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Today, with easy access to computers and the Internet, people write their diaries differently.
From handwritten entries on a piece of paper or a notebook page, diaries in contemporary times come
in the form of online journals which are called blogs. a youth per

The term "blog" was first used in the 1990s. It is a short version of "weblog," or an individualized
piece of written work found on the web. It is defined below by

1. a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations,
etc., and often having images and links to other websites.
2. a single entry or post on such a website:
She regularly contributes a blog to the magazine's website.

verb (used without object), blogged, blogging.

3. to maintain or add new entries to a blog.

verb (used with object), blogged, blogging.

4. to express or write about on a blog:
She's been blogging her illness for almost a year.

Blogs, like diary entries, are individual accounts of a writer's experiences and emotions. Thus,
the viewpoint is usually personal and subjective. However, blogs are different from the traditional
journal or diary entry in the sense that blogs are uploaded to online platforms that make it easier for
bloggers (those who write blogs) to include visual features, as well as links to other sites on the net.
Unlike diary entries, blogs are public in nature. This means that bloggers, even if they write about
personal issues, must present these issues in a way that would interest the general public. Blogs,
compared to diary entries, are more concerned with communicating a message, rather than simply
expressing or documenting an idea or emotion.

How does one create a blog? Go to and look up "How to start a blog." The site
provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a blog from coming up with a concept, starting a
blog at, launching a blog on WordPress, to promoting your blog. This lesson, however,
focuses on writing a blog entry.

? COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS (For your own understanding)

Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:

1. What is a blog?

2. How is a blog similar to a journal or diary entry?

3. How is a blog different from a journal or diary entry?

TASK 4.2.1 Features of a Blog (Not to be passed)

Name: Section:

Score: Date:

Look for a sample blog online, comment on the features of this blog. Use the following questions as your

1. What message is the blog communicating?

2. How does it communicate this message?

3. What do you think of the visual features of the blog, specifically, the images, layout, colors, graphics,


4. Does the blogger provide adequate links to other websites?

TASK 4.2.2 Writing a Blog

Name: Section:

Score: Date:

I. Pre-writing (This serves as a guide but not to be passed)

Before you write your blog, fill in the table below.

1. What is the topic of your blog?

2. Is this topic interesting to the general
3. Explain your answer.

4. What is the purpose of your blog?

5. How do you plan to organize the parts of

your blog?

6. What images or graphics do you plan to

include in your blog?

7. What links to other websites do you plan

to include in your blog?
8. How do you plan to lay out the blog?

9. What color scheme do you plan to use

for the blog?

II. Writing (DO THIS!)

Write a blog on any topic of your choice. Decide first on your purpose for creating the blog. You
may choose from any of the following reasons for blogging:

 To entertain
• To inform
 To instruct
 To persuade

The blog must be at least 500 words long and includes at least three images and three links to other

Your blog will be marked using the following rubric:

Does the blog have a theme or focus that is of
interest to the general public? Is the purpose of
the blog clear? Were you able to communicate 10 points
your message well? Did you provide convincing
support for your claims and assertions?

Have you arranged the main points of your blog
clearly and logically? Are there order and logic in 7 points
the ideas you presented in each paragraph and in
the entire blog?
Does the blog observe the conventions of
blogging? Does it take a personal and subjective
viewpoint? Does it make use of images and 5 points
graphics well? Does it provide adequate links to
related websites? Is the layout and color scheme
pleasing to the general public?
Did you observe proper use of language forms
(grammar) and mechanics (punctuation, 3 points
capitalization, etc.)?
TOTAL 25 points

If you have access to a computer and the Internet, upload your blog to a public site and monitor
the reactions you receive from the general public. However, be warned that a blog, because of its public
nature, is prone to attacks and criticisms. So, before you upload your blog, read up on tips for preventing
and/or addressing cyberbullying.


Work with a partner in evaluating the blogs that both of you have written individually. Read your
partner's blog and help him/ her revise it by answering the questions in the checklist. You may also write
your comments in the last column of the tabulated form. Instruct your partner to subject your blog to
the same process. Then, revise your respective blogs accordingly.

Blog checklist Yes No Not Comments

1. Does the blog have a clear purpose?
2. Does the blogger provide convincing
support for his/her claims?
3. Are the ideas in the blog presented in a
logical and organized manner?
4. Does the blog include images and
5. Does the blog include o relevant links?
6. Are the color scheme and layout of the
blog pleasing to you?


1. A blog is the online equivalent of a journal or diary entry.

2. Because of its public nature, a blog has more visual material and makes use of topics that are of

general interest to the public.

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