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Lemwell Garcia Bilo

BSEd Filipino 3A
Prof. SenroseSentillecesZaspa

Module 2 : 21st Century Assessment

Activity 1. Check your understanding. Read each statement carefully. Identify what
characteristic of a 21st century assessment is asked.
COMMUNICATED 1. Assessment data is clear and transparent for all stakeholders.
INTEGRATED 2. Assessments are enriched by metacognition.
RESPONSIVE 3. Based on the research presented by faculty members and after thorough
deliberation, the school administration decided to modify their programs to cater the needs of the
school community.
MULTIPLE METHODS 4. Considering the students different learning styles and using
different methods to assess their learnings.
TECHNICALLY SOUND 5. Mr. Lopez sees to it that he is using fair assessment methods.
INFORMATIVE 6. Ms. Hernandez makes sure that she explains the learning goals of their
lesson before starting her class discussion.
RESPONSIVE 7. Students keep track of their progress.
INTEGRATED 8. Teacher Ana observes her students during the discussion. Based on the
students' responses, she decided to change her activity for the class.
FLEXIBLE 9. Teacher Jane allows her students to consider their choices and represent their
knowledge in different ways.
SYSTEMATIC 10. Twenty-first century assessment is balanced and inclusive of all students,
constituents, and stakeholders.
Activity 2. Situational Analysis
A. Given the following situation, identify what student learning outcome/s must be set as
well as the assessment that will be done to ensure that the student learning outcome/s will
be met.
1. Ms. Santos is handling English class. She wants her students to have a mastery of their lesson
about greeting and self-introduction before she proceeds to her next topic. But she does not only
focus on the mastery of the concepts, she also wants to have her students develop writing,
speaking, and listening skills.
o Students learning outcome will be:
 Mission statement of the school
 Oral and written communication
 Analyzing, Synthesizing, ad Developing Creative Solutions
 Information Literacy
 Good learning outcomes prepare students for assessment and help them feel engaged in
and empowered by the assessment and evaluation process.
The teacher must introduce his/herself to the class first, Because its a way that can imitate by the
student to tell themselves to the class. A simple greeting before start of the class will create
communication between the teacher and the student. The teacher will discuss the mission
statement of the school to make the student aware of what are their roles in the school and the
goal of a certain school the learning outcome of the stduent. the teacher does not only focus on
the mastery of the concepts, she also wants to have her students develop writing, speaking, and
listening skills. So that, she will discuss about on how to be information literacy and enhance the
oral and written communication of the students.

B. Given the following situation, what necessary assessment actions must be done? Identify
the type of decision wherein the results of assessment will be used and the best assessment
that could be used as input in order to come up with the sound solution/decision/set of
2. Preparing for a parent-teacher conference wherein students’ strengths and weaknesses are
expected by the parents
Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used:
o Instructional, Placement, and Guidance Counselling.

Assessment Action:
To guarantee that the conference includes all of the important subjects that parents should
be aware of concerning their children. The instructor should provide proof of the students' work
so that they realize that whatever the instructor says is based on the students' work, and by
holding the meeting, both the teacher and the students benefit and the parents may help their
children more effectively. For example, the instructor may learn from the students' In order to
deal with the lesson, a few of them require remedial tuition. The instructor must explain to
parents and children that being in a remedial class does not entail the presence of a group.
Among students who are unable to compete with their peers. However, it simply mentions the
children who will be attending. Students in the remedial class demand more attention in order to
understand the lesson, and The instructor will say unequivocally that not all kids are capable of
achieving the same progress as others. since we all have various areas to work on and different
approaches to learning.

3. A grade-level completion that requires representative from each class.

Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used:
o Placement and Selection.

Assessment Action:
In my opinion, the ideal approach to select the kids who will represent their class is to
select the top five. Students in the class will be assessed to determine their knowledge and
decision-making ability. By doing so, I believe we will be able to select the greatest
representative equitably. Give them some. For example, grades on the four key subjects (Math,
Filipino, English, Science). whosoever is given two high-scoring students will progress to the
next evaluation, while the remaining three will be dropped from their selected class
representatives. The next exam you must give them is an Authentic Assessment style of
examination, which you can find here. then put their decision-making abilities to the test, with
the winner representing the the entire class.
Activity 3. Application Complete the web map on the 21st century assessment by filling the
main characteristics in the big squares and the sub-points in the smaller squares (You may
add smaller squares, if necessary)

Adjustment and
Students’ higherorder
accommodations are
Visible performance The feedback should be thinking skills are assessed, The interpretation of data made in the assessment
-based work suited to the outcome. including their ability to by uses is consistent. process.
analyze, synthesize, and
evaluate information, as well Designed to
as their capacity to support improvement of all
correlate concepts. levels.

Responsive Technically

Need to be adaptable to Approaches in the twenty-first Receive regular updates Clear and transparent for
student’s settings century are more adaptable. on their progress. all stakeholders.

21st Century Assessment


Goals and objectives are Students demonstrate a
clearly stated. wide range of newly
acquired information
Incorporated in Meta-cognition and skills.
day to day practice enhances assessment
Demonstrate your Includes spectrum of
knowledge and abilities strategies in the norm.
by completing a
relevant task.

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