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Agriculture and Fishery Sector

Agricultural Crops Production NC I
Unit of Competency:
Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation

Module Title:

Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Garita, Cabagan 3328, Isabela


Welcome to the module inAgricultural Crops Production NC I. This
module contains training materials and activities for you to complete.
The unit of competency "Perform Estimation and basic Calculation”
contains knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a trainer course. It is
one of the specialized modules in Agricultural Crops Production NC I.

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order

to complete each learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome
are Information Sheets and Resources Sheets (Reference Materials for
further reading to help you better understand the required activities). Follow
these activities on your own and answer the self-check at the end of each
learning outcome. You may remove a blank answer sheet at the end of each
module (or get one from your facilitator/trainer) to write your answers for
each self-check. If you have questions, don‟t hesitate to ask your facilitator
for assistance.

You may already have some or most of the knowledge and skills
covered in this learner's guide because you have:
 been working for some time
 already completed training in this area.
If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a
particular skill or skills, talk to him/her about having them formally
recognized so you don't have to do the same training again. If you have a
qualification or Certificate of Competency from previous trainings, show it to
your trainer. If the skills you acquired are still current and relevant to the
unit/s of competency they may become part of the evidence you can present
for RPL. If you are not sure about the currency of your skills, discuss this
with your trainer.
This module was prepared to help you achieve the required
competency, in Utilize Electronic Media in Facilitating Training. This will be
the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this
particular trade independently and at your own pace, with minimum
supervision or help from your instructor.
 Talk to your trainer and agree on how you will both organize the Training
of this unit. Read through the module carefully. It is divided into
sections, which cover all the skills, and knowledge you need to
successfully complete this module.
Work through all the information and complete the activities in
each section. Read information sheets and complete the self-check.
Suggested references are included to supplement the materials
provided in this module.

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Perform Estimation and Basic
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente
 Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or
manager. He/she is there to support you and show you the
correct way to do things.
 Your trainer will tell you about the important things you need to
consider when you are completing activities and it is important
that you listen and take notes.
 You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and
practice on the job. Make sure you practice your new skills
during regular work shifts. This way you will improve both your
speed and memory and also your confidence.
 Talk to more experience workmates and ask for their guidance.
 Use the self-check questions at the end of each section to test
your own progress. When you are ready, ask your trainer to
watch you perform the activities outlined in this module.
 As you work through the activities, ask for written feedback on
your progress. Your trainer keeps feedback/ pre-assessment
reports for this reason. When you have successfully completed
each element, ask your trainer to mark on the reports that you
are ready for assessment.
 When you have completed this module (or several modules), and
feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, your trainer
will arrange an appointment with registered assessor to assess
you. The results of your assessment will be recorded in your
competency Achievement Record.

Instructional Sheets:

 Information Sheet – This will provide you with information

(Concepts, principles and other relevant information) needed in
performing certain activities.

 Task Sheet– This will guide you in performing single task, operation
process in a job.

 Job Sheet – This is designed to guide you how to do the job that will
contribute to the attainment of the learning outcome.

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Perform Estimation and Basic
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente
 Assignment Sheet – The assignment sheet is a guide used to enhance
(follow up) what you have learned in the information sheet or job

 Worksheet – are the different forms that you need to fill up certain
activities that you performed.

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Perform Estimation and Basic
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente


1 Apply Safety Measures in Applying Safety AGR321201
Farm Operations Measures in Farm

2 Use Farm Tools and Using Farm Tools and AGR321202

Equipment Equipment

3 Perform Estimation and Performing Estimation AGR321203

Basic Calculation and Basic Calculation

4 Apply Basic First Aid Applying Basic First Aid AGR321204

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Perform Estimation and Basic
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation

MODULE TITLE : Performing Estimation and Basic


MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This module covers the knowledge, skills, and

attitudes required to perform basic calculation
including the systems and units of
measurements and basic calculator.




Upon completion of this module, the trainee would be able to:

LO 1: Identify Basic Methods of Calculations

LO 2: Perform Basic Calculation

 Job requirements are identified from written or oral communications.
 Quantities of materials and resources required to complete a work
task are estimated.
 The time needed to complete work activity is estimated.
 Accurate estimate for work completion are made
 Estimate of materials and resources are reported to appropriate
 Calculations to be made are identified according to job requirements.
 Correct method of calculation identified.
 System and units of measurement to be followed are ascertained.
 Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the
basic process of addition, division, multiplication and subtraction.
 Calculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed when are used to
complete the instructions.
 Number computed in self-checked and completed alignment.
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Perform Estimation and Basic
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente
LEARNING OUTCOME # 1 Identify Basic Methods of Calculations

 Basic Mathematical Operations

 Fractions
 Decimals
 Percentage
 Ratio and Proportions
 Mathematical Properties
 Systems of Measurements

ASSESSMENT  Job requirements are identified from written or

oral communications.
CRITERIA  Quantities of materials and resources required
to complete a work task are estimated.
 The time needed to complete work activity is
 Accurate estimate for work completion are
 Estimate of materials and resources are
reported to appropriate person

CONDITION Student/ trainee must be provided with the following:

 Relevant tools and equipment for basic


 Recommended Data


 Interview

 Written examination

Learning Experiences

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Perform Estimation and Basic
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente
Learning Outcome No. 1 Identify Basic Methods of

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read Information sheet 3.1-1 Use Information sheet 3.1-1 on

on Basic Mathematical Basic Mathematical Operations

Answer Self-Check 3.1-1 Check your answers using Answer

Key 3.1-1

Read Information sheet 3.1-2 Use Information sheet 3.1-2 on

on Decimals Decimals

Answer Self-Check 3.1-2 Check your answers using Answer

Key 3.1-2

Read Information sheet 3.1-3 Use Information sheet 3.1-3 on

on Fractions Fractions

Answer Self-Check 3.1-3 Check your answers using Answer

Key 3.1-3

Read Information sheet 3.1-4 Use Information sheet 3.1-4 on

on Percentage Percentage

Answer Self-Check 3.1-4 Check your answers using Answer

Key 3.1-4

Read Information sheet 3.1-5 Use Information sheet 3.1-5 on

on Ratio and Proportions Ratio and Proportions

Answer Self-Check 3.1-5 Check your answers using Answer

Key 3.1-5

Read Information sheet 3.1-6 Use Information sheet 3.1-6 on

on Mathematical Properties Mathematical Properties

Answer Self-Check 3.1-6 Check your answers using Answer

Key 3.1-7

Information Sheet 3.1-1

Basic Mathematical Operations

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Perform Estimation and Basic
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente
Learning Objective: After reading the information sheet, the trainee should
be able to perform Basic Mathematical Operations with integers.

Perform Basic Mathematical Operations with Integers

Arithmetic operations

The basic arithmetic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and

division, although this subject also includes more advanced operations,
such as manipulations of percentages, square roots, exponentiation, and
logarithmic functions. Arithmetic is performed according to an order of
operations. Any set of objects upon which all four arithmetic operations
(except division by zero) can be performed, and where these four operations
obey the usual laws, is called a field.

1. Addition (+)

Addition is the basic operation of arithmetic. In its simplest form, addition

combines two numbers, the addends or terms, into a single number, the
sum of the numbers.

Adding more than two numbers can be viewed as repeated addition; this
procedure is known as summation and includes ways to add infinitely many
numbers in an infinite series; repeated addition of the number one is the
most basic form of counting.

Addition is commutative and associative so the order the terms are added in
does not matter. The identity element of addition (the additive identity) is 0,
that is, adding zero to any number yields that same number. Also, the
inverse element of addition (the additive inverse) is the opposite of any
number, that is, adding the opposite of any number to the number itself
yields the additive identity, 0. For example, the opposite of 7 is −7, so 7 +
(−7) = 0.

Addition can be given geometrically as follows:

If a andb are the lengths of two sticks, then if we place the sticks one
after the other, the length of the stick thus formed is a + b.

2. Subtraction (−)

Subtraction is the opposite of addition. Subtraction finds the difference

between two numbers, the minuend minus the subtrahend. If the
minuend is larger than the subtrahend, the difference is positive; if the
minuend is smaller than the subtrahend, the difference is negative; if
they are equal, the difference is zero.

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Perform Estimation and Basic
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente
Subtraction is neither commutative nor associative. For that reason, it is
often helpful to look at subtraction as addition of the minuend and the
opposite of the subtrahend, that is a − b = a + (−b). When written as a
sum, all the properties of addition hold.

There are several methods for calculating results, some of which are
particularly advantageous to machine calculation. For example, digital
computers employ the method of two's complement. Of great importance
is the counting up method by which change is made. Suppose an
amount P is given to pay the required amount Q, with P greater than Q.
Rather than performing the subtraction P − Q and counting out that
amount in change, money is counted out starting at Q and continuing
until reaching P. Although the amount counted out must equal the result
of the subtraction P − Q, the subtraction was never really done and the
value of P − Q might still be unknown to the change-maker.

3. Multiplication (× or ·)

Multiplication is the second basic operation of arithmetic. Multiplication

also combines two numbers into a single number, the product. The two
original numbers are called the multiplier and the multiplicand,
sometimes both simply called factors.

Multiplication is best viewed as a scaling operation. If the real numbers

are imagined as lying in a line, multiplication by a number, say x, greater
than 1 is the same as stretching everything away from zero uniformly, in
such a way that the number 1 itself is stretched to where x was.
Similarly, multiplying by a number less than 1 can be imagined as
squeezing towards zero. (Again, in such a way that 1 goes to the

Multiplication is commutative and associative; further it is distributive

over addition and subtraction. The multiplicative identity is 1, that is,
multiplying any number by 1 yields that same number. Also, the
multiplicative inverse is the reciprocal of any number (except zero; zero is
the only number without a multiplicative inverse), that is, multiplying the
reciprocal of any number by the number itself yields the multiplicative

The product of a andb is written as a × b or a • b. When a or bare

expressions not written simply with digits, it is also written by simple
juxtaposition: ab. In computer programming languages and software
packages in which one can only use characters normally found on a
keyboard, it is often written with an asterisk: a * b.

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Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente
4. Division (÷ or /)

Division is essentially the opposite of multiplication. Division finds the

quotient of two numbers, the dividend divided by the divisor. Any
dividend divided by zero is undefined. For positive numbers, if the
dividend is larger than the divisor, the quotient is greater than one,
otherwise it is less than one (a similar rule applies for negative numbers).
The quotient multiplied by the divisor always yields the dividend.

Division is neither commutative nor associative. As it is helpful to look at

subtraction as addition, it is helpful to look at division as multiplication
of the dividend times the reciprocal of the divisor, that is a ÷ b = a × 1/b.
When written as a product, it obeys all the properties of multiplication.


We generally count with positive integers. This unending sequence of whole

numbers starts with 1. Each subsequent number in the sequence is one
more than the number before: 1, 2, 3, 4 …. Alternating numbers starting
with 1 (1, 3, 5 …) are called odd numbers, while every other number starting
with 2 (2, 4, 6 …) is called an even number.

In numbers with two or more digits, every digit has a so-called place value.

In the decimal system, the place value increases from units, or ones, to tens,
hundreds, thousands, and higher as the number of digits increases from
right to left. We can also say that each place increases by a power of 10. A
power of a number is the number of times the number is multiplied by itself.
In the number 1,111, for example, the place value on the far right is a unit
or ones value; the place value just to its left is 10 (1 × 10); the next one to
the left is 10 × 10, or 100; and the place value on the far left is 10 × 10 × 10,
or 1,000. The number 2,534, then, is equivalent to (2 × 1,000) + (5 × 100) +
(3 × 10) + (4 × 1).

A Adding Positive Integers

The arithmetic operation of addition is basically a means of counting quickly

and is indicated by the plus sign (+). We could place 4 apples and 5 more
apples in a row, then count them individually from 1 to 9. Addition,
however, makes it possible to count all of the apples in a single step (4 + 5 =

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Donato T. Ricafrente
We call the end result of addition the sum. The simplest sums are usually
memorized. This table shows the sums of any two numbers between zero
and nine:

To find the sum of any two numbers from 0 to 9, locate one of the numbers

in the vertical column on the left side of the table and the other number in
the horizontal row at the top. The sum is the number in the body of the
table that lies at the intersection of the column and row that have been
selected. For example, 6 + 7 = 13.

We can easily add long lists of numbers with more than one digit by

repeatedly adding one digit at a time. For example, if the numbers 27, 32,
and 49 are listed in a column so that all the units are in a line, all the tens
are in a line, and so on, finding their sum is relatively simple:

First add the units (7 + 2 + 9); they total 18. Then add the digits in the tens
place (2 + 3 + 4); they total 9, but this means 9 tens, or 90. In the last step,
add the total of the units to the total of the tens:

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Donato T. Ricafrente
We can skip the second step, adding the sum of the units to the sum of the
tens, by using a shortcut called carrying. Carry the 1 in 18, which stands
for 1 ten, over to the tens column and add it directly to the digits there:

Add the digits in the tens column, including the carried 1, and place the

sum, 10, just to left of the units sum. The result is 108. Similarly, when
adding numbers with three or more places, we can carry digits to the
hundreds place, thousands place, or beyond.

B Subtracting Positive Integers

The arithmetic operation of subtraction is the opposite of addition and is

indicated by the minus sign (-). If we take 5 apples away from 9 apples,
subtraction tells how many apples remain without our actually counting
them. The simple sums memorized for addition are used in reverse for
subtraction. For example, the result of 9 minus 5 is 4 because 4 is the
number we would have to add to 5 for a sum of 9. The end result of
subtraction is called the difference.

It is possible to subtract 23 from 66 by counting backward 23 integers from

66, one number at a time, or by taking away 23 items from a collection of 66
and counting the remainder. Either way we would reach 43. The rules of
arithmetic for subtraction, however, provide a much quicker method for
obtaining the answer. We can subtract large numbers by repeatedly
subtracting one digit at a time. First align the numbers under one another,
units under units, tens under tens, as in addition:

Subtract the units: 6 - 3 = 3. Then subtract the tens column: 6 – 2 = 4. The

results of these two single-digit subtractions, written side by side, provide
the answer:

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Donato T. Ricafrente
Subtraction is a bit more complicated if we need to subtract a larger digit
from a smaller one. For example, when subtracting 47 from 92, the units
value (7) of 47 is greater than the units value (2) of 92. We can handle this
situation using a procedure called borrowing, which is like carrying in
reverse. Ten units can be borrowed from the tens column—that is, from the
9 of 92—leaving 8 in the tens column. Bring the 10 over to the units column
and add it to the 2 already there, giving 12 in that column from which 7 can
then be subtracted:

Complete the subtraction by taking 4 away from 8 in the tens column,

which gives 4. The answer, or difference, is 45.

C Multiplying Positive Integers

Multiplication is simply repeated addition and is often indicated by the

times sign (×). The expression 3 × 4 means that 3 is to be added to itself 4
times or, similarly, that 4 is to be added to itself 3 times. In either case, the
answer is the same: 12. For example, 3 sets of 4 apples together contain a
total of 12 apples. When large numbers are involved, however, such
repeated addition is tedious. Multiplication provides a procedure for
simplifying repeated addition. Sometimes a dot or an asterisk is used
instead of a times sign to indicate the multiplication of two or more
numbers, and sometimes parentheses are used. For example, 3 × 4, 3 · 4, 3
* 4, and (3)(4) all indicate 3 times 4.

The end result of multiplication is called the product. As in addition, it is

customary to memorize the products of the integers between 0 and 9, which
are provided in the following table:

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Donato T. Ricafrente
To find the product of any two numbers from 0 to 9, locate one of the
numbers in the vertical column on the left side of the table and the other
number in the horizontal row at the top. The product is the number in the
body of the table that lies at the intersection of the column and row that
have been selected. For example, 7 × 8 = 56.

In order to multiply numbers with more than one digit, align the units, tens,
hundreds, and so on. The order in which two numbers are multiplied does
not affect their product: 3 × 4 = 12 and 4 × 3 = 12. It is generally easier,
however, to multiply two numbers if the number with the most digits is
placed on the top:

We then multiply each digit of the top number by the bottom number, in

this case, 4. Adding the results of all these multiplications together gives the
product 1,544:

Carrying tens and hundreds, as in addition, shortens this operation:

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Donato T. Ricafrente
Multiply the 6 by 4, giving 24. Write the 4 in the units place of the product
and carry the 2, which stands for 2 tens, or 20. Multiply the 8 in the tens
place by 4, giving 32, then add the carried 2, giving 34. (We actually
multiplied 80 by 4, giving 320, and carried 20, which we then added to 320.)
Write the 4 in the tens place just to the left of the 4 in the units place, and
carry the 3 (which stands for 3 hundreds), placing it over the hundreds
column. To finish, multiply the 3 in the hundreds place by 4, giving 12
(actually 1,200), and add the 3 that we carried, giving 15 (actually 1,500):

We can follow a similar procedure when both numbers to be multiplied have

more than one digit. To multiply 36 by 52, for example, begin by multiplying
the top number, 36, by the unit 2 of the bottom number:

Next multiply the 6 by 5, giving 30, and put the 0 under the number 7 in

the tens place of the partial product. This placement is chosen because the
5 in the bottom number is in the tens place and actually represents 50.
Carry the number 3 as usual. Multiply the 3 in the tens place of the top
number by 5, giving 15, and add the carried 3, giving 18 (really 5 times 30,
plus 30, for a total of 180). Now write the 8 in the hundreds place (directly to
the left of the 0 in the tens place), and carry the 1 into the thousands place.
We obtain the total product by adding the two partial products:

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Donato T. Ricafrente
For each digit in the bottom number, there will be a line for a partial
product obtained as we multiply out the units, tens, hundreds, and so on.
Place each successive partial product one digit to the left of the partial
product above it, corresponding to the position of the digit being multiplied
in the bottom number. Thus, in the above example, the partial product of 5
times 36 yields 180, and the 0 in the digits place must be written in the tens
place of the partial product. This placement results because the 5 in the
tens place is really 50 and therefore the entire partial product is really

D Dividing Positive Integers

The arithmetic operation of division is the opposite, or inverse, of

multiplication. Using the example of 12 divided by 4, we may indicate
division by the division sign (12 ÷ 4), a bar (), a slash (12/4), or the
notation . Division determines how many times one number is contained
in another number. For example, 4 is contained 3 times in 12; thus, 12
apples could be divided into 3 sets of 4 apples, so 12 divided by 4 is 3. The
number to be divided is called the dividend, the number the dividend is
divided by is called the divisor, and the end result of division is called the

Simple divisions such as 12 ÷ 4 may be carried out mentally, but more

complicated cases require a procedure known as long division. Long division
involves the repetition of simple operations. For example, to divide 4,518 by
6, consider the divisor (6) and the first digit (4) of the dividend to see
whether the divisor is contained in that first digit one or more times:

If the first digit is too small (6 is not contained in 4 even once), try to divide

the first two digits of the dividend (45) by the divisor (6) . To determine how
many 6s are contained in 45, make a guess. If we guess 8, we can check our
guess by multiplying 6 by 8, which yields 48. Since 48 is more than 45, the
guess was too big. Guessing 6 and multiplying 6 × 6 yields 36—too small.
We know it is too small because when we subtract 36 from 45 (45 – 36) we
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get 9, which indicates that 45 contains another 6. Therefore 6 will go into 45
no more than 7 times (6 × 7 = 42). Write the number 7 in the quotient over
the 5 in the dividend, 4,518, and write the 42 (the product of the divisor, 6,
and the first number of the quotient, 7) under the 45 and subtract from it,
yielding 3. What we have actually determined so far is that 4,518 contains
at least 700 6s, and that 318 is left when these are taken away. In the next
step of the division process, bring the 1 in the dividend down and write it to
the right of the 3 to give 31:

The 6 in the divisor will go into 31 no more than 5 times (6 × 5 = 30). Write

the 5 in the quotient to the right of the 6, above the 1 in the dividend. Place
the product of 5 × 6, or 30, under the 31 and subtract, yielding 1. Bring the
8 from the dividend down and write it to the right of the 1 to give 18. The 6
in the divisor will go into 18 exactly 3 times, so write the number 3 in the
quotient above the 8 in the dividend:

The answer to how many times 6 will divide 4,518 is therefore 753. We can

verify this solution by multiplying 6 × 753, which yields the dividend 4,518.

Repetitious operations such as those employed in long division are called

iterative processes and are often used in computer science (see Algorithm).

D1 Remainders

Dividends are not always evenly divisible by divisors. Had the dividend in

the last example been 4,523 rather than 4,518, the final subtraction would
not have yielded 0, but would have left a remainder of 5—too small for 6 to
go into. We can incorporate this remainder into the answer as a fraction of
the divisor, in this case 6, leaving a fractional remainder of :

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Donato T. Ricafrente
D2 Multidigit Divisors

We can also use long division if a divisor has more than one digit. The

method is similar to the shorter method described above. For example, if we
divide 3,626 by 25,

25 will not go into 3 at all, and will go into 36 only once; therefore, we place

a 1 over the 6 in 36. Multiply the 25 by 1, write the product (25) under the
36, and subtract from it, yielding 11. Then bring the 2 down to give 112:

Because 25 will go into 112 at most 4 times (4 x 25 = 100), write a 4 next to

the 1 in the quotient, over the 2 in the dividend. Multiply the divisor by 4,
write the product (100) under the 112, and subtract from it, leaving 12.
Bring the 6 down for a total of 126. Because 25 will go into 126 five times,
with a remainder of 1, the answer is


We can most easily visualize negative numbers by considering the familiar

numbers of arithmetic, the positive integers, arranged in a line and
increasing in a positive direction. Negative numbers are reached by
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proceeding away from 0 in the opposite direction. The following number line
represents both positive and negative numbers:

To subtract 4 from 2, count backward four units from 2 to reach the

difference: -2. (If no sign appears before a number, we assume the number
is positive.)

To handle arithmetic operations involving negative numbers, it is necessary

to understand the concept of absolute value. A number’s absolute value is
its magnitude regardless of its sign. Thus, the absolute value of +5 is 5, and
the absolute value of -5 is also 5. In symbolic notation, the absolute value of
any number a is written as |a|. The absolute value of 7, for example, is
written |7| and is equal to 7, while the absolute value of -9 is written |-9|
and is equal to 9.

A Adding Negative Integers

By referring once again to the number line, which includes both positive and

negative numbers, we can see that the sum of any two negative numbers is
negative and equals the total of the absolute values of the two numbers, but

If, however, the signs of the two numbers are opposite, then we must

proceed more cautiously.

To add -4 and 2, for example, begin at -4 and add 2 by moving 2 units

forward, in the positive direction to the right. The result is -2. The answer is
the difference between the absolute values of the two numbers, with the
result taking the sign of the larger number. The answer to this problem
must be negative because in terms of absolute value, |-4| > |2|. (The
symbol > means “greater than.”) We obtain the answer, however, by
calculating the difference between the absolute values 4 and 2. Similarly, to
add -3 and 7, begin at -3 and move 7 units forward, reaching 4. Two rules
simplify this process:

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Donato T. Ricafrente
Rule 1: To add two numbers with the same sign, add the absolute values of
the two numbers, then give the answer the sign of the numbers in question:

Rule 2: To add two numbers with different signs, determine their absolute

values and subtract the smaller number from the larger. Give the result the
sign of the number with the larger absolute value:

B Subtracting Negative Integers

The subtraction of negative numbers is easy to visualize on the number line.

Subtracting one number from another involves moving along the number
line in the opposite direction from addition. To subtract 5 from 7, for
example, begin at 7 and move in the negative direction 5 units, reaching 2
as the answer. Similarly, to subtract -2 from 5, start at 5 but reverse
direction and move 2 units in the positive direction to 7. Subtracting -2
basically means adding 2, or more generally, subtracting a negative number
is the same thing as adding the absolute value of the number. We can
therefore change two negative (or minus) signs in a row into a single positive
(or plus) sign. For example:

We can change a negative and a positive sign together into a negative sign:

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C Multiplying Negative Integers

Determining the sign of a product is straightforward. To multiply two

numbers with the same sign, multiply their absolute values and give the
resulting product a positive sign:

To multiply two numbers with different signs, multiply their absolute values

and give the resulting product a negative sign:

D Dividing Negative Integers

Division is the inverse of multiplication; therefore, dividing positive or

negative numbers involves rules similar to those for multiplication. To divide
two numbers with the same sign, divide their absolute values and give the
resulting quotient a positive sign:

To divide two numbers with different signs, divide their absolute values and

give the resulting quotient a negative sign:

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Self-Check 3.1-1

Problem Solving
Instruction: Solve the given problems.
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1. 122 + -345 =
2. 112 - -87 =
3. -65 x -6 =
4. -5 x 6 =
5. 750 ÷ -25 =

Answer Key 3.1-1

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1. 122 + -345 = -223
2. 112 - -87 = 199
3. -65 x -6 = 390
4. -5 x 6 = -30
5. 750 ÷ -25 = -30

Information sheet 3.1-2

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Objective: After reading the information sheet, the trainee should be able
1. Define decimal.
2. Perform rules in computing problems in decimal.

 number in decimal system: a number expressed in a counting system
that uses units of 10, especially a decimal fraction

A Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Decimals allow us to add and subtract numbers that include fractions just

as we add and subtract integers. But we must be careful to always align the
decimal point so that tens are under tens, units under units, tenths under
tenths, and so on, ensuring that each value is being added to or subtracted
from a similar value at every step. For example, to add 365.289 and 32.4,
align the decimals and then add the numbers beginning at the right and
moving to the left:

Extra zeros to the right of a number do not change the number. Filling in

the number of places with zeroes can help ensure that the same number of
places exists to the right of the decimal point for all numbers being added or

The decimal point in the sum falls directly beneath the decimal points in the

numbers being added.

Subtraction with decimals proceeds in much the same way as addition: We

can use zeros to ensure that the numbers’ place values line up, then
subtract the numbers as usual.

B Multiplying Decimals

Multiplying decimals is similar to multiplying integers, except that the

position of the decimal point must be kept in mind. First, multiply decimal
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numbers as if they were integers, without considering the decimal points.
Then place the decimal point at the appropriate position in the product so
that the number of decimal places is the same as the total number of
decimal places in the numbers being multiplied. For example, in multiplying
0.3 by 0.5

the 15 in the product is the direct value of 3 times 5. We place the decimal

point differently than we do in addition and subtraction. Since the factors,
0.3 and 0.5, each have one decimal place, the product must have two
decimal places. Thus, 0.15 is the product.

Another example will serve to clarify this concept. Multiply 0.2 by 0.3. The

product of 2 and 3 is 6, but since 0.2 and 0.3 each have one decimal place,
the product must have a total of two decimal places. We can fulfill this
requirement by placing the decimal point two places to the left of the 6 in
the product, then adding a zero to fill the tenths place: 0.06.

More complicated problems are solved similarly:

Because the top number has three decimal places and the bottom number

has two, the product must have a total of five decimal places. Count five
places to the left starting with the digit farthest to the right (the 8 of the final
product), adding a zero if necessary. The answer is 0.03108.

One final example will also illustrate the importance of counting the proper

number of decimal places in determining products of decimal numbers.
Multiply .001 and .002. The multiplication of the digits is simple: the answer
is 2. However, each number has three decimal places, giving a total of six
places that must be preserved in the product. Insert five zeroes to fill the
places between the 2 and the decimal point. The answer is 0.000002.

C Dividing Decimals

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Like multiplication, the division of decimal numbers follows the same
procedures used to divide integers, except that we must take care to
determine the proper placement of decimal points in quotients. Dividing a
decimal number by a whole number is straightforward: Place the decimal
point in the quotient directly above the decimal point in the dividend and
ignore it during the rest of the process of division:

In cases where the divisor is a decimal number, convert the problem to one

in which the divisor is an integer; division may then proceed as in the above
example. To divide 14 by 0.7, for example, convert the divisor to an integer
by multiplying it by 10: (0.7)(10) = 7. Then multiply the dividend by an equal
amount. We can understand this procedure more easily by considering the
division rewritten as a fraction. Multiplying both numerator and
denominator by the same amount will not change the value of the fraction:

Similarly, the division of 2.675 by 0.23 can be considered in the form

2.675/0.23. We can convert this fraction to a division involving an integer
divisor, namely 23, if we multiply both numerator and denominator by 100:

We can convert any division problem involving a decimal divisor into a

problem with an integer divisor simply by moving the decimal point in the
divisor as many places to the right as is necessary to make it an integer.
Then move the decimal point in the dividend an equal number of places to
the right, and add zeros if necessary. For example, to divide 21.5 by .002,
move the decimal point in the divisor three places to the right, giving the
integer 2. Move the decimal point in the dividend three places to the right as

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Carry out the division as usual, placing the decimal point in the quotient
directly over the new decimal point in the dividend. The quotient in this case
is 10750:

Self-Check 3.1-2

Problem Solving:
Instruction: Solve the given problems below:

1. 143.76 + 238.001 =
2. 237.98 – 76.985 =
3. 4.001 x 3.01 =
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4. 44.08 / 4 =
5. 5 .0 + 23.78 =

Answer Key 3.1-2

1. 143.76 + 238.001 = 381.761

2. 237.98 – 76.985 = 160.995
3. 4.001 x 3.01 = 12.04301
4. 44.08 / 4 = 11.02
5. 5 .0 + 23.78 = 28.78

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Information Sheet 3.1-3

Objectives: After reading the information sheet, the trainee should be able
1. Define fractions.
2. Apply rules in computing problems in fractions.

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 number that is not whole number: a number that is not a whole
number, e.g. 1/2 simple fraction or 0.5 decimal fraction, formed by
dividing one quantity into another
 part: a part or element of a larger whole or group


Numbers that represent parts of a whole are called fractions or rational

numbers. Simple fractions are familiar: a dime is  of a dollar;  of a pie
plus  of a pie is  of a pie; and so on. In general, we can express fractions
as the quotient of two integers aandb:

The top number in a fraction is called the numerator and the bottom

number is called the denominator. Two types of fractions exist: proper and
improper. A proper fraction is one in which the numerator is smaller than
the denominator; , -, and  are all proper fractions. An improper fraction
is one in which the numerator is larger than the denominator; , -, and 
are improper fractions. We can convert improper fractions to mixed fractions
or whole numbers (for example,  = 1, - = -2, and  = 2) by dividing the
numerator by the denominator and expressing any remainder as a fraction
of the denominator.

A fraction is said to be reduced to lowest terms if neither the numerator nor

the denominator has a factor in common. A factor is a number by which
another number can be divided evenly. For example,  is not reduced to
lowest terms because both 6 and 8 have 2 as a factor:

Since a number divided by itself is always equal to 1, = 1. Multiplying any

number by 1 does not change the number, so ×  = . Reduced to lowest

terms, then,  is .

A Adding and Subtracting Fractions

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To add or subtract fractions that have the same denominators, add or
subtract the numerators according to the rules for integers, and express the
result as a fraction of the denominator. The result is normally reduced to
lowest terms. For example,

Only fractions with equal denominators may be added or subtracted as they

stand. If the denominators of fractions to be added are unequal, we must
find a common denominator. In the expression  + , for example, the
denominators 3 and 4 are different. One quick way to obtain a common
denominator for two fractions is to multiply their denominators. In this case
that multiplication gives us 12. Thus, to add  and , we should change the
fractions into their equivalents with 12 as a common denominator. To do so,
multiply both the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the
denominator of the other fraction:

Multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the same number does

not change the overall value of a fraction. Now we can add

Subtracting fractions requires the same procedure:

B Multiplying Fractions

Multiplying two fractions,  and , is straightforward. Simply multiply

numerators together and multiply denominators together:

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For example, 

The answer has been reduced to its lowest term, in this case .

The rules for multiplying signed (positive or negative) fractions are the same

as those for multiplying signed integers. The same is true for the rules
governing addition, subtraction, and division of signed fractions:

C Dividing Fractions

The division of fractions is most easily understood in terms of reciprocals.

Every number (except 0) has a reciprocal, or another number such that the
product of the number and its reciprocal equals one. The reciprocal of 3, for
example, is . Zero (0) has no reciprocal, because no number can be
multiplied by it to equal 1. Any number multiplied by zero equals zero.

To divide  by , multiply  by the reciprocal of :

Division is equivalent to multiplying by the reciprocal—that is,  ÷  is the

same as  × because both the numerator and the denominator can be

multiplied by the same nonzero number without affecting the overall value
of the fraction. Multiply both numerator and denominator in the graphic
above by :

This division is equivalent to multiplying the first number, , by the

reciprocal of the second number—by . The reciprocal of a fraction is simply

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the fraction flipped upside down. Here is an example that uses actual

Dividing a whole number by a fraction works the same way:

Self-Check 3.1-3

Solving Problem
Instruction: Solve the given problem below.

1. (2/4) ÷ ( 2/4) =
2. (3/5) x (1/2) =
3. (4/3) + (5/4) =
4. (6/4) + (6/4) =
5. (4/8) + (8/12) =

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Answer Key 3.1-3

1. (2/4) ÷ ( 2/4) = ½
2. (3/5) x (1/2) = 3/10
3. (4/3) + (5/4) = 23/12
4. (6/4) + (6/4) = 3
5. (4/8) + (8/12) = 5/3 or 1 2/3

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Information sheet 3.1-4

Objective: After reading the information sheet, the trainee should be able to
perform rules in solving problems on percentage.

How to Calculate percentage?

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The simplest way to calculate percentage is to divide amount by the total
amount and then multiplying the answer by 100 to get the percentage of the
given amount with respect the total amount.

The equation can be put as follows:

(given amount/ total amount) x100

For example if John score 60 out of 75 in STVEP we can find the percentage
of his marks by dividing 60 by 75 which come to be 0.8 and then
multiplying it by 100 which gives as the percentage of his marks in STVEP
which is 80%. (60/75) x 100 = 80%

When there are a number of given amounts (variables) and we have to find
their individual percentage then we have to add the given amounts to
determine the total amount after which by the above mentioned procedure
we can easily find the individual percentage by dividing each given amount
by the total amount and then multiplying it by 100.

Percentage questions are often worded in different ways like how much is x
% of y (80% of 75). Using the above example we can find the answer by
multiplying 75 by 80 and then dividing the amount by 100 to find the
answer which is 60. To calculate percentage increase or decrease between
two numbers just subtract the smaller number from the greater and then
divide the answer by the original one and then multiply it by 100 to
determine the percentage increase or decrease. For example, to calculate the
percentage increase from 20 to 30 we subtract 20 from 30 and then, divide
the number obtained which is 10 by the original number which is 20 and
then multiply the obtained number which is 0.5 by 100 to get the
percentage increase which is 50%.

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Self-check 3.1-4

LIT Agricultural Crops Production class of 10 students took the 30 items

test on knowledge skills on NC2 certification. Each of them gained different
scores in the test. Compute the percentage result of each score listed below.

1. Juan – 15 _________%

2. Pedro – 18 _________%

3. Mark – 12 ________%
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4. Jude – 25 ________%

5. Jack – 28 _________%

Answer Key 3.1-4

1. Juan – 15 50 %

2. Pedro – 1860%

3. Mark – 12 40 %

4. Jude – 2583%

5. Jack – 28 93%

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Information sheet 3.1-5
Ratio and Proportions

Objectives: After reading the information sheet, the trainee should be able
1. Define ratio and proportions.
2. Perform rules in computing problems in ratio and proportions.


A ratio is a comparison of two numbers. We generally separate the two

numbers in the:

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Ratio with a colon ( : ). Suppose we want to write the ratio of 8 and 12.

We can write this as 8:12 or as a fraction 8/12, and we say the ratio is eight
to twelve


Fred has 10 pcs of E-7018, 20 pieces of E-6013, and 5 pieces of E-


1) What is the ratio of E-7018 to E-6013 and E-6013 to E-6011?

In determining the ratio< it is equal to 10/20 or ½ and 20/5 or 4.


A proportion is an equation with a ratio on each side. It is the statement

that two ratios are equal.

3/4 = 6/8 is an example of a proportion.

When one of the four numbers in a proportion is unknown, cross products

may be used to find the unknown number. This could solve the proportion.
Question marks or letters are frequently used in place of the unknown


Solve for n: ½ = n/4.

Using cross products we see that 2 x n =1 x 4 = 4, so 2 x n = 4. Dividing

both sides by 2, n = 4 ÷ 2 so that n = 2.

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Self-Check 3.1-5
Solving Problem

Instruction: Write the ratio and proportion of the following numbers given
1. ¾ __________

2. 5 and 10 __________

3. 6 notebooks to 3 apples ___________

4. 6 and 10, 3 and 9 ___________

5. 20 and 30 ___________

6. 10/50 ___________

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7. ratio of 8 and 12 ____________

8. ½, 5/8

9. Write the ratio of ½ is equal to 3/4 ___________

10. 2 to 3 and 5 to 6 are proportion _________.

Answer Key 3.1-5

1. 3:4

2. 5:10

3. 6:3

4. 6:10

5. 20:30

6. 10:50

7. 8:12
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8. 1:2 = 5:8

9. 1:2 = 3:4

10. 2:3 = 5:6

Information sheet 3.1-6

Mathematical Properties

Objective: after reading the information sheet, the trainee should be

able to discuss mathematical properties.

Basic Number Properties: Associative,

     Commutative, and Distributive

There are three basic properties of numbers, and your textbook will
probably have just a little section on these properties, somewhere near the
beginning of the course, and then you'll probably never see them again
(until the beginning of the next course). My impression is that covering these
properties is a holdover from the "New Math" fiasco of the 1960s. While the
topic will start to become relevant in matrix algebra and calculus (and

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become amazingly important in advanced math, a couple years after
calculus), they really don't matter a whole lot now.

Why not? Because every math system you've ever worked with has obeyed
these properties! You have never dealt with a system where a×b did not in
fact equal b×a, for instance, or where (a×b)×c did not equal a×(b×c). Which is
why the properties probably seem somewhat pointless to you.Don't worry
about their "relevance" for now; just make sure you can keep the properties
straight so you can pass the next test. The lesson below explains how I kept
track of the properties.

Distributive Property

The Distributive Property is easy to remember, if you recall that

"multiplication distributes over addition". Formally, they write this property
as "a(b + c) = ab + ac". In numbers, this means, that 2(3 + 4) = 2×3 + 2×4.
Any time they refer in a problem to using the Distributive Property, they
want you to take something through the parentheses (or factor something
out); any time a computation depends on multiplying through a parentheses
(or factoring something out), they want you to say that the computation used
the Distributive Property.

 Why is the following true? 2(x + y) = 2x + 2y

Since they distributed through the parentheses, this is true by the

Distributive Property.

 Use the Distributive Property to rearrange: 4x – 8

The Distributive Property either takes something through a

parentheses or else factors something out. Since there aren't any
parentheses to go into, you must need to factor out of. Then the
answer is "By the Distributive Property, 4x – 8 = 4(x – 2)"

"But wait!" you say. "The Distributive Property says multiplication

distributes over addition, not subtraction!  What gives?" You make a good
point. This is one of those times when it's best to be flexible. You can either
view the contents of the parentheses as the subtraction of a positive number
("x – 2") or else as the addition of a negative number ("x + (–2)"). In the latter
case, it's easy to see that the Distributive Property applies, because you're
still adding; you're just adding a negative.

The other two properties come in two versions each: one for addition and the
other for multiplication. (Note that the Distributive Property refers to both
addition and multiplication, too, but to both within just one rule.)
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Associative Property

The word "associative" comes from "associate" or "group";the Associative

Property is the rule that refers to grouping. For addition, the rule is "a + (b +
c) = (a + b) + c"; in numbers, this means
2 + (3 + 4) = (2 + 3) + 4. For multiplication, the rule is "a(bc) = (ab)c"; in
numbers, this means 2(3×4) = (2×3)4. Any time they refer to the Associative
Property, they want you to regroup things; any time a computation depends
on things being regrouped, they want you to say that the computation uses
the Associative Property.   Copyright © Elizabeth Stapel 2000-2011 All
Rights Reserved

 Rearrange, using the Associative Property: 2(3x)

They want you to regroup things, not simplify things. In other words,
they do not want you to say "6x". They want to see the following
regrouping: (2×3)x

 Simplify 2(3x), and justify your steps.

In this case, they do want you to simplify, but you have to tell why it's
okay to do... just exactly what you've always done. Here's how this

original (given)
by the Associative
6x simplification (2×3 = 6)

 Why is it true that 2(3x) = (2×3)x?

Since all they did was regroup things, this is true by the Associative

Commutative Property

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The word "commutative" comes from "commute" or "move around", so the
Commutative Property is the one that refers to moving stuff around. For
addition, the rule is "a + b = b + a"; in numbers, this means 2 + 3 = 3 + 2.
For multiplication, the rule is "ab=ba"; in numbers, this means 2×3 = 3×2.
Any time they refer to the Commutative Property, they want you to move
stuff around; any time a computation depends on moving stuff around, they
want you to say that the computation uses the Commutative Property.

 Use the Commutative Property to restate "3×4×x" in at least two


They want you to move stuff around, not simplify. In other words, the
answer is not "12x"; the answer is any two of the following:

4 × 3 × x, 4 × x × 3, 3 × x × 4, x × 3 × 4, and x × 4 × 3

 Why is it true that 3(4x) = (4x)(3)?

Since all they did was move stuff around (they didn't regroup), this is
true by the Commutative Property.

Worked examples

 Simplify 3a – 5b + 7a. Justify your steps.

I'm going to do the exact same algebra I've always done, but now I
have to give the name of the property that says its okay for me to take
each step. The answer looks like this:

original (given)
3a – 5b + 7a
3a + 7a – 5b Commutative Property
(3a + 7a) – 5b Associative Property
a(3 + 7) – 5b Distributive Property
simplification (3 + 7 =
a(10) – 5b
10a – 5b Commutative Property

The only fiddly part was moving the "– 5b" from the middle of the expression
(in the first line of the table above) to the end of the expression (in the
second line). If you need help keeping your negatives straight, convert the "–
5b" to "+ (–5b)". Just don't lose that minus sign!

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 Simplify 23 + 5x + 7y – x – y – 27.   Justify your steps.

23 + 5x + 7y – x – y – 27 original (given) statement

23 – 27 + 5x – x + 7y – y Commutative Property
(23 – 27) + (5x – x) + (7y
Associative Property
– y)
simplification (23 – 27 = –
(–4) + (5x – x) + (7y – y)
(–4) + x(5 – 1) + y(7 – 1) Distributive Property
–4 + x(4) + y(6) simplification
–4 + 4x + 6y Commutative Property

 Simplify 3(x + 2) – 4x.   Justify your steps.


original (given)
3(x + 2) – 4x
3x + 3×2 –
Distributive Property
3x + 6 – 4x simplification (3×2 = 6)
3x – 4x + 6 Commutative Property
(3x – 4x) + 6 Associative Property
x(3 – 4) + 6 Distributive Property
simplification (3 – 4 = –
x(–1) + 6
-–x + 6 Commutative Property

 Why is it true that 3(4 + x) = 3(x + 4)?

All they did was move stuff around: Commutative Property

 Why is 3(4x) = (3×4)x?

All they did was regroup: Associative Property

 Why is 12 – 3x = 3(4 – x)?

They factored: Distributive Property

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Other Number Properties: Identities,
     Inverses, Symmetry, etc. (page 2 of 2)

If your textbook gets really ornate, you may have to delve into some of the
more esoteric properties of numbers. For this, you need to know that "the
identity" is whatever doesn't change your number at all, and "the inverse" is
whatever turns your number into the identity.

For addition, "the identity" is zero, because adding zero to anything doesn't
change anything. The "inverse" is the additive inverse: it's the same number,
but with the opposite sign. For instance, suppose your number is –6, and
you're adding. The identity is zero, and the inverse is 6, because –6 + 6 = 0.

For multiplication, "the identity" is one, because multiplying by one doesn't

change anything. The "inverse" is the multiplicative inverse: the same
number, but on the opposite side of the fraction line. For instance, suppose
your number is –6, and you're multiplying. The identity is one, and the
inverse is
/6, because (–6)(–1/6 ) = 1.

You also know (if you've done any equation solving) that you can do
anything you want to an equation, as long as you do the same thing to both
sides. This is the "property of equality".

The basic fact that you need for solving many equations, especially
quadratics, is that, if p×q = 0, then must have either p = 0 or else q = 0. The
only way you can multiply two things and end up with zero is if one (or both)
of those two things was zero to start with. This is the "zero-product

And there are some properties that you use to solve word problems,
especially where substitution is required. Anything equals itself: this is the
"reflexive" (reflecting onto itself) property. Also, it doesn't matter which order
the equality is in; if x = y, then y = x: this is the "symmetric" (they match)
property. You can "cut out the middleman", so to speak; if x = y and y = z,
then you can say that x = z: this is the "transitive" (moving across)
property. Two numbers are either equal to each other or unequal; this is the
"trichotomy" law (so called because there are three cases for two given
numbers, a<b, a = b,
or a>b). And you can plug in for variables, so if x = 3, then 4x = 12, because
4x = 4(3): this is the "substitution" property.

Here are some examples. Note: textbooks vary somewhat in the names they
give these properties; you'll need to refer to the examples in your book to
know the exact format you should use.
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Determine which property was used.

 1×7 = 7

They multiplied, and they didn't change anything: the multiplicative


 –7y = –7y

This is obvious: anything equals itself. They used the reflexive


 If 10 = y, then y = 10.

When solving an equation, I might rearrange things so I end up with

the variable on the left. But I only switched sides; I didn't actually
change anything: the symmetric property.

 x+0=x

They added, and they didn't change anything: the additive identity.

 If 2(a + b) = 3c, and a + b = 9, then 2(9) = 3c.

You might be torn here between the transitive property and the
substitution property. If you look closely, what they did was substitute
"9" for "a + b", so they used the substitution property.

 2 = x, so 2 + 5 = x + 5

They did the backwards of solving an equation, but the point is that
they were working with an equation. They changed the equation by
adding equal things to both sides:  the additive property of
equality.  Copyright © Elizabeth Stapel 2000-2011 All Rights

 If x + 2 = 10, then x + 2 + (–2) equals what, and why?

They solved the equation by getting rid of the 2 from both sides. Since
they added the same thing to both sides, they got x = 8 by the
additive property of equality.

 (x – 3)(x + 4) = 0, so x = 3 or x = –4.

They set the quadratic equal to zero, factored, and then solved each
factor: the zero-product property.

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 4x = 8, so x = 2

They solved the equation by dividing both sides by 4, or, which is the
same thing, multiplying both sides by ( 1/4 ).  In other words, they
changed the equation by doing the same multiplying to both sides:
the multiplicative property of equality.

 If x is not equal to y and not less than y, what must be true of x,

and why?

By the trichotomy law, there are only three possible relationships

between x and y, and they've eliminated two of them. Then x>y, by
the trichotomy law.

 x + (–x) = 0

They added, and they ended up with zero: the additive inverse.

 ( 3/3 )( 2/5 ) + ( 5/5 )( 4/3 ) =  6/15 +  20


They converted to a common denominator by multiplying both

fractions by a useful form of 1; remember that3/3 and5/5 are just 1! So
they used the multiplicative identity.

 If 5x = 0, what is x, and why?

You can do this in either of two ways: multiply both sides by1/5(the
multiplicative property of equality) and then getx = 0, or you could
say that, since 5 doesn't equal zero, then x must equal zero (by the
zero-product property).

 ( 2/3 )( 3/2 ) = 1

They multiplied, and they ended up with one: the multiplicative


 If 3x + 2 = y and y = 8, then 3x + 2 = 8.

You might be torn here between the transitive property and the
substitution property. What they did here was "cut out the
middleman" by removing the "y" in the middle, so they used the
transitive property.

 If –x = 14, what does x equal, and why?

To solve this, you would multiply both sides by a negative one, to

cancel off the minus sign. So:
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x = –14, by the multiplicative property of equality.

 If x = 3 andy = –4, then what does xy equal, and why?

By substitution (plugging in for the variables), you get (3)(–4). In other


xy = –12, by the substitution property.

 Can x<x? Why or why not?

By the reflexive property, x = x. By the trichotomy law, if a = b then a

cannot be less than b. So the answer is "no, by the reflexive
property and the trichotomy law".

Self-Check 3.1-6
Instruction: Enumerate the following below.

1. .Basic Number Properties:

2. Other Number Properties:

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Answer Key 3.1-6

1. Basic Number Properties:

 Associative,
  Commutative, and
 Distributive
2. Other Number Properties:
 Identities
 Inverses,
 Symmetry,

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Information sheet 3.1-7
Systems of Measurements

Objective: After reading the information sheet, the trainee should be able to
give Systems of Measurement.



39.37 inches

1. meter =  3.28083 feet

1.09361 yards

0.3048 meter = 1 foot

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1 centimeter = 0.3937 inch

2.54 centimeter = 1 inch

1 millimeter = 0.03937 inch

25.4 millimeter = 1 inch

1 kilometer = 1093.61 yards or .62137 mile




1/16 0.0625 1.588

3/16 0.1875 4.762

1/4 0.2500 6.350

5/16 0.1325 7.938

3/8 0.3750 9.525

7/16 0.4375 11.112

1/2 0.5000 12.700

9/16 0.5625 14.288

5/8 0.6250 15.875

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11/16 0.6875 17.462

3/4 0.7500 19.050

13/16 0.8125 20.638

7/8 0.8750 22.225

15/16 0.9375 23..812

1 1.0000 25.400

Self-Check 3.1-7
Instruction: Complete the table below.




1/16 1.588

3/16 0.1875

0.2500 6.350

5/16 7.938

3/8 0.3750

7/16 11.112

0.5000 12.700

9/16 14.288

5/8 15.875

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0.6875 17.462

3/4 19.050

13/16 20.638

0.8750 22.225

15/16 23..812

1 25.400

Answer Key 3.1-7


1/16 0.0625 1.588

3/16 0.1875 4.762

1/4 0.2500 6.350

5/16 0.1325 7.938

3/8 0.3750 9.525

7/16 0.4375 11.112

1/2 0.5000 12.700

9/16 0.5625 14.288

5/8 0.6250 15.875

11/16 0.6875 17.462

3/4 0.7500 19.050

13/16 0.8125 20.638

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7/8 0.8750 22.225

15/16 0.9375 23..812

1 1.0000 25.400

LEARNING OUTCOME # 2 Identify Basic Methods of Calculations

CONTENTS:  Computing for Perimeter, Circumference,

area, Volume, and Weight
 Conversion of Decimal—fraction—
 Conversion of English System— Metric

 Calculations to be made are identified

according to job requirements.
 Correct method of calculation identified.
CRITERIA  System and units of measurement to be
followed are ascertained.
 Calculation needed to complete work tasks are
performed using the basic process of addition,
division, multiplication and subtraction.
 Calculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed
when are used to complete the instructions.
 Number computed in self-checked and
completed alignment.

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 Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008
Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

CONDITION Student/ trainee must be provided with the following:

 Relevant tools and equipment for basic


 Recommended Data


 Interview

 Written examination

Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome No. 2 Perform Basic Workplace


Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read Information sheet 3.2-1 Use Information sheet 3.2-1 on

on Computing for Perimeter, Computing for Perimeter,
Circumference, area, Volume, Circumference, area, Volume, and
and Weight Weight

Answer Self-Check 3.2-1 Check your answers using Answer

Key 3.2-1

Read Information sheet 3.2-2 Use Information sheet 3.2-2 on

on Conversion of Decimal— Conversion of Decimal—fraction—
fraction— Percentage

Answer Self-Check 3.2-2 Check your answers using Answer

Key 3.2-2

Read Information sheet 3.2-3 Use Information sheet 3.2-3 on

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on Conversion of English Conversion of English System—
System— Metric System Metric System

Answer Self-Check 3.2-3 Check your answers using Answer

Key 3.2-3

Information Sheet 3.2-1

Computing for Perimeter, Circumference, Area, Volume, and Weight

Objective: After reading the information sheet, the trainee should be able to
compute for perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and eight

Formulas of finding solid figures and plane figures

- Triangle – sum of angle measures

A+B+C = 180 degrees, where A,B and C are the angles of a


- Perimeter of a square

P = 4s, where s is the length of one side of the square

- Area of square

A = s2, where s is the length of one side of the square

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- Area of rectangle

A = lw, where l is the length and w is the width

- Area of parallelogram

A = bh, where b is the length of the base and h is the height of



- Area of trapezoid

A = ½ h (b1 + b2), where h is the height of the trapezoid and

b1 and b2 are the length of the bases

- Area of regular polygon

A = ½ ap, where a the apothem and p is perimeter of the


- Regular Polygon- sum of angle measures

S = 180 (n – 2), where n is the number of the polygon sides

- Circumference of a circle

C = 2r, where r the radius of a circle

- Area of circle

A = r2 where r is the radius of a circle

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Perimeter - is the measure of the sides of the polygon

1. Perimeter of a Triangle


Perimeter of a Triangle with sides


a=8 cm c=12 cm

P = a+b+c

b=15 cm

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Thus, P=8+15+12

=35 cm

2. Perimeter of a Rectangle

1.5 m.

2.5 m.

A rectangular base plate has a width 1.5 m and a length of 2.5 m .

How many meters of cut plate should be purchase?

Thus, P = 2(2.5) + (2) (1.5) Remember;

Perimeter of a rectangle with


= 5+ 3 L and width W

= 8 m Plate

P = 2l + 2w

3. Perimeter of a Square

A Metal is a square. One side is 45.5 cm. What is the perimeter

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of the square?

45.5 cm.

A square has four equal sides. Perimeter can be found simply by

multiplying one side by 4.

P = 4S

Thus,P = 4(45.5) = 182 cm., so that

4. Area of Square

Remember all sides of square are equal.If one side of a square

is 5.5 meters,then the area of a square is;

A = 5.5 x 5.5 Remember:

= (5.5)² Area of square = S²

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= 30.25 m²

5. Area of Parallelogram



In the height is the length of an

altitude. This is the segment
perpendicular to the bases. Two
altitudes are drawn to the bases
and AD in ABCD. These
altitude AE and FC are equal.

A base plate in the form of a parallelogram. If its base is

2.5 meters and its height is 3 meters. How many square

meters is the plate?

Since area of a rectangle is length times width (A=L x W)

and the length and width of the rectangle corresponds respectively

to the base and altitude of the parallelogram.


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A = 2.5 x 3

= 7.5 m² area of the plate


Area of Parallelogram
A =bxh

5. Area of a Trapezoid


Trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of

parallel sides.


Two parallel side of the quadrilateral are the bases and the two non-

parallel side are the legs. The two angles that included the base

are called base angles. Every trapezoid has two pairs of base angle.

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Find the area of a trapezoid whose altitude is 8cm. and

whose bases are 10 cm and 6 cm

The figure PQTS with corresponding measures. The altitude

is 8 cm and the bases are 10 cm and 5 cm.

Area of a Trapezoid
A= ½ h (b1 + b2)
A = ½ (8) (10+5)

= 4(10+5)

= 4(15)

= 60 m² area of the

1. Area of the Triangle

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Figure ABCD is a rectangle; diagonal is drawn on the rectangle

that divides it into two congruent triangles. Hence, these two

triangles have equal areas and the area of its triangle is one

half that of rectangle.

The sides of a roof trusses are triangular in shape. If each

side has a base which measures 6 meters and an altitude

which measures 3.2 meters. What is the area?

A = ½ (6 x 3.2)

= ½ (91.2)

= 9.6 m² the area of each triangular roof


7. Area of a Rectangle

A glass top of an office table has a length of 105 cm and a

width of 61 cm. What is its surface area?

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Area of the Rectangle


61 cm

105 cm.

A = 105 x 61

= 6. 405 cm ²

8. Area of Circle

Find an approximation for the area of the circle with 6 cm diameter.

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Height = r

Base =  r

Figure formed resembles a parallelogram. The base is

approximately equal to the half of the circumference of the circular


Area of the 16 pcs is equal = Area of the parallelogram.


= r x r

= r²

Thus, r² is approximately equal to the area of a circle with

a radius (r)


A =r²

= (3)²

= 9  cm² or 28.27 cm²

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10. Circumference of a Circle

C = d or C = 2r

Self-Check 3.2-1
Solving Problem
Direction: Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.

A. Identify the following given formula

1. A= bh

2. C=2r

3. A= ½ ap

4. P= a+b+c

5. P= 2l+2w

B. Solve the following problem.

1. Find the perimeter of a triangular plate whose side A is 20 cm, side


is 15 cm and side C is 25 cm.

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2. Find the area of a cut square plate with side measure of 30 cm.

3. Find the area of a circle whose measure is 0.5 meter in diameter.

Answer Key 3.2-1

A. Identify the following given formula.

1. Area of parallelogram

2. Circumference of a circle

3. Area of regular polygon

4. Perimeter of triangle

5. Perimeter of rectangle

B. Solving problem

1. 60 centimeters
2. 900 square meters
3. 1.5 meters
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Information sheet 3.2-2
Conversion of Decimal—fraction—

Objective: After reading the information sheet, the trainee should be able to
convert Decimal—fraction—percentage.

Conversion of Decimal—Fraction—Percentage

Conversion of fraction to decimal:


1. 1/16 0.0625

2. 5/10 .05

3. 1 2/10 1.2

o Solution:
Nominator 16 is directly divided to its denominator 1 to get the
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1 ÷ 16 = 0.0625
Or you may use the solution below:
o Solution:
 First,simplify the fraction by dividing 5/10 with its Least
Common Denominator (5/5) to get 1/2 .
10 5 2
 Nominator (1) is divided to its denominator 2 to get .05.
1 ÷ 2 = .05
o Explanation:
The idea of place values can be extended to accommodate
fractions. Instead of writing 1 2/10 (one and two-tenths), we can
use a decimal point (.) to represent the same fraction as 1.2.
(More details will be discussed on converting decimal fraction

Conversion decimal to fraction:

1. 8.632 8 632/1000 or 8 79/125
2 0.05 5/10 or ½

1. Just as places to the left of the decimal represent units, tens,

hundreds, and so on, those to the right of the decimal represent
places for tenths (1/10), hundredths (1/100), thousandths ( ),
and so forth. In a decimal number such as 8.632 the numbers to the
right of the decimal point represent

This number is read “eight and six hundred thirty-two thousandths”

or “eight point six three two.”

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2. Zeroes are often added to the left of the decimal point when a number
is less than one. For example, we can write 1/2 as either .5 or 0.5.

How to Calculate percentage?

The simplest way to calculate percentage is to divide amount by the total

amount and then multiplying the answer by 100 to get the percentage of the
given amount with respect the total amount.

The equation can be put as follows:

(given amount/ total amount) x100

For example if John score 60 out of 75 in STVEP we can find the percentage
of his marks by dividing 60 by 75 which come to be 0.8 and then
multiplying it by 100 which gives as the percentage of his marks in STVEP
which is 80%. (60/75) x 100 = 80%

When there are a number of given amounts (variables) and we have to find
their individual percentage then we have to add the given amounts to
determine the total amount after which by the above mentioned procedure
we can easily find the individual percentage by dividing each given amount
by the total amount and then multiplying it by 100.

Percentage questions are often worded in different ways like how much is x
% of y (80% of 75). Using the above example we can find the answer by
multiplying 75 by 80 and then dividing the amount by 100 to find the
answer which is 60. To calculate percentage increase or decrease between
two numbers just subtract the smaller number from the greater and then
divide the answer by the original one and then multiply it by 100 to
determine the percentage increase or decrease. For example, to calculate the
percentage increase from 20 to 30 we subtract 20 from 30 and then, divide
the number obtained which is 10 by the original number which is 20 and

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then multiply the obtained number which is 0.5 by 100 to get the
percentage increase which is 50%.

Self-Check 3.2-2
Problem Solving
Instruction: Complete the table below.

Conversion of Fraction—Decimal—Percentage

Fraction Decimal Percentage

3/16 0.1875 19


0.1325 31

3/8 38

7/16 0.4375
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Answer Key 3.2-2

Fraction Decimal Percentage

3/16 0.1875 19

1/4 0.2500 25

5/16 0.1325 31

3/8 0.3750 38

7/16 0.4375 44

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Qualification Title Horticulture NC II

Unit of Competency Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation

Module Title Performing Estimation and Basic Calculation

Ways in which
evidence will be
collected (tick the box)
Oral interview

Written Exam


The evidence must show that the candidate…

Perform estimation* x

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Donato T. Ricafrente
Performed basic workplace calculation* x

Applied corrective measures as maybe necessary* x

Identified Calculations to be made according to x

job requirements
IdentifiedCorrect method of calculation. x

Ascertained System and units of measurement x

Performedcalculation needed to complete work
tasks are using the basic process of addition, x
division, multiplication and subtraction.
Usedcalculate whole fraction, percentage and x
mixed when to complete the instructions.
ComputedNumber in self-checked and completed x
NOTE: *Critical aspects of competency
Written Test

A. Decimals

1. 143.76 + 238.001 = 381.761

2. 237.98 – 76.985 = 160.995
3. 4.001 x 3.01 = 12.04301
4. 44.08 / 4 = 11.02
5. 5 .0 + 23.78 = 28.78

B. Fractions

1. (2/4) ÷ ( 2/4) = ½
2. (3/5) x (1/2) = 3/10
3. (4/3) + (5/4) = 23/12
4. (6/4) + (6/4) = 3
5. (4/8) + (8/12) = 5/3 or 1 2/3

C. Percentage

LIT Horticulture class of 10 students took the 30 items test on

knowledge skills on NC2 certification. Each of them gained different
scores in the test. Compute the percentage result of each score listed
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1. Juan – 15 _________%
2. Pedro – 18 _________%
3. Mark – 12 ________%
4. Jude – 25 ________%
5. Jack – 28 _________%

D. Ration and Proportion

Solving Problem

Instruction: Write the ratio and proportion of the following numbers

given below.
1. ¾ __________
2. 5 and 10 __________
3. 6 notebooks to 3 apples ___________
4. 6 and 10, 3 and 9 ___________
5. 20 and 30 ___________
6. 10/50 ___________
7. ratio of 8 and 12 ____________
8. ½, 5/8
9. Write the ratio of ½ is equal to 3/4 ___________
10. 2 to 3 and 5 to 6 are proportion _________.
E. Perimeter and Area

1. Find the perimeter of a triangular plate whose side A is 20 cm, side B is


cm and side C is 25 cm.

2. Find the area of a cut square plate with side measure of 30 cm.

3. Find the area of a circle whose measure is 0.5 meter in diameter.

II. Enumeration

Instruction: Enumerate the following below.

1. .Basic Number Properties:

2. Other Number Properties:

3. Basic Fundamental Operations

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III. Identification/ Completion




1/16 0.0625 1.588

3/16 0.1875 4.762

1/4 0.2500 6.350

5/16 0.1325 7.938

3/8 0.3750 9.525

B. Identify the following given formula

1. A= bh

2. C=2r

3. A= ½ ap

4. P= a+b+c

5. P= 2l+2w

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Answer Key:

A. Decimals

1. 143.76 + 238.001 = 381.761

2. 237.98 – 76.985 = 160.995
3. 4.001 x 3.01 = 12.04301
4. 44.08 / 4 = 11.02
5. 5 .0 + 23.78 = 28.78

B. Fractions

1. (2/4) ÷ ( 2/4) = ½
2. (3/5) x (1/2) = 3/10
3. (4/3) + (5/4) = 23/12
4. (6/4) + (6/4) = 3
5. (4/8) + (8/12) = 5/3 or 1 2/3

C. Percentage
1. Juan – 15 50 %
2. Pedro – 18 60%
3. Mark – 12 40 %
4. Jude – 25 83%
5. Jack – 28 93%

D. Ratio and Proportion

1. 3:4

Agricultural Crops Production NC I Date Developed: August 2019 Page 83 of

Perform Estimation and Basic 85
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente
2. 5:10

3. 6:3

4. 6:10

5. 20:30

6. 10:50

7. 8:12

8. 1:2 = 5:8

9. 1:2 = 3:4

10. 2:3 = 5:6

E. Perimeter

1. E. 60 centimeters
2. 900 square meters
3. 1.5 meters

II. Enumeration

1. Basic Number Properties:

 Associative,

  Commutative, and

 Distributive

2. Other Number Properties:

 Identities

 Inverses,

 Symmetry,

3. Basic Fundamental Operations

 Addition
 Subtraction
 Multiplication
Agricultural Crops Production NC I Date Developed: August 2019 Page 84 of
Perform Estimation and Basic 85
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente
 Division

III. Identification/ Completion




1/16 0.0625 1.588

3/16 0.1875 4.762

1/4 0.2500 6.350

5/16 0.1325 7.938

3/8 0.3750 9.525

B. Computing for Perimeter, Circumference, Area, Volume, and Weight

1. Area of parallelogram

2. Circumference of a circle

3. Area of regular polygon

4. Perimeter of triangle

5. Perimeter of rectangle

Agricultural Crops Production NC I Date Developed: August 2019 Page 85 of

Perform Estimation and Basic 85
Calculation Developed By:
Donato T. Ricafrente

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