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Review of program

The software program is suitable for the original requirements and purpose because It
converts pounds to different currency using conversion rates the program works perfectly
and accurately converts each of the currencies.

Currency Converter program

Peer Feedback form for Bradley Emmens

Feedback Possible Improvements

Very basic and easy to use software, it Make sure that currency converter can convert
works as it is intended. Not many issues realistic amounts. You know what people are like
that I have seen. and want to find a way to break things. If you can
convert text (a string) into money (an integer) that
can and will break your software. You can fix this if
you want to it’s not a requirement.

Add a help menu so people know how to use your


Add a way to change what currency you start from.

If the software was developed further, I would improve by connecting the program to a
database. I responded to the feedback by a making a text box appear whenever a letter is
used which says that only numbers can be used and added a textbox on the design to help
people use the program.
The original design for the currency converter looked like this it has radio buttons a textbox
to insert the amount of money being converted and some labels to highlight what they do

The new design has the same radio buttons, and the labels specify what they are doing,
there is a button to convert the input amount to the chosen currency (output) there is a
second textbox where the label used to be shows the output amount when the convert
button is pressed, I added an information textbox to tell the user how to use the program.
Public Class Form1
Dim amount As Single

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

If Not IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) Then

MessageBox.Show("must be a number!")
End If
If RadioButton1.Checked Then amount = TextBox1.Text * 1.78
If RadioButton2.Checked Then amount = TextBox1.Text * 1.19
If RadioButton3.Checked Then amount = TextBox1.Text * 1.22
If RadioButton4.Checked Then amount = TextBox1.Text * 19.97
If RadioButton5.Checked Then amount = TextBox1.Text * 1.27
'when you click a radio button it multiplies what ever is in textbox1 by the
convertion rate
TextBox2.Text = amount
'when the convert button is clicked it shows the amount in textbox2

End Sub
End Class
The code is well written, does what its supposed to do and can be easily understood by
looking at it. The only improvement that can be made to the code is the name of the text box
and radio buttons can be changed to make them more meaningful.

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