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1. Discuss the other instructional design models and theories, give the salient points of each.

Situated Learning Theory, an unintentional and situated learning activity, context and culture.
This occurs in the context of the experience, interactions with others and having a connection to
their prior knowledge.
Anchored Instruction Model, stresses the importance of placing learning within a meaningful,
problem-solving context and serve to enhance the learning process. It also prompts learners to
retrieve their knowledge in order to solve problems related to the subject matter under study.
Cognitive Apprenticeship, a model of instruction that works to make thinking visible,
transmitting the knowledge required for expert practice where learners can see the processes of
Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, a step-by-step approach to engage learners and reinforce
knowledge this involved nine steps namely, capturing or gaining attention, informing of learners
about the objectives of learning, simulation recall of prior learning, presentation of stimulus
material, provision of learner guidance, eliciting performance, provision of feedback,
performance assessment and enhancement of retention transfer.
Robert Gagné’s Taxonomy of Learning, classified learning outcomes into five, verbal
information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills and attitudes. A conditions under
which learning takes place by referring to situations in ordinary life and in school where learning
occurs, and by referring to experimental studies in learning.
Flipped Classroom, pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group
learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed
into a dynamic, interactive learning environment.
Social Learning Theory: Albert Bandura, having the four steps are attention, retention,
reproduction, and motivation. It is also the importance of observing, modelling, and imitating
the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others and suggests that social behavior is
learned by observing and imitating the behavior of others.
Andragogy Theory of Malcolm Knowles, it emphasizes that adults are voluntary and expect to
be responsible for decision-making. A system of communication through which adult learning
can be facilitated and essentially a humanistic educational process that values the individual
Vygotsky’s Cognitive Development Theory, focused on the role of culture in the development
of higher mental functions, such as speech and reasoning in children and engaging them in
challenging and meaningful activities.
Jean Piaget and His Theory & Stages of Cognitive Development and Theory of Moral
Development, it has the four major stages of cognitive development, and these are
sensorimotor intelligence, preoperational thinking, concrete operational thinking and formal
operational thinking. Associated with an age period of childhood, but only approximately a
comprehensive theory about the nature and development of human intelligence
Stages of Moral Development by Lawrence Kohlberg, defined three levels of moral
development the pre-conventional, conventional, and post conventional. Each level has two
distinct stages. Each level is associated with increasingly complex stages of moral development
and moral understanding is linked to cognitive development.
2. Why is it essential to utilize appropriate instructional design models and theories when
developing instructional materials?
-Because through developing instructional materials it is important that this will be effective and
having an idea to improve your work and this needs a well-defined process. The information
needs to be organized in a way that helps learners understand easily and retain it for a long time
and it should also be delivered to the right people, through the right devices. It prevents you
from developing training for problems that does not require training also helps you find possible
gaps in the content so you try to fill them before starting

3. If you are to choose one design model and theory to improve, what is it, and why?

- Kemp model, because it is a continuous circle, with no specific beginning point and this is not
appropriate for those who can’t decide what to do first like allowing them to use their personal
judgment regarding where to begin the process and which steps are necessary to begin with. A time
consuming as it takes into account many components and time to plan for this model to be effective.
While on theory, it is andragogy theory- Malcolm Knowles because it is unstructured, learners can easily
be distracted by their own needs, assumptions, values, and misperceptions. Not all adults prefer the
self-directed option, and even the adults who practice self-directed learning also engage in more formal
educational experiences such as teacher-directed courses and learners come from different
backgrounds and experiences they may not share the same values or lifestyles.

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