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Betel is a native Indonesian plant that grows vines or leans on the trunk of another tree. Betel is known
in each language with a distinctive name, namely: suro, sireh, bido, base, and amo. As a culture, the
leaves and fruit are usually chewed with gambier, areca nut, tobacco and lime.

Betel comes from the Sabah region of Sarawak, and has long spread to Southeast Asia, China, India, East
Africa, and even to the islands of the Western Pacific. The Piperaceae family is estimated to have
variations of up to 1,000 – 2,000 species. On the island of Java alone there are 23 species.

Betel leaf is very easy to find around us. Although most betel leaves are green, there are also betel
leaves that are reddish, yellowish, or even gray in color.

The benefits of betel leaf are used for generations for traditional medicine such as cough treatment,
toothache, refreshment and so on. The parts of the betel plant such as roots, seeds and leaves have the
potential for treatment, but the leaves most often used for treatment are the leaves. This traditional use
is due to the presence of a number of chemical substances or natural materials that have activity as
antimicrobial compounds. The active components of betel nut are found in essential oils and their
content is influenced by age and type of leaf. According to Jenn and Chou (1997) betel leaf contains
eugenol and hydroxyfanol which have antimicrobial activity. Meanwhile, according to Duke (2002) in
betel leaf found the presence of chemicals that have antibacterial activity, namely: kavikol, kariofilen,
and ascorbic acid.

The benefits of betel leaf for beauty, namely betel leaf is believed to be able to fade black spots. This is
due to the presence of compounds from betel leaf that can even out skin color. Another benefit of betel
leaf is that it can prevent the appearance of blackheads. If you have blackheads, you can try this

Betel is spread throughout Indonesia, often found in yards. The preferred growing place is at an altitude
of 200-1000 m above sea level which has 2250-4750 mm of rainfall per year. Betel plants like places that
get full sun. Betel can grow on various types of soil with a medium structure.

2. Pounded to take the liquid, some people knead or pound the betel leaf until smooth and a paste is
formed with a little liquid. This paste will be applied to the bruise or cut and left for a few minutes. Betel
leaf can help relieve pain from traumatic wounds.

3. Soak, mash or knead the betel leaf and put it in boiled water. Soak overnight. In the morning, strain
and drink the water. Betel leaf soaking water can be used to treat constipation as well as intestinal
4. Boiled, Boil two cups of clean water, enter the betel leaf, cardamom, cloves and cinnamon. Let it boil
until the water remains about one cup. Drink this liquid twice a day to relieve coughs and various other
respiratory disorders. To clean the feminine area, you can boil 10 pieces of betel leaf that have been
washed clean. After boiling, cool, use the water to wash your feminine area.

While the processing of betel leaves for beauty is how to boil betel leaves and let the boiled water betel
leaves for one day. Then use it to wash your face in the morning. The compounds contained in betel
leaf, such as anti-inflammatory and antibiotics, can also dry out wounds caused by pimples that are
squeezed carelessly, scratched and so on.

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