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J U N E 13, 1041 M O N R O E ( L A.


M uch Social Interest Fraternity Meetings

Centers In Marriage Provide Gala Affairs
Rabbi Hirsch Perform s Rites In Home Of Bride's Dances Every N ight Last W e e k And Numerous Other
Parents On Hudson Lane Parties Entertain Monro«.' Younger, Set

Of paramount social import and of sincere interest to There wai a sound of revelry ’>y week when
a host of friends throughout this section of the South was a dance every night claimed member young« r s e t
the wedding, yesterday of Miss Maud S. Gill, daughter of, enmasse. W it 1 two national fraternit; ions in town
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Lawrence Gill of this city, and Lieutenant * and the hosts i gallant company of yo m em b i u s o f
Hugh William McClary, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. McClary the local chapters of Phi Kappa and i a Ph Omega, there
of Fremont, Neb. <►“ -| was scarcely a breathing spell betwt lance
The m a r r i a g e , characterized 1" -Ajth fresh gardenias. The bride and Music drifted down
lovely simplicity ; >ok place at th” , . , , of the Virginia hotel ’
home of the brides parent., on Hud- r,lt <he ^fore boi re d
I of the Phi Kappa mer i ti
son lane at fi p. m. u ith Rabbi F. K. Parting on their honeymoon. Tlie.v will : •-ponsors held away an w he
Hirseh of Temple B Nai ! -rarl, of- go direct to Fort Benning, Ga . v\here i race of the Frances hot uni t lub
ficiating with dignity and impressive thev will at the United Sta*es i ; Phi Omega members e a ith
Solemnity. , ,, ihree oances.
_ , army post. Lieutenant McClary io - I ted ft
The lower floor of me G ill home , , , From the very mon
ensuite w u id o r p s l with paper white CC1Ved h”s arpomtment In the regular I'h e visiung fraternity
gladioli against a bnckgorund of wo.'d- ;,rmv following graduation from the sponsors were caught
wardia fern and southern »mile*. An state university. He was c«ptam of of social activity. A M Mene.'«»
improvised altai in one end of the Scahbai i and Blade, honoraty m ili­ ie fc re i !exited:
i day on the terrace < Fi
living room was flanker! with tall, 1hotel was the signal f at. ion P: es s. B A Ki
classic shaped urns overflowing with tary fraternity, was cadet colonel of and reminiscences. A tea e on «¡dent i epe Mr J. C.
Marconi daisies, white gardenias, and the infantry regiment, and was a the terrace, on the opening d f the hoff; î , Mrs.
white gladioli. member of the Pershing Rifles, In his.
S. P, O. convention, brought Tur K;
senior year, he was presented with
A pre-nuptial concert was rendered tite Kemper L. W iliams' saber. of the locai sororities tog. for
hv Mrs. Dean Selig \iolinLst and her The bride attended the Louisiana the purpose of being formally intro­
son. a , D . n belie nian'^t \ duced to the visitors.
W om en's Labe! League
State university and wa.- a member
medley of <'»ssical numbers ue,f’ of the Sigma Delta Pan social sorority, i One of the highlights of the three- Holds Business M eeting
jendcied. day'.«, social program was the op^n-
Other organizations of which the bride Momb
The bride's on! attend -:.t, her w;.s a member ate IV lta Gamma Doha house in the Mirror room of the f the Women's Inter-
aister-in-litv Mrs Sidney GUI. wore into•••<.-».!its. Mu Sigma Rho. honorary ■ Ur n Label league. No. 570,
Frances hotel on Saturday afternoon
a camellia pink sem -sport model with scholastic group. Phi K <ppa Phi, na- met TI sday night for their regular
It wa- quite informal v th eve ■ no
saddle brown accès ories. and i cor- •.onal honorai y fraternity, a; , t Kappa busme: meeting A t this time three
gathering in conversational groups,
sage of pu: i le oi ; new m bers Mrs. Walter Cash. Mrs.
Delta Phi, national edu ation fraternitv. making plans to me*‘t auair next year
Rov C i and Mrs S. F Mequet,
Lieutenant M< Clarv w «-• attended by She won the award . vrn to th- for the national conventior w herever
were initiated.
Lieutenant L. Casu:-> outstanding enior in the Teachers' it might be
Mrs W L A ibffe, secretary of the
The bride, given in o arriage bv b^r college in 1 59. The following year, Such a galaxy of love lj girls
Miss G ill at inded the university as never before been seen in th B igalusa Label league, was the prin­
father, wore a stunning w ne crepe
ta ¡leur v. ,‘h all ac < > : of whit» u graduate • ident whne -be was COFFEE HOUR IN L I E B R E I C H HOME They were all in summery atti cipal speaker on this occasion.
and elbow length wh ?e k ! jves A chosen Little Colonel of the infantrv flowers tucked in their hair <r under M i? J. C Hamilton, league presi­
irmart little hat with Imuld length legiment an 1 w was also selevt'*d as one Miss Maud Gill, left, wb'i'C marriage yesterday to Lieutenant Hugh William McClary was a promi- their chin. They took turns pr ’siding dent, was showered with lovely gifts
of the h. iiitie V. ! nent social over the huge, hollow blocks of ice from the members in appreciation of
veil, a I I a . . .ge •-f w ' » tit, is seen with hostesses who entertained in ker honor during the c o ffe e hour last
was worn. She <arned an ivo o for th, it •cat bom which fiu it juices were served the wi :k done during the past year.
ts atten dir.g th*
Wednesday F h o v are Mrs, Hyman Liebreich to the left and Mrs. Louis Goldman to the right. Mrs.
prayer book, and, f >t • : *irn. throughout the receiving hour; Several games and contests were m-
m ns%wor** hfT grandmother R B Gill and Kuim, who assisted in the court« nei seated. In addition to the regular con troduced for diversion during the
engagement ring. Miss D -nii Mernph is. Tenn ; program there were garden parti evening and prizes were won by Mrs.
M ls He 1er uiyhoff of Ov. : - nounced by Lohengrin's ‘ Wedding Queen Anne's lace formed a semi­ a miniature bride intermission parties in several homes, Pansy Williams. Mrs. Roy Cash and
Immediately following the t eremony. ton. Tex
Mis W L G ill M iss Doris Sm ith And ad bride-
and a barbecue at Bernstein park Mrs. Amy Newburn.
an informal reception held The of Dam dl; Mr. M irch played 1. M .s B il'ie Ta\lor circle. groom beneath an arch ci ered with
id N Leste H t- where all formality was i ushed mto A delicious supper course was
bride's mot he . Extend courtesies Re its H atmar Mis. Jahr Fred 0 Eldred M arried t the piano The bride wore a lovely The h;;<ie. given in marr ->ge by her weddmg bell. Pmk radi; >S€5
wore a pale pink chiffc odel, with Taylo D Bau| man. Mis Of affection, ra \ ;• blue sheci redmgote ensemble brother Arthur Bell Patrick, J r . wore decorated the lace-draped dining table, ' he background .Member of Delta served to the following members and
* corsage of orchids with white accessories She carried a a smart tan and ivory ensemble, with from which iced punch and cakes bigma fraternity the gen 1 hosts visitors: Mrs. Jesse Howington, Mrs.
*ieternity were th
Fa> e Mrs. O. ar Baugh' friends wa.i tht e. Jun
m .di ivorv-ti'und Bible. w o r e served. (n 'bis occasion. Ruth Wood. Mrs. Roy Cash, Mrs. S.
The bride's table in th Ellen B thman o Muss Dor us Sir, ung ■ -!. shoulder corsage of pink gladioli
An informal reception was held 4 4 4 E. Mequet Mrs. Walter Cash, Mrs. E.
developed ext uvei y in Farm. F J W illey oi >f Mr. .md M E Sn Miss Kate Hamlev, the bride's onU M r an i Mis. Bonnet w ill mnke : D Ory Mrs J C. Clark, Mrs. C. O.
ver rece: Mcr -• Dorot r Ha thcoj Farmerville, ..i Fred O. Eie of following the ceremony. The bride attendant, wore a rcdingote model of them home in Lake Providence, where Ju n io r K nitters Club • Do\ ;e. Miss Betty J o Clark, Mrs. D.
wing with leniaa pi: of Or lidgc. IV md 1rs. J. V Naples. Fla. an Oakiir e. La , •> om cut the beautifully» tan and white georgette, and shoulder the groom ha.- farming interests and — L. Frost, Mr.« Ralph White, Mrs T.
McCc and M nd Mrs w c was solemnize, First Bapti embosTd, t!iree-t;cred wedding cake corsage of white carnations. the b;ide is secretary of the East Organized In M onroe Schutte. Mrs. Dora Hamilton, Mrs.
The e : n g cake .lord, i Mer Ro md Mr A C church in Fain icntcimg the lace-covered tabic
beanti The groom had as his best man. Carroll department of public welfare ^ group of civic minded \ oung Amy Newburn. Mrs. Theima O ’Brien.
er. ucle ’ G ill o lor, R c\. VV M. off I M;.-.- Marv Elizabeth Folk presided Harry Deal of Lake Providence and -** ■'* women met in the home of Mr G. B Mrs Minnie Thompson, Miss Cather-
THE Tall baskets < over the silver coffee urns i lac^d at Lafayette. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Holden have re­ Watkins Wednesday morning for the •e Trams, Mrs. Pansy Williams, Mr*.
p a l a c i
and r hasta da on< end of the refreshment table. Immediately following the cc:e- turned from a motor trip to Denver purpose of organizing a club to assist May Robbins, Mrs. Fay Drag, Mrs.
taninge poinlx Mrs. Bynum isa graduate of Lou- mooy. m informal reception w as J?eld. w here Mr. Holden attended the I A. in the national defense prt ’ram. The Martin Travis and Mrs. W. L. Mc-

of wood wardia f e -r.a To h. »rd Mi Bv uii.u was The bride’* i„k e was surmounted P E S. convention. name of this organization is the Junior * Auliffe
with seven-brai graduated from Centenary college
mg tali, white Shreveport. t h r P ALACE
The usher« v. ere: e . J r 4 4 4
Oakdale. Glen l Vor
WH I L E THE SI N S H I N E S Last Play Of Y e a r Given


Max Dollar - f P .

Lee Albritto-i of F..
F L Eldn the md
B v C h ild ren ’s T heater
The Children s theater established
6 P O R T S\\ E A R Mrs Va va W ig *1 I i ! t - past ear under the .direction of
Ti u ly ” ard ‘ C e M ■' Mi . nd M . Lorenzo South now oc­
rv.nied by M .e Sm cupies a special ruche in the civic

Wedding M Loher
nounced tie
l.fe of tin- city. This t'•■'eater, open E N T I R E ST OCK F I N E SI LK H O S E
fo; membership ?■> children of th ’ Miss Suza n n e E ach u s
party, end at

Tw.n Cit;cs. is filling a constantly

.'lonv Men iel
tendered Dur;
Co; ) le Smith
g owing imed foi constructive work
f: adolescents. LUX
nuptial . irs. The final play of t e season took H osie ry expert in
this summer. Yellow, The bride’s < I 'ace last week, when Mr. and Mrs.
sist-r. Mr a. C!e Sn.ith pr; .-entcd a group of talenteti , B E G IN N IN G M O N D A Y our entire stock of N A T IO N A L L Y A D V E R T IS E D brands of Ho si e ry De partment
s, tan . . . solid colors and fine silk hose E X C L U S IV E AT T H E P A L A C E have been specially priced for this
ciuldrei» in The Stolen Prince” an 1 All This Week
Long an i abort sleeves, H.lga and the White Peacock.'’ The i week only. Now is the time to stock up on hose for all summer wear . . . a* a
reheaisal hall c f the Little Theater G R E A T SA V IN G A ll newest summer shades.
.h • > hi v w ith tut ks, white carnations -md tube rc
The bri !c. entering on tire and studios of the Children's Work-
md not cirv b. i and pockets. • her* father, was lovely in a be -hop t ie,.'« i were tran'formed into a
ensemble of poudre blue triph
with accessories if
small, model theater.
"The Stolen Prince,” a Chinese fan-
and other i>\ v as of pmk n>M ta-y. was presented by special per­ Wuh purchase of h o s e a card with vour name on it w ill hr put in box and one award
11 valley. Awaiting mission of the producer, Samuel T. will he made at end of week. You w ill be notified and pie. •nted with 6 pairs of
I bridegroom w?c FI 1 eneh It \> ■a charming little 51 00 hose free.

11 Eldred, who ,ser\ sketch, w iu'en especially for children, i
$ 0 4 5 11 Mrs. Smith, r Blossoming peach trees, sailboats, and
5 ! wore a rose t ri j
sones of white, age
Chu esc k tos w .-re fcattired in tlte
colorful properties. FREE BOX OF LUX
and blue carnat Members <f the cast, giving a splen-
' : Follow mg the dui performance, were; Ann Crandall, W IT H P U R C H A S E O F HOSE. Miss Suzanne Eachus, special Lux repre-entatne. will
the present yo i with free box of Lux and *ell you how t ■properly take care of y our fine
! tion was held tlie V.i Do Freese. Guy Jones, Sharon
silk hosiery.
PLAY SUITS I j bride’s parents B. nd tx>\ Anne . Sonny Douglas. Beatrir?
j beautiful flowers -ed to C etney. Glenn Anderson. June Barr.
rate the reccptior

din !) liv H i ;>«•• and K en ’ Anderson
Mode I'* sumniri soci-;n ket.», spun table was ce n te r c Ix: The seco’.d show ’f toe evening fol- ||
of magnolias and lowed an intermission during which
on and other fatuics, in prints, ? ; magnolia leaves. refres nrnts were served hv Mrs.
pr. and soiids. A ll have detachabl*
ak.. ts
Mr*. J G. No rrts poure
from a handsome silver serv
L F jaii E t A*fli ds served pu
M :
ill Harper and Mrs. C. K Cran-

"Hilga ene the Whhq, Peacock” w . s

i i dividual cakes ar .<J mher delectable a fantasy ti <t engaged the ¡niagina-
i tid-bits were passe d among th e guests, tion of the udience, as well as that
These ire slightly irregular and were bought especially for
this event. If perfect would sei! for $1.50. They were mad#
by nationally known manufacturers who make quality hose
for The Palace. Limit 3 pairs to customer .........................
; The wedding cake . a deliciot s three- of the play R E G U L A R 79c S IL K H O SE . . . 3 P A IR S
$095 j tiered confection, <iecorated w ith crvs- on a du’ l. 1 own room in the home
’ tallized roses and mrmounteci with ai cf th’ Tro!
The curtain opened

the place where a!i New summer shades in Palace and Phoenix hose. Two-. 3- and
( m ks'-'d weddinc bell, was placed oi beautiful flowers, birds’ plumage, and $ 2 1 9
a small table surt ounded with whit 4-thread chiffons and 7-thread service weights ......... ...............
other beautiful things ?re being wov-
| gladioli and fern, After cutting th i en bv the never-tiring hands of the
w'edding cake the bride changed to a ! Trolls and the mean old Spider 3 I’A 1RS
smt of navy blue sheer with touches Woman, with the help of a fair earth
R E G U L A R $1.00 S IL K H O SE . . .
of red and white, and the couple left giil, who is held prisoner there. She Phoenix, Archer, Van Raalte, Kayser Palace and Se-Ln ? Short,
for Oakdale, where thev attended a is finally rr-cued by her twin brother. medium and long lengths in 2, 3, 4 and 7 threads. Also Crepe- $ 2 6 9
luncheon g:\en in their honor by the During th* play, such characters a- de-Chine, ' Silk and Latex” and Gordon new pastels ...................
bridegroom'a sister. Mrs. Delia Pen; i- the Grey Gome, the Peacock, Spider
ger. After a hone.\moon >n New O r­ Woman, and the Troll.-, paraded
leans, they will be at home in Naples through three acts embracing a varied R E G U L A R $1.15 S IL K HO SE . 3 P A IR S
The bri le is a graduate of the type of amusement for the audience
FurmerviUe High school and Loui.-i Between the second and third acts
ana Tech. Mr. Eldred attended Lou­ the curtain was left open, and the
isiana Tech and is a member of Thetn
By Kayser, Van Raalte and Archer. In 1 3- and 4-thread sheer
chiffons and 7-thread sen ice weights.
Stretchy Tops ..........................................
Also Non Runs and $3 . 9
audience watched the diminutive ac-^
Kappa Nu. He is a civil entnneer in
t<>rs and actresses shift the set- and
the geophysical department of the
Humble Oil company.
R E G U L A R $1.25 S IL K H O SE . . . 2 P A IR S
The cast of “ Helga ami the White
Among the out-of-town pres­
Peacock” included; Virginia DeFreese,
ent were: Di. and Mrs. J. G. Norris The famous Van Raalte 'Flextra an extra length stocking .n
Beatrice Cretney, Sonny Douglas $ 2 2 9
SWIM .>f Leesville; Mr. and Mrs \V. H
Yawn of Abbeville; M. D Lhrhardt,
Miss Evelyn Hodge. Mrs. Walker
Glenn Anderson, Guv Jones, B illy
Harper, June Barr, and Kent Ander­
4-thread weight ........................

Glenn, Mr. and Mi's. W I) Bates son.

SUITS and Miss Allie Sw illey of Monroe;) When the final curtain rang down,
Mrs. W. H. Eldred. Mrs. Oella Pen.n- sighs of relief escaped from Mr. and
R E G U L A R $1.35 S IL K H O SE . . .
Kayser Outsize” hose in 4- and >•thread weights and Phoenix
2 P A IR S

Smartly styled, in dark col­ gcr, Mrs. W. H. Ashmore, and Mt-ss Mrs Smith, and they t immediate' / $ 2 4 9
ors and paste!-. Wool lastex j Una Eldred of Oakdale; Mrs. C. S started packing their bags for a trip 3-thread chiffons. Medium length and extra size ......................... .
and yayon lastex, in brands j Crowder of Alexandria; Mr. and Mrs to Tennessee, home of Mrs. Smith’s
that are exclusive with The Wheeler Fustier of Oakdale; Mrs. parents, and a short rest, before going
Palace. : Blanche Dollar of Bastrop; Mrs. John ; to Wisconsin to join a summer theater
! Spencer and Mrs. J. M Spencer oi group. STREET A L L N EW
Spencer; Miss Margie Smith of Lin- ; 4 ,4 4 S I MM E R
C A T A L IN A ville; and “Jigga” Haile of Haile. Bonner-Patnck Rites FLO OR SH A D ES
$2.00 up * A re Performed Ju n e 7
Bynum -Cam eron Rites
Miss Nell Catherine Patrick, daugh­
$4.95 up ’
Performed A t Ruston
C f interest to friends was the
ter of Mrs Arthur Bell Patrick, and
W illiam Frank Bonner, J r , son of /W e tecO H U tten d jpsi S tockin g
wedding of Miss Virginia Cameron, Mr and Mr; W F. Bonner, both of
daughter of Mrs Robert Bum s Cam­ L ik e Providence, were united in
eron. and Winfred Wilson Bynum, mai riage in an impressive service at
SECOND FLOOR Friday, June 6. Tlte ceremony was the home of the bride’s mother, Satur­ SPECIAL ONE
1held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. day. June 7. at 9 30 o'clock in the
j Glen Shadow, with Dr Guv M Hick.«, morning F’athei John C. Vandegaer,
pastor of Trim ly Methodist church pastor of St. Patrick’s Catholic church, HOSIERY WEEK
of Ruston, officiating. read the service.
An altar was arranged in the living Mrs. S P. Merrill was pianist for
room, which was banked with ar­ the nuptial music. The couple stood EVENT ONLY
rangements of Queen Anne’s lace beneath an ivy entwined arch, flanked
feverfew, and s p e c i m e n iceberg with Madonna, and a reproduc­
daisies, tion of the Sistine Madonna. A I R C O N D I T I O N S I) F O R Y O U R C O M F 0 R T
The entrance of the bride was an- Floor baskets of pink gladioli and;

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