth (bvU‡Ki g~j PwiÎ ivRv WvbK¨vb-Gi †mbvcwZ), Lady Macbeth
Macbeth (g¨vK‡e‡_i ¯¿x -4_© WvBwb), Malcolm (ivRvi cyÎ), King Duncan (¯‥Uj¨v‡Ûi
ivRv), Macduff (ivRvi GK exi), Witches (3 WvBwb/hv`yKix)|
Othello (cÖavb PwiÎ I †fwb‡mi †mbvcwZ), Desdemona (I‡_‡jvi ¯¿x),
Emilia (Bqv‡Mvi ¯¿x), Iago (GKRb •mwbK), Cassio (bvU‡Ki LjbvqK)|
‡ivgvb m¤ªvU Rywjqvm wmRv‡ii mv‡_ wK¬I‡cUªvi †cÖ‡gi m¤úK© M‡o| wmRvi
Antony & AvKw¯§Kfv‡e wbnZ n‡j wK¬I‡cUªv †mbvcwZ G‡›Uvwbi †cÖ‡g c‡o Ges weevn e܇b
Ave× nb| cÖavb PwiÎ- Antony, Cleopatra, Gaius Octavian.
Antonio (eZ©gvb wgjv‡bi wWDK), Prospero (wgjv‡bi mv‡eK wWDK), Miranda
(wgjv‡bi wWDK Prospero Gi †g‡q), Caliban, Alonso, Ferdinand
(‡bcj‡mi ivRv A¨v‡jvb‡mvi †Q‡j), Sebastian.
Romeo (cÖavb PwiÎ/bvqK), Juliet (bvwqKv), Montage (Romeo Gi evev),
Romeo &
Lady Montage (Romeo Gi gv), Capulet (Rywj‡q‡Ui evev), Lady Capulet
(Rywj‡q‡Ui gv)
King Lear (bvU‡Ki g~j PwiÎ Ges Bsj¨v‡Ûi ivRv), Goneril (King Lear Gi
King Lear eo †g‡q), Regan (King Lear Gi ‡gS †g‡q), Edmund (LjbvqK)|
welqe¯‘- GKRb D×Z ivRvi KiæY Kvwnwb|
Antonio (Merchant of Venice), Bassanio (Friend of Antonio),
The Shylock (A rich money lender), Portia (A rich heiress of Belmont).
Merchant A‡b‡Ki g‡Z, Shakespeare G bvUKwU Cristopher Marlowe Gi ÔThe Jew
of Venice
of Malta‟ Gi AbyKi‡Y iPbv K‡iwQ‡jb|
Timon of Shakespeare Gi GwU Amgvß bvUK|
Athens D‡jøL‡hvM¨ PwiÎ- Timon, Apemantus, Alcibiades.
Titus D‡jøL‡hM¨ PwiÎ- Lavinia, Quintus, Tamora, Marcus, Bassianus,
Andronicus Mutious.
Oliver (bvU‡Ki bvqK), Orlando (‡QvU fvB), Duke Senior (eo ivRv), Duke
As You
Frederic (‡QvU ivRv), Rosalind (wmwbqi wWDK-Gi GKgvÎ Kb¨v), Celia
Like It
(wmwjqv), Forest of Arden (Av‡W©‡bi eb/R½j), Charles (exi), Jaques.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #9
Tewlfth Orsino (AvBwjweqvi wWDK), Olivia (KvD‡›Ui Kb¨v), Viola (fv‡qvjv),
Night Sebastian (fv‡qvjvi fvB)
Measure for Measure Isabella, Juliet, Lucio, Claudio, Angelo.
(Problem Play)
Julius Caesar cÖavb PwiÎ- Julius Caesar, Brutus, Antony, Octavius.
A Midsummer GwU GKwU †ivgvw›UK K‡gwW| cÖavb PwiÎ- Theseus, Hippolyta, Lysendar,
Nigth’s Dream Demetrius, Hermia, Oberon, Hellena.
Troilus &
cÖavb PwiÎ- Troilus, Cassandra, Hector, Paris, Helen.
KweZv A lovers compliant The Phoenix and the Turtle Under the
Funeral Elegy The Passionate Pilgrim Greenwood Tree
Important Quotes
To be or not to be that is the question. (A soliloquy)
(wVK n‡e bvwK n‡e bv; ‡mUvB ‡Zv cÖkœ| n¨vg‡jU Zvi evevi nZ¨vKvix‡K nZ¨v Ki‡e wK Ki‡e bv GB
wm×všÍnxbZv‡K ‡evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q|)
There is a divinity that shapes our ends. (fvM¨B P~ovšÍ cwiYwZi w`‡K wb‡q hvq|)
Brevity is the soul of wit. (msw¶ß K_vB iwmKZvi cÖvY|)
Frailty, thy name is woman. (bvixi Aci bvg `ye©jZv|)
When sorrows come, they come not single spies but in battalions.
(`ytL hLb Av‡m GKv Av‡m bv, `j ‡e‡a Av‡m|)
There are more things in haeven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in our
philosophy. (‡nvivwkI, ¯^M© I c…w_ex‡Z Ggb A‡bK welq i‡q‡Q hv Avgiv ¯^‡cœI Kíbv Ki‡Z cvwi bv|)
Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend.
(avi`vZv I aviMÖnxZv ‡KvbUvB n‡qvbv, ‡Kbbv avi eÜy Ges A_© DfqB bó K‡i|)
Fair is foul, and Foul is fair. (fvj †gv‡`i g›`, g›` †gv‡`i fvj)
Life is a tale, told by an idiot. (Rxeb GKwU wb‡e©v‡ai ejv Mí)
Life‟s but a walking shadow.
All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. (mgMÖ Avie Rvnv‡bi myNªvY
Avgvi ‡QvU nvZ‡K myevwmZ Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
What‟s done can‟t be undone.
Look like an innocent flower But be the serpent under it. (Macbeth Lady
Macbeth এর র )
Your Face is a book, where man may read strange matters. (Macbeth)
Julius Caesar
Cowards die many times before their deaths.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #10
Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered).
The Merchant of Venice
All that glitters is not gold. (PK PK Ki‡jB †mvbv nq bv)
Love is blind. (‡cÖg AÜ)
I like not fair terms and a villain‟s mind.
It is a wise father that knows his own child. (weÁ wcZv Zvui mšÍvb m¤ú‡K© AewnZ|)
King Lear
Nothing will come of nothing. (KviY Qvov ‡Kvb wKQyB N‡U bv|)
My love is richer than my tongue. (Avgvi fv‡jvevmv gy‡L ‡evSv‡bv m¤¢e bq|)
How sharper than a serpent‟s tooth it is to have a thankless child.
(AK…ZÁ mšÍvb mv‡ci wel `vu‡Zi ‡P‡qI Zxÿœ)
I am a men more sinned against than sinning.
(Avwg hZ Ab¨vq K‡iwQ Zvi ‡P‡q ‡ewk Ab¨vq Avgvi mv‡_ Kiv n‡q‡Q|)
As you like it
All the world‟s stage and all the men and women are merely players.
Sweet are the uses of adversity (`yt‡Li cÖ‡qvRbxqZvI mywgó)
Blow, blow, thou winter wind/ Thou are not so unkind/ As man‟s ingratitude
Life is an uncertain voyage. (Timon of Athens)
Love all, trust a few, Do wrong to none. (All‟s Well That Ends Well)
Listen to many, speak to a few. (K_v Kg e‡jv, ‡kv‡bv ‡ewk) (All‟s Well That Ends
The empty vessel makes the loudest sound. (Henry V)
Men of few words are the best men. (Henry V)
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon
them. (Twelfth Night)
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. (Twelfth Night)
The miserable have no other medicine but only hope. (Measure for Measure)
Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. (Measure for Measure)
The course of true love never did run smooth. (A Midsummer Night‟s Dream)
g‡b ivLyb : ‡k·wcqv‡ii wnw÷ª bvUK¸‡jv meB ivRv‡`i bv‡g| ZvB Edward II bvg ï‡b A‡b‡KB
GUv‡K †k·wcqv‡ii bvUK g‡b K‡i fzj K‡i|
Doctor Faustus bvU‡Ki weL¨vZ `ywU PwiÎ n‡”Q- Dr. Faustus Avi Mephistopheles
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #11
William Shakespeare Gi K‡qKwU weL¨vZ bvU‡Ki setting (NUbv¯’j)
Hamlet (Denmark) Mackbeth (Scotland) Othello (Venice)
Julius Caesar (Rome) Romio and Juliet (Italy) King Lear (Ancient Britain)

cÖkœ mgvavb
01. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand who said this____
K. Macbeth L. Lady Macbeth
M. Lady Mack duff N. Madoff Ans b
e¨vL¨v : Av‡jvP¨ Dw³wU William Shakespeare Gi Macbeth bvgK Uª¨v‡RwW †_‡K MÖnY Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Macbeth ivRv WvbKv‡bi †mbvcwZ _vKvKvjxb Ae¯’vq Lady Macbeth Gi cÖ‡ivPbvq WvbKvb‡K nZ¨v
K‡i wmsnvm‡b e‡mb| g„Zz¨m¾vq Lady Macbeth Zvi fzj eyS‡Z †c‡i GB Dw³ K‡ib|
02. William Shakespeare was born in______(40Zg wewmGm)
a. 1616 b. 1664
c. 1564 d. 1493 Ans c
03. Shakespeare‟s „Measure for Measure‟ is a successful- [36th BCS]
K. tragedy L. comedy
M. tragi-comedy N. melodrama DËi : M
04. „Frailty thy name is woman‟ is a famous dialogue from- [36 BCS]

K. Marlowe L. John Webster

M. Shakespeare N. T.S. Eliot DËi : M
05. „The Merchant of Venice‟ is a Shakespearean play about- [36 BCS] th

K. a Jew L. a Turk
M. a Roman N. a Moor DËi : K
06. „Othello‟ is a Shakespeare‟s play about- [35 BCS] th

K. a Jew L. a Turk
M. a Roman N. a Moor DËi : N
07. “To be, or not to be, that is the question” is a famous dialogue from- [35 BCS]

K. Othello L. Hamlet
M. Romeo & Juliet N. Macbeth DËi : L
08. Who wrote the play, “The Tempest” and “The Mid Summer Night‟s Dream?[29th BCS]
K. Ben Johnson L. Marlowe
M. John Dryden N. Shakespeare DËi : N
09. Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome about …….. years ago. [28 BCS] th

K. 1000 L. 1500
M. 2000 N. 3000 DËi : M
10. “To be or not to be, that is the……” th
[29 BCS]
K. meaning L. question
M. answer N. issue DËi : L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨v‡ci cixÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ # Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ #12
11. Which period is known as ÔThe golden age of English Literature‟? [38th BCS]
K. Vicrorean L. Elizabethan-1
M. Restoration N. Eighteenth DËi : L
12. The play ÔThe Spanish Tragedy’ is written by- [38 BCS] th

K. Thomas Kyd L. Marlowe

M. Shakespeare N. Ben Jonson DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Thomas Kyd Gi bv‡gi mv‡_ RwoZ University Wits Gi bvg| 1576 mv‡ji w`‡K
Christopher Marlowe Gi nvZ a‡I GKwU `‡ji D™¢e nq hviv bvUK wjLZ Avevi jÛ‡bi wewfbœ g‡Â
Zviv wb‡RivB cvidg© Ki‡Zb, Zv‡`i‡K University Wits ejv nZ|
13. Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss. The sentence has been taken from the
play____. (40Zg wewmGm)
a. Romeo-juliet b. Ceaser and Cleopetra
c. Dr. Faustus d. Antony and Cleopetra Ans c
14. What kind of play is ‘Julius Ceasar’? [43Zg wewmGm]
(a) Romantic (b) Anti-romantic
(c) Comedy (d) Historical Ans : d
15. Where is the setting of the play ‘Hamlet’? [43Zg wewmGm]
(a) England (b) Italy
(c) France (d) Denmark Ans : d

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