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This picture was taken in kitchen (probably school canteen or regular kitchen). It can be divided into
two parts: First, there are some ingredients mostly vegetables. We can see carrots, cucumber,
tomatoes, and different kinds of paprika, broccoli. Then there are several bowls in one is probably
rice, in second chopped carrot, in third one sliced meat. In second part upper in this picture there are
two people. Judging by their hands there is a man on the left and women on the right. The man is
wearing wrist clock, white T-shirt and blue jeans. The woman is wearing white T-shirt with long
sleeves and white jeans. She also has her nails painted white. They are both chopping potatoes
probably (we cannot see it clearly). Maybe they are preparing some kind of meal but i don’t know
whenever its lunch or dinner. We can also see part of laptop on the right part of picture so probably
they are cooking and following some recipe on internet. Its very popular mostly for younger people
to cook using recipes from internet because there are many of recipes on internet and you can cook
almost everything and you will find it here. In my opinion, they are young couple and they might
preparing dinner together. I think they are going to cook something healthy because they are using
many vegetables as we can see. It might be something like vegetable salad or maybe vegetable soup,
but they probably have just started cooking.


This picture is very strange for me. What strikes me about this picture is that we can see overweight
woman eating very large burger or sandwich. The woman has got short straight brown hair and she is
wearing light-blue T-shirt. Beyond doubt eating like this is unusual. We can see that she is overweight
so she is probably eating too much or doesn’t exercise at all. This lifestyle isn’t healthy and it might
cost her several health problems or diseases. Burgers belongs into group of food we are used to call
junk food or fast-food. This type of food is unhealthy but very popular in the present. It’s mostly
because it is fast prepared, large portion, tasty and cheap. I like fast food too, but i think it’s not good
to eat it all the time.


This picture was taken somewhere outside (probably in park) because there are trees in background
and green grass. We can see four people in this picture: woman, men and two kids, i think they are
family. They are having a picnic, which is popular in Amerika, great Britain. I don’t have picnic with
my family often but we tried it twice or three times. They are eating sandwiches and drinking juice or
lemonade. They are sitting on blanked. Next to the man there is a picnic basket in which they usually
having meals. On the blanket is put pitcher with lemonade, plate with grapes and other stuff but
a cant say what that is properly. We can see they have great weather it looks like it is sunny and hot,
because they are wearing T-shirts with short sleeves and shorts. Judging by their face expression,
they are really happy and they are having good family time. Now i wish to have picnic with my family


This picture was taken in workplace or men’s home. On table/desk there is a computer, keyboard,
papers, books, glasses, part of a plant. Then there is a man sitting on the chair. The man is wearing
white T-shirt, and red flannel shirt. He is eating and looking at computer. So he is probably at work
and he has a break for lunch or dinner, or maybe he´s eating while working. In my opinion this isn’t
good thing to do because he can focus on one thing at the time and not both, and also its not good to
eat while work because the body wont sense he is eating a so he will be hungry again in short
amount of time. It’s good to have break, a psycho-hygiene for out body. He might get a headache if
he will constantly work and won’t have some rest.

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