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EDUC 101 Long Quiz


Gross motor skills/ Fine motor skills/ Reflexes/ Height and Weight/ Reacts with pleasure/ yes/
no/ SEEING, TASTING, HEARING, TOUCHING AND SMELLING/ Eye-hand coordination/ 0-6 months/
one year old/ 1 to 2 years old/ 2 to 3 years old/ preschoolers/ primary schoolers/ intermediate
schoolers/ early childhood/ late childhood/ Physical appearance/ Infants and toddlers/ Family
support/ Teachers support/ friends or peers support/ community environment including the school/
cognitive development/ physical development/ socio-emotional development/ intrapersonal
relation/ interpersonal relation/

1. Infants and toddlers coordinate their sensory experiences for their cognitive learning. What are
2. Can newborns hear? Yes or no
3. Buttoning, writing, drawing, reaching, grasping are some of these physical skills
4. Reacts to pain by crying
5. Able to match identical objects
6. Do infants and toddlers have the innate capacity to learn language? Yes or no
7. 3 months infants smile when they see their mothers
8. This involves a refined use of the small muscles controlling the hand, fingers and thumb
9. This involves the use of large muscles like the legs for walking and running, arms for carrying
10. This is commonly called the years before formal schooling begins
11. In this group, steady and gradual changes happening in children are observed like increased
motor functioning, always busy with their school work, more interactions with friends, and girls
are ahead of boys in terms of physical maturity
12. The focus of this group on their physical development are acquisition of gross and fine motor
skills, artistic expression, proper nutrition and sleep
13. Children in their late childhood are often concerned with what?
14. The bulk of their time is spent at home with their parents and caregivers
15. They spend most of their time outside the home either alone or with other children, rather than
with adults
16. What kind of support do intermediate schoolers need in order to succeed and overcome
setbacks and failures?
17. Aside from the family, what else is an important factor in shaping the child’s development?
18. In what year do most infants and toddlers can start to walk?
19. In what year do most toddlers can help themselves to dress and undress?
20. In what year do most toddlers can recognize themselves in pictures or the mirror and smile and
make faces at themselves?
21. In what months do most babies can feed themselves finger foods?
22. This relation is the development of self, emotion and gender identity
23. This relation has something to do with the development of attachments, friendship and peer
24. This development refers to the development in the way a toddler or child thinks
25. This development has something to do with the ability to relate to others and master one’s

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